Behaviour in threads

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Rorschach » Fri May 12, 2017 1:46 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
Neferti~ wrote: So, what is an extreme right winger? What political views make you think some people are this? List them, as I would be very interested to know.
there are many things. For starters they have an adherence to small govt., low taxes, closed borders and protectionism, usually opposed to the social justice policies such as unemployment benefits and minimum wages etc. You don't have to be a bible basher to believe in these things
I don't believe in any of that stuff you have stated. However, I would NEVER EVER vote for the ALP/Socialist Party. What I earn is MINE not yours. I expect ME to earn a living and make ends meet, not The Government.

EVERYBODY can get a JOB, if they put their mind to it and NOT rely on hand outs, get themselves out of the BOG that IS Government welfare!

IF you can't find a job in your "preferred" location or industry .... go elsewhere, stop being so PRECIOUS (poor me, I have to move to earn money) ... apply to join the Army, Airforce or Navy .... I wonder whether they have a "waiting list" ......

THINK you lot who are either unemployed or under-employed.

Kids who are currently at Uni are also very unlikely to get a JOB once they graduate.

Being 50+ is NOT an excuse ... you are probably too old and set in your ways for the JOB you felt you were good at but ....... TRY something else ... go ON. Life doesn't end at 50 because nobody wants you .... get out there and try .........

I am lucky that I retired way back and I don't rely on Government handouts ....
Sorry NEF but most of that was a load of total shyte...
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Neferti » Fri May 12, 2017 4:20 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
Neferti~ wrote: So, what is an extreme right winger? What political views make you think some people are this? List them, as I would be very interested to know.
there are many things. For starters they have an adherence to small govt., low taxes, closed borders and protectionism, usually opposed to the social justice policies such as unemployment benefits and minimum wages etc. You don't have to be a bible basher to believe in these things
I don't believe in any of that stuff you have stated. However, I would NEVER EVER vote for the ALP/Socialist Party. What I earn is MINE not yours. I expect ME to earn a living and make ends meet, not The Government.

EVERYBODY can get a JOB, if they put their mind to it and NOT rely on hand outs, get themselves out of the BOG that IS Government welfare!

IF you can't find a job in your "preferred" location or industry .... go elsewhere, stop being so PRECIOUS (poor me, I have to move to earn money) ... apply to join the Army, Airforce or Navy .... I wonder whether they have a "waiting list" ......

THINK you lot who are either unemployed or under-employed.

Kids who are currently at Uni are also very unlikely to get a JOB once they graduate.

Being 50+ is NOT an excuse ... you are probably too old and set in your ways for the JOB you felt you were good at but ....... TRY something else ... go ON. Life doesn't end at 50 because nobody wants you .... get out there and try .........

I am lucky that I retired way back and I don't rely on Government handouts ....
Sorry NEF but most of that was a load of total shyte...
Sorry, but aren't you supposed to change "careers" many times during your working life? Just because you got a degree as say, a solicitor when you were a young person it doesn't mean that you can't give that up and drive taxis, work in the Golf Club House as a waiter or start your own small business as a Home Handyman, cleaning swimming pools, mowing lawns, cleaning gutters or you could apply at the local Council to do the garbage truck run .... there's a whole variety of other jobs you can have a go at, can't you?

Try something entirely different to what you were "trained" to do. What about Real Estate? That's apparently a good earner. Are there still Travelling Salespersons, that used to earn a good income too. Gift of the gab.

Most jobs don't need much "experience", just the gift of the gab to get your foot in the door. Pump yourself up! Most guys are capable of bragging without blinking an eye. ;) Anything would be better for the soul than getting Unemployment Benefits, surely. :rose

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Rorschach » Fri May 12, 2017 4:44 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Rorschach wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
Neferti~ wrote: So, what is an extreme right winger? What political views make you think some people are this? List them, as I would be very interested to know.
there are many things. For starters they have an adherence to small govt., low taxes, closed borders and protectionism, usually opposed to the social justice policies such as unemployment benefits and minimum wages etc. You don't have to be a bible basher to believe in these things
I don't believe in any of that stuff you have stated. However, I would NEVER EVER vote for the ALP/Socialist Party. What I earn is MINE not yours. I expect ME to earn a living and make ends meet, not The Government.

