New Ice Age

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Rorschach » Sat May 13, 2017 9:42 am

The good thing here Bobby is that if you get a mindless TROLL stalking you and pissing all over the site creating flame wars you can if you like simply put them on IGNORE.... and you never have to see their lies and crap ever again. :thumb
Monk used to be subjected to it a lot in the past.
I have 3 on ignore now.

Some people like Monk don't get that Global Warming, Cooling, Dimming, warming, CLIMATE CHANGE, global warming etc.... as proposed by the UN is all about wealth redistribution the IPCC admitted that years ago, in fact there is a post by mantra somewhere on this site that has included in it the text from the IPCC admitting it.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Sat May 20, 2017 10:21 pm

Thanks Rorschach,
I can't discuss the environment anymore on Ozpolitic.
The main troll called Jovial Monk has seen to that.

Look at this - winter snow 2 weeks before summer!

Record Breaking Spring Blizzard Valarie, 3 Feet of Almost Summer Snow, Crops Lost (376)

Published on May 20, 2017

Unprecedented late spring blizzard / winter storm Valerie ripping across the western USA dumping more than three feet of snow. Record snow falls down to Mexican border, traffic stopped, crops being decimated again by high wind, heavy wet snow and cold temperatures. The inter-Tropical Convergence Zone is shifting due to the onset and strengthening of the Mini Ice Age, but the media won't tell you that because they don't want you to alter your lifestyle of take your cash out of savings and investments. Its here and intensifying, you have until 2019 to prepare.

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Sun May 28, 2017 12:44 pm

More Global Temperature Manipulation Data to Hide Mini Ice Age Onset (383)

Published on May 27, 2017

With the grand solar minimum and crop price rises expected at the end of the year which will begin exponential food price costs, there is a concerted effort to homogenize data in the temperature record to show warming, even though almost everyone on this planet sees that the weather / climate in their local area is out of sync and not right this year. The timeline going forward is a 2x amplification from July 2017-Jan 2018, then a 4x increase through 2018. This will in my opinion begin the global grain production crop losses.

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Tue May 30, 2017 8:30 pm

Pre-winter frost grips eastern states
Ben Domensino, Tuesday May 30, 2017 - 11:12 EST

Winter was knocking on the door in New South Wales and southern Queensland this morning as some areas shivered through their coldest May start on record.

Clear skies and light winds in the wake of a cold front allowed temperatures to plummet in eastern Australia, with some areas seeing their first frost of the season.

Queensland registered its first sub-zero temperature of 2017 as the mercury dipped to minus 0.4 degrees at Applethorpe, in the Southern Downs region. Oakey's 1.3 degrees was also the lowest of the year and six below average for May.

Large swathes of New South Wales and the ACT were also covered in frost as the sun rose. Dubbo shivered through its coldest May morning in 96 years of records, dropping to minus four degrees just after 6:30am. Canberra's low of minus 4.5 degrees was the coldest morning in 10 months.

Even parts of Sydney were crunchy underfoot at first light, including Richmond (-0.4C) and Campbelltown (0C). The city had its coldest May morning in 18 years, with a minimum of 7.1 degrees at Observatory Hill.

This morning's cold start was one in a string of frosty mornings that will ensure a fitting transition into winter across much of eastern and southern Australia this week.

- Weatherzone ... tes/526438

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Wed May 31, 2017 7:53 pm ... /3060#3064

Jovial_Abbott wrote:
Poor you. Couldn’t answer questions or refute criticism so called me fool, bloody fool and troll. Some places it is good to be banned from.

You are a gullible simpleton and hate filled bigot.

The videos you post and nobody looks at are crap.

What gullible idiot could believe:

1. A fox that fell through thin ice on the Danube was flash–frozen?

2. A lake turning pink in Melbourne was a sign of an ice age???

Complete garbage fit for nutcases like you.
Jovial nut case
I shouldn't even reply to a troll like you.

(1) I am not a climate change scientist.
(2) You're not a climate change scientist either.
(3) Most of videos that I posted are from people who
have studied the climate - example - John Casey ... ge_author)
or at least based on their opinions.

Your opinion or my opinion is basically worthless on such a difficult topic.
That's why I don't personally try to enter the debate -
I quote experts & others who know 1000 times more than me.

All you do is throw mud at me & anyone else who disagrees with your theory
which is global warming - a theory that has now evolved into
climate change.

Also - who gives a stuff how a fox became frozen or if a lake turned pink -
it's irrelevant to the 1000s of other pieces of solid evidence I have posted.
Concentrate on the good points that were raised -
like record cold temperatures not reported in the main media
& temperature data manipulated by NOAA & NASA.
You never had an answer for that.

You're hopeless at putting forward evidence but
a champion of trolling every thread you post on.
I now don't post anymore here on climate due to your incessant
trolling & stinking bile put out every day.

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:06 pm ... ing/526553

Tough conditions for getting out of bed this morning
Joel Pippard, Sunday July 2, 2017 - 10:05 EST

Locations across southeastern Australia have woken up to another freezing cold morning, breaking records across Victoria and New South Wales.

