Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:15 pm

ahhhhh your a POLL man who would have thought!

it all about whos popular... whos Mr 76% bloody hilarious.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:20 pm

cods wrote:ahhhhh your a POLL man who would have thought!

it all about whos popular... whos Mr 76% bloody hilarious.

You silly billy cods!

Nothing to do with polls, I dont even know what the polls think of those two,

I just think those two wouldnt appeal to the public as PM

Nor would the stick insect!

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:32 pm

Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:spare me the SMH please....

dutton is doing what we pay him to do..keep this c ountry safe and secure..

and not to read polls first thing to get an idea what he is has to do for this country..

we will in fact get the CFMEU running the country if shortarse gets elected....and you will be responsible

they will be untouchable run amok in fact...they are already above any laws that are made....imagine what they will be like if their leader gets elected..omg.


I personally think Dutton is a bit on the nose with the general public like bully boy Morrison!
I had great expectations for Morrison and he has failed them unfortunately. I had no such expectations of Turnbull and as for Shorten ... he is just a nightmare.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:14 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:spare me the SMH please....

dutton is doing what we pay him to do..keep this c ountry safe and secure..

and not to read polls first thing to get an idea what he is has to do for this country..

we will in fact get the CFMEU running the country if shortarse gets elected....and you will be responsible

they will be untouchable run amok in fact...they are already above any laws that are made....imagine what they will be like if their leader gets elected..omg.


I personally think Dutton is a bit on the nose with the general public like bully boy Morrison!
I had great expectations for Morrison and he has failed them unfortunately. I had no such expectations of Turnbull and as for Shorten ... he is just a nightmare.
This is just my opinion which may be totally wrong!

I think Morrison is a very hard worker and probably does a good job based on his ideology,

but he talks over the interviewers and sounds like he is talking at you not too you, in my opinion!

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:42 pm

Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:ahhhhh your a POLL man who would have thought!

it all about whos popular... whos Mr 76% bloody hilarious.

You silly billy cods!

Nothing to do with polls, I dont even know what the polls think of those two,

I just think those two wouldnt appeal to the public as PM

Nor would the stick insect!

you mentioned the word POPULAR red....I think i know who the silly one is.,.

I can handle you being a lefty problems with me

some of my best friends are lefties... :rofl

but I just wish you wouldnt act as if Labor had done everything right and the libs everything wrong...

I dont think backing your own Deputy PM is arrogant certainly no more than backing a UNION THIEF...

and when you look at all the things shortarse has been LINKED with...hes grubby hes not above dealing...he pretends loyalty all the time working behind their backs..

personally if I was about to elect that person I dont think I could ever criticise anyone from the other side again.....I would be too ashamed...

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:51 pm

Redneck wrote:
Black Orchid wrote:
Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:spare me the SMH please....

dutton is doing what we pay him to do..keep this c ountry safe and secure..

and not to read polls first thing to get an idea what he is has to do for this country..

we will in fact get the CFMEU running the country if shortarse gets elected....and you will be responsible

they will be untouchable run amok in fact...they are already above any laws that are made....imagine what they will be like if their leader gets elected..omg.


I personally think Dutton is a bit on the nose with the general public like bully boy Morrison!
I had great expectations for Morrison and he has failed them unfortunately. I had no such expectations of Turnbull and as for Shorten ... he is just a nightmare.
This is just my opinion which may be totally wrong!

I think Morrison is a very hard worker and probably does a good job based on his ideology,

but he talks over the interviewers and sounds like he is talking at you not too you, in my opinion!
I got that impression with gillard I felt she was a school teacher talking to those underlings....she thoroughly annoyed me.

Morrison was a good Immigration bloke.. he was hands on got a rotten job done...the boats stopped...

I also thought he spoke with authority..then he did his dash by stabbing Abbott......end of....

I go b y the job they do....if its right for the country... I appreciate I am a bit past the age where people vote for whats in it for them...

do I want to see boat people flooding in so someone can get a few extra votes..... no I dont...
do I want to see UNIONS driving business' off shore..... no I dont...
both are bad for this country........nothing personal about it...

do I want to see armed Soldiers in all our airports I dont...
but I realise if thats what it takes... then thats what I have to put up with......while we have people who wish to do us harm..

we cant have a bet each way in the year 2017

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:58 pm

cods wrote:
Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:

you mentioned the word POPULAR red....I think i know who the silly one is.,.

cods I cant even find me saying that using the search feature in this topic!

Can you please quote where I said that so I can see in what context I said it.....If I did at all

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:08 pm

cods wrote: I got that impression with gillard I felt she was a school teacher talking to those underlings....she thoroughly annoyed me.
She annoyed me every time she opened her mouth. That voice is cringe worthy. :shock:

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:48 pm

Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:
Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:

you mentioned the word POPULAR red....I think i know who the silly one is.,.

cods I cant even find me saying that using the search feature in this topic!

Can you please quote where I said that so I can see in what context I said it.....If I did at all

yes you are correct you just mentioned all the news outlets even the right leaning ones think he is arrogant..

which does of course lead to POLLS and Mr 76% but thats ok.....we know the left are led by the nose but only by those who think the same as they do..

but I am sure you are correct he is arrogant.. why didnt I say that in the first place...... and be done with it... for what its worth I dont give a long as he does the job he was elected to far thats very suss...imo...but the thought of shorten makes me cringe more than usual...and I dont think much of anyone who would vote to elect him to be honest.......hes a traitor to your party but you dont seem to care about that.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:50 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
cods wrote: I got that impression with gillard I felt she was a school teacher talking to those underlings....she thoroughly annoyed me.
She annoyed me every time she opened her mouth. That voice is cringe worthy. :shock:

wouldnt it be hilarious if someone did a search and discovered she had duel citiz....when she stood for parliament... :rofl

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