J o h n S m i t h wrote:and there isn't half as much 'demise' there as the anti islam brigade is trying to make you think
at the moment.
Later it will be.
And thats the problem, all our cultural elites who now normalise Christophobia, homosexuality, communist virtues, are all treacherous traitors in my book. The book having been written by them in the first place. There are millions pooring into Europe, all following the path of jihad Ill bet. Ghadaffi knew, thats why they silenced him.
The road to Australia is a little more difficult at the moment, but I see there is renewed pressure on our maritime borders which means the push factor fellows can sense a change in government at the next election. And we all know what that will mean for the borders, and those who will normalise the influx.
I once had it put to me by an Indonesian that Australia will never be put under Sharia law. How can you trust such a statement when there are many promoters of Christophobia in this country alone, some of a generation that should know better. What was once normal cultural practice dating back thousands of years, is now being turned on its head in a very rapid fashion. Within a decade we wont know ourselves and likely in two we will see radical change in either leadership or cultural practice.
To the point where those of a certain generation whom were all staunch normalist western culturalists will fold and prove to be completely malleable in the hands of our leaders at that point. The traitors then (as now) will be unmasked when our leaders begin to announce a change of direction toward either Islam or Comunism.
Remember, the catch-prhase of communists: Making socialism Inevitable. I hold that Turnbull and many others are closet socialists.
And with no leader standing up for our true values and culture, Christophobia will be our demise.