Bairnsdale (-5.4C), Latrobe Valley Airport (-4.4C) and Viewbank (-2.8C) have all froze through their coldest morning in 38, 34 and 19 years of records respectively.

Across the border, Canberra recorded its coldest pair of mornings since 1971 with -8.7 degrees on Saturday and -8.2 degrees on Sunday. Nearby Goulburn saw its third coldest minimum on record with a mind-numbing -10.4 degrees on Sunday. This was a substantial 11 degrees below the average July temperature of 0.5C.

Throughout NSW and VIC, 24 locations had their coldest July morning on either Saturday or Sunday in at least 10 years. Most notably Deniliquin saw its coldest morning in 110 years with the mercury plummeting down to -5.6C on Saturday.

As a cold front starts to sweep across VIC this evening, overnight temperatures will be warmer than this weekend, due to increased winds. However, much of NSW will only be a few degrees warmer. Might be worth leaving your extra blanket on your bed for the start of the working week.

- Weatherzone

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:07 pm

Global warming is bullshit - tell all your friends.

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:17 am

I posted some powerful results here: ... /3399#3399

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:49 am

A freak warming around the North Pole is sending a blast of Arctic cold over Europe in a sign of “wacky” weather that may happen more often with man-made global warming, scientists said on Monday.

On the northern tip of Greenland, the Cape Morris Jesup meteorological site has had a record-smashing 61 hours of temperatures above freezing so far in 2018, linked to a rare retreat of sea ice in the Arctic winter darkness.

“It’s never been this extreme,” said Ruth Mottram, a climate scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI). Warmth was coming into the Arctic both up from the Atlantic and through the Bering Strait, driving and cold air south.

Around the entire Arctic region, temperatures are now about 20C (36°F) above normal, at minus eight degrees Celsius (17.6°F), according to DMI calculations.

To the south, a rare snow storm hit Rome on Monday and some Brussels mayors planned to detain homeless overnight if they refused shelter with temperatures set to fall as low as minus 10 Celsius (14 Fahrenheit) in the coming week.

Hit by easterly winds from Siberia, cities from Warsaw to Oslo were colder than minus 8C.

As long ago as 1973, a study suggested that an ice-free Arctic Ocean could make regions further south colder. That “warm Arctic, cold continent” (WAC#C) pattern is sometimes dubbed “wacc-y” or “wacky” among climate scientists.

“Wacky weather continues with scary strength and persistence,” tweeted Professor Lars Kaleschke, a professor at the University of Hamburg.

“The question is whether this weather will happen more often. This is just one event so it’s hard to make a causal relationship,” he told Reuters.

Scientists say a long-term shrinking of sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, linked to global warming, exposes warmer water below that releases more heat into the atmosphere. That in turn may be disrupting the high altitude jet stream.

“The jet stream becomes wavier, meaning that colder air can penetrate further south and warmer air further north,” said Nalan Koc, research director of the Norwegian Polar Institute.

Arctic Ocean sea ice is at a record low for late February at 14.1 million square kilometers (5.4 million), according to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center. That is about a million less than normal, or roughly the size of Egypt.

Erik Solheim, head of the U.N. Environment, said the rare weather fits a wider pattern driven by a build-up of greenhouse gases, mainly from burning fossil fuels from cars, factories and power plants.

“What we once considered to be anomalies are becoming the new normal. Our climate is changing right in front of our eyes, and we’ve only got a short amount of time to stop this from getting significantly worse,” he told Reuters.

Under the 2015 Paris climate agreement, almost 200 nations agreed to limit a rise in temperatures to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.5 Fahrenheit) above preindustrial times, while pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5C (2.7F).

“The risk of an ice-free Arctic in summer is about 50 percent or higher” with warming of between 1.5 and 2.0 degrees, according to a leaked draft of a scientific report by a United Nations panel of scientists, obtained by Reuters.

The World Meteorological Organization said the chill in Europe was caused by a “Sudden Stratospheric Warming” above the North Pole that led to a split in the polar vortex, a cold area of air above the Arctic that spilled cold south.

A big problem in figuring out whether the Arctic warmth is driven by human activities or natural variations is a lack of measuring stations. There are no thermometers at the North Pole and satellite measurements go back only to the late 1970s.

On the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, temperatures were just above freezing, with rain, and about 13.4C (24F) above the long-term average on Sunday.

“There have also been recent winters with similar deviations,” said Rasmus Benestad, senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

U.S. President Donald Trump, who plans to quit the Paris Agreement, has often expressed doubts about mainstream global warming science during cold spells, such as at New Year in the eastern United States.

And Mottram at DMI said Europe’s winters had become less severe. “It’s not actually that cold. Its just our perceptions have shifted from a normal winter.” ... KKCN1GA2AD

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Re: New Ice Age

Post by Bobby » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:59 am

Thank Orchid,
as I'm scientifically trained I know to inquire about all arguments regarding theories.
It seems that global cooling has strong evidence as well as global warming.

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