The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

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The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by Wayne » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:52 am

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is set to take the lead role in delivering the Government's economic pitch in the lead-up to May's federal budget, amid concern inside the Coalition that Treasurer Scott Morrison's efforts are no longer enough.

Backbenchers concerned Coalition isn't making enough of its traditional advantage over Labor on economic management

There will be a Cabinet reshuffle after the budget, 7.30 understands

George Brandis will move on by June, Barnaby Joyce eyeing switch to infrastructure portfolio

Government sources say the Prime Minister intends to make a series of keynote speeches in the weeks ahead, with a view to developing a stronger and more coherent economic message.

The strategy is aimed at quelling backbench concern that the Coalition is not making enough of its traditional advantage over Labor on economic management.

7.30 also understands there will be a Cabinet reshuffle after the budget.

Attorney-General George Brandis will move on by June, if not to London as High Commissioner then to another prominent position.

Senator Brandis will likely be replaced by Social Services Minister Christian Porter or Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, and his position as Government Leader in the Senate would go to Finance Minister Mathias Cormann. ... er/8341202

In other words, Morrison is nearly as bad and incompetent as Hockey, Brandis is a political liability and needs to be moved on as quickly as Hockey went, and Cash is a PR liability so we had better move her quick. Barnaby Joyce is a fool, putting in place horrendously expensive pork barrelling exercises, so we had better move him somewhere quick as well. No one can understand Terminator Cormann so we will make him Government Leader in the Senate - that will solve the public asking embarrassing questions about our policies. Now - who else?

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:28 am

Will jobsun grothe be making an appearance ?

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by Wayne » Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:08 am

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:Will jobsun grothe be making an appearance ?

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:37 am

Turnbull can't be saved and can't save himself.

Most of the 54 bedwetters need to step down and approach Abbott on their hands and knees and beg for his help and forgiveness.
If Abbott agrees to help then they need to go to Turnbull and force him to resign for the good of the party and make a public statement that Abbott should never have been deposed. He was always the rightful leader of Australia and the Libs and the entire party welcomes him back to his rightful position as PM.

Abbott will then spend at least 6 weeks explaining how many and which govt departments will be axes and which will be subject to 50%, 40%, 30%, 25% and a minimum of 10% cuts across the board. No exceptions.
RET completely abandoned.
Renewball subsidies completely removed.
Shut down and sell off 100% of the ABC.
Human right Commission defunded, everyone sacked and closed immediately.
Furiously attack the cuckold Fauxfacts and call them out as biased #fakenews they are.
Punch Mark Kenny in the throat and any other leftist shill within reach just for good measure.
All climate qangos and depts to be scrapped.
Any PC department, unit, committee, group, picnic or anything that has a whiff of being a front for cultural Marxism be rounded up, interrogated and sent to Tasmania along with all family members.
Next would be all environmental depts, Seashepherds, Animals Australia, PETA, Wilderness Society, every single one of them sent to Tassy and fed whale blubber.
All ferry services from Tasmania to the mainland halted.
Deregister all unions and arrest any member listed ASA delegate or higher. Tasmania for those fucks too.
Rid Australia of leftists and dump them on Tassy which they should have no issue.
With all the leftists inhabiting the island, the left can finally start their socialist uptopia.
My bet is that it would devolve into a murderous shitfest within weeks. A reasonable outcome as they do the job of reducing their population by themselves.
No financial support or food will be given but an allowance will be made for shipping guns, knives, bats, machetes etc... Standard leftard wife training equipment.

The country would forge ahead unimpeded by shrieking leftist harpies trying to stop progress at every turn.
Abbott could stand on the necks of lefty fucks with his head held high knowing he has taken the right and only course of action for Australia and its future.
Initially after trying to govern for all, he realised that the left are too rabid and feral to use logic or reason with so they must be removed from Society.
We salute you Prime Minister Abbott.
A true conservative warrior has emerged after learning lessons from previous encounters.
The Tasmanian tourist industry has rocketed, after Cory Bernardi was filmed on tour with a baseball bat cracking lefty heads as they sat in the long grass braying for a quinoa falafel and a latte.Rightys from all over the world are lining up to pay for the privilege of hunting lefties, with CFMEU members and disgraced Labor politicians in high demand.

It truly has become a magical world!
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by Wayne » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:17 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Turnbull can't be saved and can't save himself.

Most of the 54 bedwetters need to step down and approach Abbott on their hands and knees and beg for his help and forgiveness.
If Abbott agrees to help then they need to go to Turnbull and force him to resign for the good of the party and make a public statement that Abbott should never have been deposed. He was always the rightful leader of Australia and the Libs and the entire party welcomes him back to his rightful position as PM.