EVERYBODY can get a JOB, NOPE... Australia has 620,000 more unemployed than jobs and that doesn't include the UNDEREMPLOYED. if they put their mind to it and NOT rely on hand outs, get themselves out of the BOG that IS Government welfare! NOPE...

IF you can't find a job in your "preferred" location or industry .... go elsewhere, stop being so PRECIOUS (poor me, I have to move to earn money) ... apply to join the Army, Airforce or Navy .... I wonder whether they have a "waiting list" ...... Armed forces... you have to pass the medical and be under 55... most unemployed are mature aged. Even young people just out of school if they have a fair case of acne do not pass the physical for the Air Force.

THINK you lot who are either unemployed or under-employed. 770,000 UNEMPLOYED 620,000 would still be unemployed if the 150,000 available jobs were taken. NOT ENOUGH JOBS TO GO 'ROUND...

Kids who are currently at Uni are also very unlikely to get a JOB once they graduate.

Being 50+ is NOT an excuse ... you are probably too old and set in your ways for the JOB you felt you were good at but ....... TRY something else ... go ON. Life doesn't end at 50 because nobody wants you .... get out there and try ......... SEE ABOVE... its not about me BTW... its about all unemployed.... you are clueless about today's employment situation.

I am lucky that I retired way back and I don't rely on Government handouts .... Lucky YES.... others have been UNLUCKY...
Sorry NEF but most of that was a load of total shyte...
Sorry, but aren't you supposed to change "careers" many times during your working life? NOPE... Just because you got a degree as say, a solicitor when you were a young person it doesn't mean that you can't give that up and drive taxis, work in the Golf Club House as a waiter or start your own small business as a Home Handyman, cleaning swimming pools, mowing lawns, cleaning gutters or you could apply at the local Council to do the garbage truck run .... there's a whole variety of other jobs you can have a go at, can't you? Yes, but first there has to be a job to apply for... then for some reason known only to the employers or HR, you may not be given the job. Lots of things; experience, age, sex, education, religion, culture, etc, etc, etc can get in the way of being employed.

Try something entirely different to what you were "trained" to do. What about Real Estate? OK, then first you need a car, a real estate licence, usually experience, be fit enough to walk neighbourhoods and initially get 1000 new clients for the books, then you may get the job. Of course they may ask for experience in RE, marjeting rental management etc, etc, etc... as well. That's apparently a good earner. Are there still Travelling Salespersons, that used to earn a good income too. Gift of the gab. Door to door sales eh.... sorry died with the Internet and google.

Most jobs don't need much "experience", just the gift of the gab to get your foot in the door. Nope. Untrue. Pump yourself up! Most guys are capable of bragging without blinking an eye. ;) Anything would be better for the soul than getting Unemployment Benefits, surely. :rose I'm too busy these days to do more than I am... and its full on, full time... even though the pay is lousy.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri May 12, 2017 4:46 pm

J o h n S m i t h wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
Neferti~ wrote: So, what is an extreme right winger? What political views make you think some people are this? List them, as I would be very interested to know.
there are many things. For starters they have an adherence to small govt., low taxes, closed borders and protectionism, usually opposed to the social justice policies such as unemployment benefits and minimum wages etc. You don't have to be a bible basher to believe in these things
I don't believe in any of that stuff you have stated. However, I would NEVER EVER vote for the ALP/Socialist Party. What I earn is MINE not yours . I expect ME to earn a living and make ends meet, not The Government.

EVERYBODY can get a JOB, if they put their mind to it and NOT rely on hand outs, get themselves out of the BOG that IS Government welfare!

