Hey Lefties?

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Hey Lefties?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:54 pm

The political left disagree with the increasingly laissez faire capitalist economic system society is moving towards.
The system as it creeps forward, exploits those most disadvantaged by the economic system they are forced to live under and confines them to an existence not deserved or asked for. They are subject to unfair wages, conditions and opportunities. Everyones value under this system is measured according to how much material wealth can be acquired. Individuals should be measured by responsibility and performance in, and to society.
The capitalist system in place should be changed to meet this goal

Is the above a reasonably accurate reflection of your views?
If not, how would you change it?

What needs to be added or what do you disagree with that should be taken out?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by Bobby » Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:16 am

IQ -
left & right is all bullshit and
you've been sucked in.

Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that
you have freedom of choice - you don't.

jump to 2:00

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:27 pm

Sir Bobby wrote: ... left & right is all bullshit ...
Agreed. I've long said "The left Vs Right paradigm is a distraction from reality" ... to achieve divide and conquer.
While Joe and Mary Blo or Mugsly and Dingbat squabble over perks and ideologies, those who are above politics - the true elitists - manipulate everyone else by playing both sides of the fence for fools.

Right wing plutocracy may be 'Dog eat Dog' but it is productive and generally more successful because it mimics nature's 'Survival of the fittest/smartest'.

Left wing autocracy is unsustainably parasitic, and only exists for relatively short time frames because it destroys the incentive to invent and create, as it rewards indoctrination rather than intelligence and merit.

Now 'Left wing' and Right wing' are mere labels and the behavioural traits attributed to each are interchangeable.
The original autocratic Right wing were monarchies and the original Left wing were Libertarians.
But these days the Left wing are the autocrats and the Libertarians who invented democracy are labelled Right wing.
So as a libertarian I side with the Right wing, despite being brainwashed since childhood to be Left wing.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by Bobby » Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:32 pm

Hi Yogi,
left & right are the same e.g.

Turnbull never had a plan when he was elected.
All he does is borrow $100M per day like Kevin Rudd.

http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl? ... 6376/15#22

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:38 pm

Sir Bobby wrote:Hi Yogi,
left & right are the same e.g.

Turnbull never had a plan when he was elected.
All he does is borrow $100M per day like Kevin Rudd.

http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl? ... 6376/15#22
Turnbull was never of the right. He has always been of the left.
Left and right have have always been polar opposites.
Classifying left and right works well enough for at least 80-90% of people.
The left are parasites. The right are the productive hosts they leech off.
The left seek strength through collectivism. The right are are for making individuals the strongest they can be.

Every single poster on this or any other political forum will fit in exactly in one or the other boxes with very little spill over.
Yes, people can change sides. The young especially move left to right as they get older and wiser.
Once they figure out how much is taken from them and how much is spent badly by government, usually on lefty pet causes.
Once the well off have enough capital and investment that passive income is sustainable and more, they can move from right to left as philanthropy becomes a hobby and they surround themselves with like minded left transitioners and lefty parasites looking for another free lunch.

They are mostly a minority, a sort of abberation but even then they can still easily be classified as left/right at the time once their thinking on certain subjects are revealed. Changing teams is a years-decades proposition.

Some manage to stay left all their lives. These people are usually tax funded leeches in govt reliant employment with entitlement syndrome.
They usually never worked hard enough when younger and end up as poor fluffy bunnies on pensions whining about how little they get of other people's money and how "the rich" are fucking them over. :roll:
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by Bobby » Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:52 am

Author PZ547 on Rudd:
I don't 'hate' him. Hate is way too personal a term. I don't personally know him

However, I do detest him

It's my personal opinion that Rudd is mentally unstable

The way he speaks, for one: that 'Schoolkid reading a book to the class' voice he uses. It's not normal. It's not manly. It's affected. He sounds like a precocious ten-year old who's in love with himself

Then there are the Transvestite-type asides which he injects into his Schoolkid-Reading-a-Book style monologues about himself -- when he inserts what he appears to believe is Bruce Willis type 'menace' .... as in his lowered voice as he hissed, 'It's not going to happen' --- accompanied by a glare like a bitter old auntie who's cake got second-prize at the fete

