Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

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Black Orchid
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Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:42 am

A new high school curriculum will help young people realise there's no conflict between following Islam and being raised Australian, despite an atmosphere of Islamaphobia, according to young student Gaida Merei.

Ms Merei was part of the pilot program of what will eventually become a national syllabus for Islamic and Arabic studies.

She said young Muslims often find themselves questioning their identity because they don't have the answers to questions about their faith that are raised in the news.

"It could make them [young Muslims] question their belonging and negatively impact the way they view their role in society and whether their contribution has value."

She said the pilot program gave her a confidence boost.

"It meant I could embrace my identity a lot more confidently, and confirmed that just because I followed the faith, it didn't conflict with being raised Australian."

Currently, Australian Islamic schools use approved curriculum for core subjects such as maths, science and English, but there is no cohesive religious studies or Arabic program.

In an attempt to change that, leading experts in Islamic education from around the globe are meeting in South Australia to look at creating a standardised national Islamic studies curriculum that would become the first in the western world.

The two-day conference brings together international experts from New Zealand, Indonesia, North America amongst others to discuss a renewed approach to teaching in Islamic schools.

For the last couple of years several Islamic schools have been in the spotlight for governance concerns.

Centre for Islamic Thought and Education, Professor Mohamad Abdalla, said these issues shed light on the need for Islamic schools to re-evaluate future direction.

As part of the conference agenda academics and policy specialist will look at creating a learning program relevant to a modern-day Australian context.

The course explored often misunderstood topics of sharia, women in Islam, terrorism and identity.

Ms Merei said she missed out on learning about these subjects at the Islamic school she attended and now understands the value of learning about them from a credible source.

"They can properly engage in debate and discussion with people who have different understandings and perspectives.

"They'll be less frustrated when questioned on these topics because they can actually respond."

She said in today's world self-proclaimed scholars are brainwashing young people who have little understanding of their faith.

Ms Merei said having a basic understanding of these topics would empower them to see through their politically motivated propaganda.

Professor Abdalla said an Australian curriculum was expected to be ready in the next two to three years. ... fmredir=sm

A really good step in the right direction if it is a national curriculum for Islamic schools. I have my concerns that Islamic studies may be pushed nationally into our public school curriculum though.

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:34 pm

Of course the most obvious, and left expensive option, would be to start with not allowing hate preachers access to Australia.

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jul 12, 2017 3:17 pm

Black Orchid wrote: I have my concerns that Islamic studies may be pushed nationally into our public school curriculum though.
There is no mention of bringing into the public school, although for public schools in an area with a high muslim concentration, it may be a good idea to offer it as an elective.

Do the trials, run it through Islamic schools, and if it works only then introduce it into the public system. The majority of kids electing to do it would be muslim anyway.

anything that helps muslim kids to assimilate and not feel apart from society has got to be a good thing. There is a big problem now with kids feeling ostracised. Thats why these kids are drawn to the radicals in the first place. Reduce that and there is less chance they'll be drawn to extremism.

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:37 pm

J o h n S m i t h wrote:There is no mention of bringing into the public school, although for public schools in an area with a high muslim concentration, it may be a good idea to offer it as an elective.
Of course it will end up in public schools, it will be one of the core policies of the Marxist lefty scumfucks along with gender studies, penis tucking and breast binding. You'll be one of the first to say it's a great move when the ALP makes classes compulsory for all non-Muslims because "Islamophobia" is rising. :roll:

Muslims won't care because they get their indoctrination and religious instruction from Muslim schools, mosques and home. They will champion it as the useful idiots being useful and idiots because it spreads Islam, but you won't see many Muslims actually attending kuffir run studies.
At the same time the same Marxist lefty useful idiots will do everything possible to strike out any mention of Christianity, Jesus or God in their testicle challenged socialist institutions they swarm to as soon as they find out taxpayers money is on tap.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:46 pm

as usual, lots of blah blah by IQ, but very little said.

Lets make it simple, why don't I ask a few questions and see if you can provide a straight answer, without frothing at the mouth. The first one-
What problem do you have with the proposal?

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:56 pm

J o h n S m i t h wrote:as usual, lots of blah blah by IQ, but very little said.

Lets make it simple, why don't I ask a few questions and see if you can provide a straight answer, without frothing at the mouth. The first one-
What problem do you have with the proposal?
So you have no problem with the reintroduction of Christianity religious studies and all students including Muslims forced to attend Christianity classes.

Goodo... :thumb
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:24 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:as usual, lots of blah blah by IQ, but very little said.

Lets make it simple, why don't I ask a few questions and see if you can provide a straight answer, without frothing at the mouth. The first one-
What problem do you have with the proposal?
So you have no problem with the reintroduction of Christianity religious studies and all students including Muslims forced to attend Christianity classes.

Goodo... :thumb
why don't you answer the question, ohh, and before you do, the question is about the proposal outlined in the OP, not the imaginary one in your head.

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:49 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:as usual, lots of blah blah by IQ, but very little said.

Lets make it simple, why don't I ask a few questions and see if you can provide a straight answer, without frothing at the mouth. The first one-
What problem do you have with the proposal?
So you have no problem with the reintroduction of Christianity religious studies and all students including Muslims forced to attend Christianity classes.

Goodo... :thumb
All religion should be kept out of public schools is my answer, but you are obviously for having religion taught in public schools.
You should annouce your new found tolerance for teaching Jesus in public schools and argue for compulsory school chaplains at your next greens/union blowbang. :thumb
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:01 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
All religion should be kept out of public schools is my answer, but you are obviously for having religion taught in public schools.
you can't read can you? I told you to stick to the proposal in the op and not your imaginary one.
:giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

the proposal doesn't involve public schools. It involves Islamic schools. Try again. Do you have a problem with the proposal in the OP, and if so, why?

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Re: Islamic Curriculum for Australian Schools

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:28 am

J o h n S m i t h wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
All religion should be kept out of public schools is my answer, but you are obviously for having religion taught in public schools.
you can't read can you? I told you to stick to the proposal in the op and not your imaginary one.
:giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

the proposal doesn't involve public schools. It involves Islamic schools. Try again. Do you have a problem with the proposal in the OP, and if so, why?
I wonder... :giggle
Arent Islamic schools already supposed to follow a govt mandated curriculum? :hush
Do you think any of them been in trouble for not following the existing one but still took the taxpayers funds? :? :o
Do you think that if they have no problem ignoring their own children's education welfare for kuffir cashola they might just take this idiots extra payment and laugh about it down at the mosque where they know their kids will get the "proper" Islamic education?
Not this lefty PC kuffir version because the Koran says otherwise - but thanks for the extra cash, infidels. :thumb
Now you are even paying some of our radicals to preach jihad and you don't even know it.

So the great lefty plan, like all lefty plans is to pilfer more hard earned money, make another expensive govt PC dept, staffed with jobs for the Muzzy boys from ALP electorates, throw another fistful of OPM and eventually it will be discovered that we are now paying them to corrupt kids! :thumb

It's not like lefty PC education ideas and funding have ever been misused in the past :lol:

I note you ignored question about it being pushed into public convenient :?
Or are you saving your excitement for the Getup campaign and ALP announcement of its introduction into public schools?
You cheer every other idiot idea from the GAyLP... :giggle
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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