Julia Gillard AC
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
- Posts: 19345
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm
- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Julia Gillard AC
Nope- majority of violence all coming from the leftist side.
Children throwing tanties because they lost.
It's classic leftist totalitarian behaviour.
Children throwing tanties because they lost.
It's classic leftist totalitarian behaviour.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Outlaw Yogi
- Posts: 2404
- Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:27 pm
Re: Julia Gillard AC
This time I read the first sentence and realised you are nothing but a waste of good oxygen.wayne wrote:If you can't apply a logical approach to a posting then, as I suspected, you are denser than battery electrolyte. I felt that posting like that would make it easier for you to follow the topic as each of your comments were addressed point by point, but I was wrong. You have missed a good debate on points you raised. It looks like if all the idiots from all the villages decided to form their own village, then you would be that village's idiot. I don't recall ever criticising Rorsc style of addressing each point within the topic, that is obviously your one brain cell working overtime. I think you should run away now and read your "Mr Men" books as that is where I feel your intellect resides
You are far from logical and your imaginary debating skills are pitiful.If you can't apply a logical approach to a posting then, as I suspected, you are denser than battery electrolyte.
So much so that your hypocrisy gives me the impression that you're either bi-polar or schizophukwitic. My experience of such characters is they cannot recognise how childishly hypocritical they are.
For example, you babble on about others being "rusted on", yet you are one of, if not the most welded on partisan lefty soft cocks we've ever had here, and your denying just exposes your idiocy.
Y'know, I reckon the Nazis were right .. all you head cases should just be gassed.
Not just because you're a burden on society, but because you're a public nuisance.
Somewhere in this thread a member going by the nick 'Juliar' (who I suspect is a sock) mentioned that even the ALP and unions recognised Gillard was so incompetent she was a liability to the ALP and so resurrected Rudd.
I reckon that's the most accurate and pertinent comment in this entire thread, and if you (wayne) weren't such the rusted on partisan you accuse of others, you recognise it and move on to another topic. But you can't, can you?
And that's most likely because you're a childish schizo.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am
Re: Julia Gillard AC
Outlaw Yogi wrote:This time I read the first sentence and realised you are nothing but a waste of good oxygen.wayne wrote:If you can't apply a logical approach to a posting then, as I suspected, you are denser than battery electrolyte. I felt that posting like that would make it easier for you to follow the topic as each of your comments were addressed point by point, but I was wrong. You have missed a good debate on points you raised. It looks like if all the idiots from all the villages decided to form their own village, then you would be that village's idiot. I don't recall ever criticising Rorsc style of addressing each point within the topic, that is obviously your one brain cell working overtime. I think you should run away now and read your "Mr Men" books as that is where I feel your intellect resides
You are far from logical and your imaginary debating skills are pitiful.If you can't apply a logical approach to a posting then, as I suspected, you are denser than battery electrolyte.
So much so that your hypocrisy gives me the impression that you're either bi-polar or schizophukwitic. My experience of such characters is they cannot recognise how childishly hypocritical they are.
For example, you babble on about others being "rusted on", yet you are one of, if not the most welded on partisan lefty soft cocks we've ever had here, and your denying just exposes your idiocy.
Y'know, I reckon the Nazis were right .. all you head cases should just be gassed.
Not just because you're a burden on society, but because you're a public nuisance.
Somewhere in this thread a member going by the nick 'Juliar' (who I suspect is a sock) mentioned that even the ALP and unions recognised Gillard was so incompetent she was a liability to the ALP and so resurrected Rudd.
I reckon that's the most accurate and pertinent comment in this entire thread, and if you (wayne) weren't such the rusted on partisan you accuse of others, you recognise it and move on to another topic. But you can't, can you?
And that's most likely because you're a childish schizo.
Well Yogi for one who admitted he didn't even bother reading the posting because it wasn't in a format he could understand it sounds like you wouldn't have had the intellect to give a lucid reply anyway. If you had bothered to read my post (assuming you can read of course) then you would see that I am far from rusted on anything. But you are so dense you let a mere personal problem like the way a reply is formatted stop you from self education. I think you and IQ should stop watching Deliverance together - it sounds like your mutual pummelling as removed the best part of whatever size brain you possessed. You should stick to wandering around at night looking for imaginary visitors rather than trying to engage normal people in debate - you are intellectually damaged, probably because your brother and your sister are your parents. Stick to being a backwater yokie and leave the political debating to the adults. BTW Juliar has been around for years on OzPol - I don't think he/she is a sock of anyone - I actually think he/she is a singular poster. He/She would appeal to a man of minimal brain capacity as your good self because he/she is a true example of a rusted on.- like you
- Posts: 19345
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm
- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Julia Gillard AC
blah blah blah...youre a complete rusted-on.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am
Re: Julia Gillard AC
IQS.RLOW wrote:blah blah blah...youre a complete rusted-on.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
Well IQ, as I tried to put to you yesterday in perhaps too much detail for your brain to absorb left and right side of politics are son close to the same they may as well merge.
But, thank you for the pleasure of hanging your little crippled asian arse out to dry. Your inability to be able to refute any of my postings, follow my many links and just run around screaming " Leftard" was a pleasure to see. The only thing missing was the wealth of emoticons your retarded brother is using. Thanks for the play, take anything from the bottom shelf.