* All the posturing
* the monologues about himself -- always about him
* the Bates Motel type voices and facial tics
* the self-pity -- invariably when he's caused the problem himself
* the blaming of others - when he's to blame
* the attempts to sound like fifty different people simultaneously
* the venom
* the anger
* the weirdness
* the petulance
* the temper tantrums, like a spoiled brat
* his utter self-absorption to the exclusion of everyone, everything else
* his self-promotion - which isn't matched by reality
* his vengefulness
* his spitefulness
* his unfettered, massive, beyond belief size ego
* his conceit
* his impotence
* his self-serving disloyalty

Just the sight -- let alone the sound -- of Rudd blathering on endlessly about himself ... is enough to cause me to switch off the tv

He seems to believe he is a combination of Churchill, Menzies, JFK, Caesar, Einstein, John Wayne and an entire battalion of Rhodes Scholars, plus

He seems to believe it his destiny to be the ultimate, entire-world's Grand Statesman

To me, Rudd is an impotent, gender-confused little twat who spent (and spends) WAY too much time with himself, envisioning himself as an acknowledged mental and political Giant. In other words, it's my belief he's delusional -- is extremely fantasy-prone -- is literally IN LOVE WITH HIMSELF. To the point I suspect he probably kisses his own reflection in mirrors and hogs the bathroom in order to do so constantly

I think he's mad as a hatter and I'm glad he's been shot down, hopefully for good and in time for an army of psychiatrists to put him in a padded cell for the duration

So I don't know why others hate him

but above are my opinions of him

I think he's nuts -- flat out nuts

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by Bobby » Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:53 am

Author PZ547 on Abbott:
He calls himself honest, too

He claimed, ' We say what we mean and we do as we say' or some such 'endearingly frank' BS

And who could forget the long, long pauses between the promises, to let it sink in that this was a saviour here who planned to put the country to rights?

The squinty, cold eyes

Our instincts were telling us this was a sociopath here

The reptilian mouth

The shallow jaw

The door-step lower lip, just like Howards

The weak chin

The leathery skin -- reptilian again

The little-man, little dik syndrome

The bow-legged, crab-like gait

Running from the floor at Question time like a mental retard

'I'm the bloke with the not bad looking daughters'

' This isn't going on record, is it ?'

Big mortgage in wife's name

Trying to thieve $9,000 in one swoop at the same time as he was grabbing headlines for calling out others for doing so much less

Wearing sponsor's gear (amgen) while he was campaigning for post of PM

Turning up late for photo opportunities he'd demanded during the bush-fires with the real firies saying he did nothing apart from don the fire-fighting gear and smearing a bit of soot on his face

What a crock

We deserve so much better than this low-class clown

Get onto your MPs and threaten they'll never see your votes again unless they oust Abbott asap

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:06 pm

Sir Bobby wrote:Hi Yogi,
left & right are the same e.g.

Turnbull never had a plan when he was elected.
All he does is borrow $100M per day like Kevin Rudd.

http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl? ... 6376/15#22

Actually Turnbull had a plan long before he was elected - Water privatisation .. for foreign banks.
Don't forget Turnbull made his fortune as an investment banker for Goldman Sachs.

First he hijacked the Australian Republic referendum for an opportunity to alter or delete section 100
(in Chapter 4 under Finance and Trade) of the Australian Constitution because section 100 specifically
states the Commonwealth cannot interfer with the rivers. They belong to the states.

The public (including pro republic people like myself) rejected Malcolm's 'Politicians' Republic'
Because only a 'Peoples' Republic' (popularly elected Prez like US and France) is acceptable.

Then Turnbull got into politics proper, by getting the Libs to dump an elected MP with a safe seat,
with the express purpose of becoming PM with John Howard's blessing.
While still in opposition Turnbull got Howard to make him psuedo water minister by creating a quasi
port folio of 'Office of National water policy'.

When Turnbull got dumped as Lib leader he intended to quit politics because his mission was doomed.
Other Libs talked him into staying, and now he's PM he's focussed on water issues, because eventually
he's going to spring his long held agenda of Water privatisation on us. And racking up debt makes the
"need" all the more possible/acceptable. Turnbull intends to sell out Australia. He's a traitor!
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hey Lefties?

Post by cods » Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:08 pm

bobs those posts you put up are personal attacks.. on people he has never met...

no different to taking a swipe at someone on here...

its not politics...its having a need to be nasty

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