Citizenship test

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Outlaw Yogi
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Citizenship test

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:35 pm

Malcolm's scared one of Hanson's mob will take his job, so better late than never he's tuned visa requirements and wants to institute a Citizenship test.


Part of this test I imagine will be on literacy and comprehension ... so here's a few suggestions ...

How do you spell "liar"? - FEMINIST
How do you spell "thief"? - MUSLIM
How do you spell "trouble maker"? - LEFT WINGER
How do you spell "fascist"? - HONEST
How do you spell "full fd shit"? - Australian Labor Party
How do you spell "incompetent"? - GILLARD
How do spell "back stabber"? - BILL SHORTEN
How do you spell "knee jerk"? - TURNBULL
How do you spell "sell out"? LIBERAL PARTY
How do you spell "sinister"? - GREENS
How do you spell "child abuser"? - VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT
How do you spell "un- Australian"? - ABDEL-MAGIED

ect ect ect
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Citizenship test

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:57 pm

How do you spell top bloke ? Leftwinger

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Black Orchid
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Re: Citizenship test

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:24 pm

It's ridiculous anyway. They get asked if they believe in Sharia Law? Of course they are going to say "no" as it is written that it is desirable to lie to and deceive infidels. Absolute waste of time.
deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.
They should just serve them pork at the interview.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Citizenship test

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:43 pm

Speaking ENGLISH is a must!! Finally Mark Latham is making himself useful.
Disgraced former politician Mark Latham has confronted pedestrians in a western Sydney suburb to quiz them on their English skills in a video deploring "ethnic enclaves" in Australia.

The recently-sacked Sky News commentator claims his video stunt is an attempt to investigate if "genuine multiculturalism" exists in the suburb of Fairfield, where residents represent 170 nationalities.

"Have we got genuine multiculturalism in Australia or ethnic enclaves where the Fairfield people, the Arabic community stick to themselves, and the Cabramatta community, the Asians, just stick to themselves?" Latham says before confronting people and asking them what they think of Cabramatta.

Most of those Latham speaks to politely reply they speak no or little English. It's not shown how long the former Labor leader spoke to those he confronted or whether he asked where they live.

He concludes that 90 percent of those he approached couldn't speak to him because they didn't speak English.

"It's pretty disappointing," he said.

"It's quite disgraceful … how can we have a proper cohesive, cooperative multicultural community if people don't even speak the basic language of the nation? We're going to have a lot better success in this country if people have basic English language skills."

Read more at ... rBBqLKp.99

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Re: Citizenship test

Post by Rorschach » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:18 pm

Both major parties and the Greens support Multiculti, I imagine Xenophon does too
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Citizenship test

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:44 pm

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:How do you spell top bloke ? Leftwinger

Yes, Joseph Stalin was a top bloke because he ethnically cleansed Georgia of Georgians (Muslims).
Stalin was born in Georgia BTW.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Citizenship test

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:21 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Speaking ENGLISH is a must!! Finally Mark Latham is making himself useful.
Disgraced former politician Mark Latham has confronted pedestrians in a western Sydney suburb to quiz them on their English skills in a video deploring "ethnic enclaves" in Australia.

The recently-sacked Sky News commentator claims his video stunt is an attempt to investigate if "genuine multiculturalism" exists in the suburb of Fairfield, where residents represent 170 nationalities.

"Have we got genuine multiculturalism in Australia or ethnic enclaves where the Fairfield people, the Arabic community stick to themselves, and the Cabramatta community, the Asians, just stick to themselves?" Latham says before confronting people and asking them what they think of Cabramatta.

Most of those Latham speaks to politely reply they speak no or little English. It's not shown how long the former Labor leader spoke to those he confronted or whether he asked where they live.

He concludes that 90 percent of those he approached couldn't speak to him because they didn't speak English.

"It's pretty disappointing," he said.

"It's quite disgraceful … how can we have a proper cohesive, cooperative multicultural community if people don't even speak the basic language of the nation? We're going to have a lot better success in this country if people have basic English language skills."

Read more at ... rBBqLKp.99
When Mattus slagged off Mike Pence (US vice Prez) by comparing him to Mark Latham, I stated I liked Mark Latham, not because I played footy with a bloke bearing the same name, but because he's a head kicker (never mentioned the time he broke a taxi driver's arm though).

As for lack of communication skills, I have experienced this myself.
When the Chinese PLA border guards slaughtered pro democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square, Bob Hawke as PM said the 10,000 Chinese students in Australia at the time could stay here indeffinately. And those 10,000 brought in another 10,000 family members.
At the time I was working for my father at his metal spinning business and I can't complain about those Chinese students being bludgers because probably about 1000 of them came to our factory looking for a job.
The old man gave some of them a go, despite their bullshit when looking at metal spinning on a spinning lathe being done and saying "I can do" to which the old man replied "bullshit, you can not".
He gave a fitter and turner (lathe machinist) with qualifications from a Chinese university (oddly not a trade college) in the turning shop, where we made the tooling for the spinning lathes.
He was too slow, so his 2 week trial came to nothing.
The old man also put on 2 process workers. I would set up a guillotine for them to cut metal sheet and demonstrate how to do the job. Several times I came back to check on them about 20 minutes later, and each time they'd managed to move the back stop out of line so it didn't cut straight squares.
I'd explain where they'd stuffed up but they couldn't understand me, and I certainly couldn't understand them.

So we gave them a go on the circle cutters which cut the squares into circles to use as blanks on the spinning lathes, and somehow they managed to muck that up too. If the blanks are out of shape they don't spin properly and are prone to flying out of the lathe due to imbalance, which is quite dangerous (injuries are common in metal spinning).

Getting more menial, I instructed them to pick up the off cuts from the circle cutters (with leather gloves), put them in a 3x3ft cardboard box, carry it 12-15ft out the rear (roller) door and tip into a skip min for the scrapies.
Came back about 10 minutes later and saw both of them carrying 1 box together.
I said "No, you're just wasting time. You use this box and you use than one".
They couldn't understand. So I manually demonstrated, and as I was picking the box up one ran over the help me. Now I was getting cranky and complained to my father, it takes 2 of these blokes to do what one white girl can do. The old man sacked them.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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