Abbott will then spend at least 6 weeks explaining how many and which govt departments will be axes and which will be subject to 50%, 40%, 30%, 25% and a minimum of 10% cuts across the board. No exceptions.
RET completely abandoned.
Renewball subsidies completely removed.
Shut down and sell off 100% of the ABC.
Human right Commission defunded, everyone sacked and closed immediately.
Furiously attack the cuckold Fauxfacts and call them out as biased #fakenews they are.
Punch Mark Kenny in the throat and any other leftist shill within reach just for good measure.
All climate qangos and depts to be scrapped.
Any PC department, unit, committee, group, picnic or anything that has a whiff of being a front for cultural Marxism be rounded up, interrogated and sent to Tasmania along with all family members.
Next would be all environmental depts, Seashepherds, Animals Australia, PETA, Wilderness Society, every single one of them sent to Tassy and fed whale blubber.
All ferry services from Tasmania to the mainland halted.
Deregister all unions and arrest any member listed ASA delegate or higher. Tasmania for those fucks too.
Rid Australia of leftists and dump them on Tassy which they should have no issue.
With all the leftists inhabiting the island, the left can finally start their socialist uptopia.
My bet is that it would devolve into a murderous shitfest within weeks. A reasonable outcome as they do the job of reducing their population by themselves.
No financial support or food will be given but an allowance will be made for shipping guns, knives, bats, machetes etc... Standard leftard wife training equipment.

The country would forge ahead unimpeded by shrieking leftist harpies trying to stop progress at every turn.
Abbott could stand on the necks of lefty fucks with his head held high knowing he has taken the right and only course of action for Australia and its future.
Initially after trying to govern for all, he realised that the left are too rabid and feral to use logic or reason with so they must be removed from Society.
We salute you Prime Minister Abbott.
A true conservative warrior has emerged after learning lessons from previous encounters.
The Tasmanian tourist industry has rocketed, after Cory Bernardi was filmed on tour with a baseball bat cracking lefty heads as they sat in the long grass braying for a quinoa falafel and a latte.Rightys from all over the world are lining up to pay for the privilege of hunting lefties, with CFMEU members and disgraced Labor politicians in high demand.

It truly has become a magical world!

Good Post! But do you REALLY want Abbott back?

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by Redneck » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:24 am

Abbott has already shown he is a screw loose with all his captains calls IQ!

You seriously dont want him back although I wouldnt mind it as a guarantee of Labor winning next election despite dopey Bill.

You aren't related to Abbort are you IQ? As there certainly are some similar fwit qualities about you two! :rofl :rofl

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by cods » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:50 am

Redneck wrote:Abbott has already shown he is a screw loose with all his captains calls IQ!

You seriously dont want him back although I wouldnt mind it as a guarantee of Labor winning next election despite dopey Bill.

You aren't related to Abbort are you IQ? As there certainly are some similar fwit qualities about you two! :rofl :rofl

I would....hes not poll driven like your bloke...

boy he will be backflipping all over the place to keep his Mr will get dizzy red..

Abbotts got balls mate ...someone has to be the bad cop unlike the ninnies we have now as leaders..

what tie will I wear today dear????must look the part in the selfies..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroan.

its nauseating...not a bit of guts amongst them..

I think the labor extras for the gay mardi Gras march we saw yesterday was hilarious...

if Howard hadnt crossed their path they wouldnt have got a mention.. big ninnies.

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:53 am

Yes, he is the rightful PM who beat Labor in a landslide and removed 3 Labor PMs.

He has the most experience and most of all, he will have the base flocking back if he gives the leftist scum who have weaseled their way inside ie the Wets a kick in the arse and removes quite a few of them who thought they could highjack a centre right conservative party and shift it to the left simply for their own gain because it's not like shifting left resulted in even a tiny number of moderate left to shift their vote.

Why the party hierarchy, including those outside the party but still in the tent like Mark Textor who openly said the base of centre right voters that are rusted on do not matter as they will pick up more votes from the centre left than they would lose. These guys have been in politics a hell of a long time and it was plain to anyone that this was a complete fuckup and they lost their most important and numerous support base.

I'm still of a mind that this was a long term plot by the left. After marching their way through all the institutions they could find, they still hadn't "seized the means of production" and couldn't hold office long enough to destroy the country by sending it broke, at least without conservatives getting in after them and repairing the damage.

So they went after the one institution they hadn't thought of to march through. The longest running and most successful political party in Australia...and the results speak for themselves. Menzies Liberal party is a shadow of what it was and what it stood for.
The blame for its decimation lies squarely at the feet of the Wets/leftist infiltrators who couldn't NOT have seen this coming.
Everyone saw it.
The leftist press decided to start the hatchet job which saw the horrifying spectacle of the PM winking after taking a talk back call from an All plant working or pretending to work in the sex industry. Dredging up his student politics days and wheeling out an ALP lackey to accuse him of punching a wall :roll: with shit of similar low level and obvious leftwing organised propaganda being push for weeks in the leftist aligned press and of course the ABC.
It was truly pathetic and leftist ministers such as Turnbull and Bishop leaked to Fauxfacts like a dripping tap for months.

The tried and true method of dealing with bad press was to ignore it and don't give it oxygen, which in today's media where editorial control in leftist rags is nonexistent so every junior journo just out of nappies are trying to be the 4th Estate and kingmakers and always pushed from the left.
This tactic of ignore no longer works and Trump has given a perfect demonstration that biased news should be attacked head on, publicly labelled and shamed. Bomb them with bombastic until they slink off in shame as their lies are exposed.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:15 am

Clutching at straws thinking the woman basher will lead you to victory , get ready for a lonnnnnnng time in opposition when the time comes 8-)

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Re: The Crapulence that is the Australian Coalition

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:41 pm

cods wrote:
I would....hes not poll driven like your bloke...
:rofl :rofl :rofl

get real. EVERY politician is poll driven.

There is a reason Abbott flip flopped on all his policies. :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

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