by IQS.RLOW » Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:02 am
That lefty rotted cuntswab Triggs and the ex ALP staffer/Fauxfacts shitstain that the rotting cuntswab Triggs little pet monkey both dragged Leak over the coals with that cabal of leftwing thought police called the HRC. It would have taken years of the poor blokes life, not to mention the stress of having to shift house to hide himself and family from a religion of some type...
Can't remember which one off the top of my head...Hmmmm...
It's the one that advocates violent retribution against those that don't follow the same beliefs.
Uses harrassment with gang like mentality.
Regular use of Intimidation
Threats of violence against the individual and family
That's it! It's the political left
Hang on. No.....It's radical Islam
Its hard to tell the difference...
Yet all around us, confirmation of the symbiotic relationship between two parasites with near identical feeding habits, mannerisms and toxicity.
Jeezuz fucking Christ! they ARE almost identical in every way...
Want to overthrow democracy
Gang mentality
Involved in crime
Welfare bludgers
Not successful with women
Attacks in Packs
Hate for authority
Wants to mould society to suit their beliefs.
Anyone who doesn't believe as they do are infidels/bigots/hate media/Islamophobes/uncovered cat meat
Their women are not attractive
Facial hair - Hipster beards vs Facial pubic hair
Low standards of body hygiene
Mass amounts of Pedophiles throughout their groups.
Both believe in redistribution - one will take your money, The other your wives and daughters
Supported by the left - ALPGREENS party, Brian Ross, Mothra, Pecca, Aussie, dnareva, Karnal, augcaesarustus, Gandalf etal
No wonder the above bunch of treasonous lefty shitstains are so quick to jump to the defence of Islam and make excuses for them no matter how henious the crime. Psychologically, they are compelled to defend them.
They see any slight against Islam no matter how deserving, no matter what the Islamist has done or how evil, leftist see it as a personal attack on themselves and the leftist mindset. An attack on the leftist brotherhood.
They are subconsciously defending their own ideology!
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia