More Insane Political 'Correctness'

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Black Orchid
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More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:12 pm

DOCTORS have been warned by NSW Health not to use words such as “obese” to describe a patient’s weight in case they get offended.

The new guidelines instruct health professionals to use “positive” language when discussing sensitive issues such as weight.
Doctors have also been told to refrain from using words such as “skinny”, “malnourished” and “morbidly obese” and instead replace them with less-judgmental phrases like “well above a healthy weight”.

The term obese is based on Body Mass Index — a physical measurement used to assess a person’s total amount of body fat. It is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of your height in metres.

NSW Health’s Centre for Population Health executive director Jo Mitchell told The Daily Telegraph that the policy has been introduced to avoid “potentially offensive or stigmatising” phrases when doctors dealing with overweight adults and children. ... 69f415ec2b

This is just setting Doctors up for being sued and killing what little we have left of a reasonable health system.

Tell a patient they are obese and need to address it for their health and longevity and get sued for offending the patient.

Don't tell a patient they are at severe risk of ill health due to being obese and they get sued again by the family after the obese person dies of a directly related illness.

Will the world ever be sane again? I am sick of people being offended over the realities of life and I am even sicker of the idiots pandering to them.

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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Dec 19, 2017 11:24 pm

Just change the terms.
Instead of "I'm afraid your BMI has increased to a number in the obese range" to
"I'm afraid your lard content has increased to a free membership level as a lefty feminist"

Or even simpler "Youve been elevated to peak hambeast, you fat fuck"
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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by Neferti » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:12 am

I've heard fat (obese) people refer to themselves as "big boned" or "large". :roll:

I am naturally a thin person, have been the same weight since I was a teenager and every so often a stranger I meet will look at me and say "Gee, you are thin" .... if I replied "gosh, you are FAT/Obese" they would throw a wobbly. :rofl

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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:59 pm

Lol big boned....

that was an advertising joke wasn't it?

Apparently BMI isn't going to be used anymore... hoorah, common sense at last. Any athlete with good muscle mass is morbidly obese according to BMI.
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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:32 pm

Rorschach wrote:Lol big boned....

that was an advertising joke wasn't it?

Apparently BMI isn't going to be used anymore... hoorah, common sense at last. Any athlete with good muscle mass is morbidly obese according to BMI.
"They" are bowing down to the "obese" and the "big boned" females, by reducing the SIZES! I am around the same weight I was as a teenager (perhaps even a few pounds LESS), so my "size" in clothing hasn't changed .... however the clothing SIZES have changed.

For example ... in around 1985 I wore a size 10 jean.
By the mid 90s I was an 8 jean.

NOW I am a 6 jean! Have I lost weight? No.

So the fat females can now say "I'm a size 10" when in fact they are the "old" size 14.

I used to fill out a size 10 T-shirt and an 8 was a little "firm" .... now a size 10 is MASSIVE ... would fit one of those "big boned" women down at the supermarket.

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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by cods » Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:23 pm

a ROSE by any other name is still a bloody


why should a doctor be afraid to speak the truth??????

would they prefer to be told they are double FAT.. :roll: :roll:

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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by cods » Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:25 pm

grossly fat or overweight.
"a hugely obese young ma

its in the freaking dictionary for petes sake.

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Re: More Insane Political 'Correctness'

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:06 am

Mens clothing have similar problems now that shirts etc are made in Asia... look at SM M L XL.... etc..... I'm guessing Asians are much smaller MEN than we are, years ago one day I was an M.... suddenly I became XL. These days a great amount of clothing is made in China etc.
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