A righty is a complex beast and can incorporate many facets such as nationalism to libertarianism and iterations in between so the only way to successfully identify one is to determine they are not a lefty. Failure to do this and you end up being lead by someone like Turnbull.
A lefty can be many things, like a union thug, a dirty hippy, a proponent of wind and solar powered anal intruders, a tax leech, a regulation loving retard, a PC pinhead, a dole bludger, a govt funds rorter, spend much of their time whining on twatter or making 50k+ posts on forums (without a single intelligent comment), against individuality, needy- requires support from other leftys, loves other people's money and thinks they should be able to decide how to spend it (and it will always be on idiot, wasteful and useless lefty ideas and ideals) but most of all, they are stupid.
Mind numbingly stupid. For example, you fit the lefty profile perfectly.
Trump isn't like you. He isn't stupid and he isn't any of the accurate lefty descriptions above.
Therefore, Trump isn't a lefty.
Ergo, Trump is a righty.