More LGBTIQ related crap....

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Super Nova
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Super Nova » Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:55 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:All you have to know is that if an idea is championed by the left and the ABC, then you can without question, know it is a completely fucked up idea that will turn into a massive pile of shit that will cost a fortune for individuals and society in general, just like AGW.

If your natural instinct is not to immediately reject any such proposal from the left then congratulations!
You've just decended the 'revolutionary' ladder to become the useful idiots, useful idiot.
Yes it is all lefty goody two shoes.

However a fundamental that has evolved is anti-discrimination. If that is worthwhile then it applies to all, including pooftas.

So the argument should be about the principle of anti-discrimination and that the you support laws that should discriminate base on who you like to f..k and the principle of universal human rights (all the leftie leanings).

Put your cast-iron undies on, and walk with your back to the walk because they have come out and they are here to stay and these lardy-daaaas will defend their right to be gay and have the legal status equivalent to traditional hetro-relations.

Thou protest too much me thinks.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Rorschach » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:36 pm

You discriminate every time you make a choice SN... why would anyone be anti-discrimination they'd live a stagnant life of indecision.

You sound like that idiot from the Guardian they had on the ABC yesterday.... Discrimination is EVIL... :du :du :du :du :du
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Super Nova » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:19 pm

Rorschach wrote:You discriminate every time you make a choice SN... why would anyone be anti-discrimination they'd live a stagnant life of indecision.

You sound like that idiot from the Guardian they had on the ABC yesterday.... Discrimination is EVIL... :du :du :du :du :du
No it is not, it is a natural instinct..... it is what we do.

However my point is only that if we make laws that do not allow discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, race, gender, disability ...etc... this will be one of the consequences. Our law makers need to either adjust the law on discrimination or implement them for all it is intended to protect.
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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Rorschach » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:56 pm

Good grief...
Did you miss my point.

I prefer apples to oranges.... I just made a choice.... I Discriminated.
discriminate (dĭ-skrĭmˈə-nātˌ)►

To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available.
To make sensible decisions; judge wisely.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: More LGBTIQ related crap....

Post by Super Nova » Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:50 pm

Rorschach wrote:Good grief...
Did you miss my point.

I prefer apples to oranges.... I just made a choice.... I Discriminated.
discriminate (dĭ-skrĭmˈə-nātˌ)►

To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available.
To make sensible decisions; judge wisely.
You miss my point. I agree. Discrimination is what we do, naturally since the first form of life evolved.

My point, Don't bring into law you cannot discriminate without being prepared for the consequences. PC or lefties or do gooders... don't see the negative consequences.
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