IF you can't find a job in your "preferred" location or industry .... go elsewhere, stop being so PRECIOUS (poor me, I have to move to earn money) ... apply to join the Army, Airforce or Navy .... I wonder whether they have a "waiting list" ......

THINK you lot who are either unemployed or under-employed.

Kids who are currently at Uni are also very unlikely to get a JOB once they graduate.

Being 50+ is NOT an excuse ... you are probably too old and set in your ways for the JOB you felt you were good at but ....... TRY something else ... go ON. Life doesn't end at 50 because nobody wants you .... get out there and try .........

I am lucky that I retired way back and I don't rely on Government handouts ....
you're contradicting yourself. First you say you don't believe in any of the stuff I listed, then you proceeded to list a whole raft of stuff that falls under the headings i listed.

And you are wrong. Currently there are at any one time about 100 000 jobs available in the current Australian market, there are about 800 000 unemployed. No amount of wishful thinking will provide jobs for everyone. If you think most of the unemployed are doing so because they expect to make a living off govt. handouts, then I suggest you try it. No one makes a living off it. At best you barely scrape by.
A few years ago I managed to save/bank $1000 while on the dole ... then took a fruit picking job (piece work - paid by per half tonne) with low pay and a lack of fruit, resulting in earning the same as the dole, from which I had to buy fuel and car parts to keep the job, so ultimately was worse off working than bludging. When the work/fruit ran out 5 months later, I was in debt (to my father).

Several years prior to that I got sacked (from a farm earning wages, aprox $500 per week) for pushing a Swiss bloke's face in the mud when he stole my rain coat on a rainy day. I didn't want to go on the dole because it gives little hitlers the right to tell me what to do, which is waste time on pointless errands and accruing meaningless certificates. So I went to my bush property and lived under a blue tarp, surviving off feral fruits and wild animals. When I needed money I dragged scrap metal out of the bush and cashed it in at scrap yards.

Currently I'm doing a job so unpopular (picking citrus - $100 per half tonne & lots of thorns) they have to lure backpackers with an extra year's (working holiday) visa so the industry doesn't collapse. 60km away is the welfare capital of Kweensland (Bundaberg) - a town (provincial city) full of people on speed/ice who wouldn't work if you jammed a cattle prod up their date.

JS, you're right that wishful thinking won't solve the situation, but a resourceful person in a place with limited or no job prospects makes their own.
Take me for example, doing a job I don't particularly like - a means to and ends ... when the jobs come up I do a bit of bull dozing too - also a means to an end. What I really want to do is mine the gold in the hills around my property. I have an illegal gun dealer sabotaging equipment on my block (pulled bearing out of truck air brake valve for example), poisoning my dogs, sending police for non existent dope crops, ect ect ect ... because he hides his stolen guns in the old gold mines ... hasn't stopped me though, I've renewed my fossicking licence and just bought a better metal detector.

The key word here is "initiative" matey.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Neferti » Fri May 12, 2017 5:35 pm

The problem with some people is that, IF they get "retrenched" (nobody gets the sack these days) they immediately go to Centrelink, looking for a hand out. If you are living pay-day-to-pay-day you have over extended yourself. Cut down on costs or not get into "credit" in the first instance.

Centrelink doesn't have JOBS ... you need to check online or the local newspaper and apply for any job you can ... keep applying until you crack it.

Life was never meant to be easy, as I well know. I arrived in Canberra in January 1981 with $300 in a savings account and a 5 year old daughter. After settling in, I found a job and started saving for a deposit on a house. I am still in the house I bought in 1983 and had it paid off by 1996*. It was NOT easy and I remember going to the Butcher and asking for 3 sausages (1 for her and 2 for me). I haven't had sausages and mash since those days. We survived. NOBODY gave me a break, I went out and found one all by myself!

* I did NOT get any money (furniture or otherwise) from my ex husband. He did pay $140 a month in child support until she was 16. He should have paid until she finished Uni but I didn't quibble about it. Shit happens.

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Fri May 12, 2017 6:04 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote: A few years ago I managed to save/bank $1000 while on the dole ... then took a fruit picking job (piece work - paid by per half tonne) with low pay and a lack of fruit, resulting in earning the same as the dole, from which I had to buy fuel and car parts to keep the job, so ultimately was worse off working than bludging. When the work/fruit ran out 5 months later, I was in debt (to my father).

Several years prior to that I got sacked (from a farm earning wages, aprox $500 per week) for pushing a Swiss bloke's face in the mud when he stole my rain coat on a rainy day. I didn't want to go on the dole because it gives little hitlers the right to tell me what to do, which is waste time on pointless errands and accruing meaningless certificates. So I went to my bush property and lived under a blue tarp, surviving off feral fruits and wild animals. When I needed money I dragged scrap metal out of the bush and cashed it in at scrap yards.

Currently I'm doing a job so unpopular (picking citrus - $100 per half tonne & lots of thorns) they have to lure backpackers with an extra year's (working holiday) visa so the industry doesn't collapse. 60km away is the welfare capital of Kweensland (Bundaberg) - a town (provincial city) full of people on speed/ice who wouldn't work if you jammed a cattle prod up their date.
good for you Yogi ... I'd hate to think you were scabbing my tax dollars.
However, what do you think would happen if all 800 000 unemployed people collected scrap metal and picked fruit?

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Fri May 12, 2017 6:06 pm

Neferti~ wrote: The problem with some people is that, IF they get "retrenched" (nobody gets the sack these days) they immediately go to Centrelink, looking for a hand out. If you are living pay-day-to-pay-day you have over extended yourself. Cut down on costs or not get into "credit" in the first instance.
firstly, there are a lot of people that live pay day to pay day. They cannot afford anything else because rents are so high and minimum wage is quite low for our cost of living.

Secondly, you do not get the dole as soon as you are retrenched UNLESS you have no money. Ask Booby how much they gave him when he was unemployed for 10 months.

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 12, 2017 7:17 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Most jobs don't need much "experience", just the gift of the gab to get your foot in the door. Pump yourself up! Most guys are capable of bragging without blinking an eye. ;) Anything would be better for the soul than getting Unemployment Benefits, surely. :rose
Surely you aren't serious. Most jobs don't need much experience? For a start you have to go through a series of interviews these days (4 or even more) then you need to pay $200 or more for a medical. Others have group interviews where many groups are seen and, if you are lucky, you progress to the next stage.

Pumping yourself up and bragging wouldn't even get you beyond stage one.

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Fri May 12, 2017 8:00 pm

Rorschach wrote: Sorry, but aren't you supposed to change "careers" many times during your working life?
do you get fined if you don't?

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Re: Behaviour in threads

Post by Bobby » Fri May 12, 2017 10:20 pm

Neferti~ wrote:The problem with some people is that, IF they get "retrenched" (nobody gets the sack these days) they immediately go to Centrelink, looking for a hand out. If you are living pay-day-to-pay-day you have over extended yourself. Cut down on costs or not get into "credit" in the first instance.

Centrelink doesn't have JOBS ... you need to check online or the local newspaper and apply for any job you can ... keep applying until you crack it.

Life was never meant to be easy, as I well know. I arrived in Canberra in January 1981 with $300 in a savings account and a 5 year old daughter. After settling in, I found a job and started saving for a deposit on a house. I am still in the house I bought in 1983 and had it paid off by 1996*. It was NOT easy and I remember going to the Butcher and asking for 3 sausages (1 for her and 2 for me). I haven't had sausages and mash since those days. We survived. NOBODY gave me a break, I went out and found one all by myself!

* I did NOT get any money (furniture or otherwise) from my ex husband. He did pay $140 a month in child support until she was 16. He should have paid until she finished Uni but I didn't quibble about it. Shit happens.

Hi Neferti,
you've had it tough.
I'm glad you surmounted all the obstacles.


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