- Posts: 19345
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm
- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Julia Gillard AC
They are not the same. That's just your leftist brain trying to excuse leftist fuckwittery.Wayne wrote:IQS.RLOW wrote:blah blah blah...youre a complete rusted-on.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
Well IQ, as I tried to put to you yesterday in perhaps too much detail for your brain to absorb left and right side of politics are son close to the same they may as well merge.
But, thank you for the pleasure of hanging your little crippled asian arse out to dry. Your inability to be able to refute any of my postings, follow my many links and just run around screaming " Leftard" was a pleasure to see. The only thing missing was the wealth of emoticons your retarded brother is using. Thanks for the play, take anything from the bottom shelf.
The LNP has been dragged left by the NSW cuckservatives and the ALP have been chasing Greens to the left, which is why you think the left and right are the same. The reality is that conservatives (ie the majority of Australia) are missing a party that represents them and when they finally get one and they are voted in a landslide, you leftist whiners will be crying into each other's ballsacks. All the majors have been blind to the coming conservative backlash and boy are you lefty sooks going to be thrashed.
That you haven't been able to identify a shifting of politics to the very left in Oz shows how little you recognise trends and displays your complete ignorance.
Don't bother taking anything from the bottom shelf, you haven't managed to even get there.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am
Re: Julia Gillard AC
. For most of this thread we have been discussing US politics. If you want your arse reamed on Aussie fine by me. Love to give your little Asian bod another whippingIQS.RLOW wrote:They are not the same. That's just your leftist brain trying to excuse leftist fuckwittery.Wayne wrote:IQS.RLOW wrote:blah blah blah...youre a complete rusted-on.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
Well IQ, as I tried to put to you yesterday in perhaps too much detail for your brain to absorb left and right side of politics are son close to the same they may as well merge.
But, thank you for the pleasure of hanging your little crippled asian arse out to dry. Your inability to be able to refute any of my postings, follow my many links and just run around screaming " Leftard" was a pleasure to see. The only thing missing was the wealth of emoticons your retarded brother is using. Thanks for the play, take anything from the bottom shelf.
The LNP has been dragged left by the NSW cuckservatives and the ALP have been chasing Greens to the left, which is why you think the left and right are the same. The reality is that conservatives (ie the majority of Australia) are missing a party that represents them and when they finally get one and they are voted in a landslide, you leftist whiners will be crying into each other's ballsacks. All the majors have been blind to the coming conservative backlash and boy are you lefty sooks going to be thrashed.
That you haven't been able to identify a shifting of politics to the very left in Oz shows how little you recognise trends and displays your complete ignorance.
Don't bother taking anything from the bottom shelf, you haven't managed to even get there.
- Posts: 19345
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm
- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Julia Gillard AC
I see you swallow lies and propaganda from these forums just like you do ALP lies and propaganda.Wayne wrote:. For most of this thread we have been discussing US politics. If you want your arse reamed on Aussie fine by me. Love to give your little Asian bod another whippingIQS.RLOW wrote:They are not the same. That's just your leftist brain trying to excuse leftist fuckwittery.Wayne wrote:IQS.RLOW wrote:blah blah blah...youre a complete rusted-on.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
Well IQ, as I tried to put to you yesterday in perhaps too much detail for your brain to absorb left and right side of politics are son close to the same they may as well merge.
But, thank you for the pleasure of hanging your little crippled asian arse out to dry. Your inability to be able to refute any of my postings, follow my many links and just run around screaming " Leftard" was a pleasure to see. The only thing missing was the wealth of emoticons your retarded brother is using. Thanks for the play, take anything from the bottom shelf.
The LNP has been dragged left by the NSW cuckservatives and the ALP have been chasing Greens to the left, which is why you think the left and right are the same. The reality is that conservatives (ie the majority of Australia) are missing a party that represents them and when they finally get one and they are voted in a landslide, you leftist whiners will be crying into each other's ballsacks. All the majors have been blind to the coming conservative backlash and boy are you lefty sooks going to be thrashed.
That you haven't been able to identify a shifting of politics to the very left in Oz shows how little you recognise trends and displays your complete ignorance.
Don't bother taking anything from the bottom shelf, you haven't managed to even get there.

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am
Re: Julia Gillard AC
Oh Look! The emoticon man is back! No, I am able to see both sides in politics unlike you. Did you notice in the news that the shootings in Canada were committed by a rabid right winger? Of course not - because that would contradict your slant eyed view of the world. Happy to discuss and debate with you - but all you can come back with is silly little immature one liners and "emoticons" In fact, you are as full of shit as the toilets you clean each day. I may swallow lies - but you swallow far worse - and don't wipe your chin! Come back Slopehead when you learn how to debateIQS.RLOW wrote:I see you swallow lies and propaganda from these forums just like you do ALP lies and propaganda.Wayne wrote:. For most of this thread we have been discussing US politics. If you want your arse reamed on Aussie fine by me. Love to give your little Asian bod another whippingIQS.RLOW wrote:They are not the same. That's just your leftist brain trying to excuse leftist fuckwittery.Wayne wrote:IQS.RLOW wrote:blah blah blah...youre a complete rusted-on.
The only reason why you would deny you are is because you are embarrassed about your side of politics.
Understandable, but youre still a rusted on leftarded douche nozzle.
Well IQ, as I tried to put to you yesterday in perhaps too much detail for your brain to absorb left and right side of politics are son close to the same they may as well merge.
But, thank you for the pleasure of hanging your little crippled asian arse out to dry. Your inability to be able to refute any of my postings, follow my many links and just run around screaming " Leftard" was a pleasure to see. The only thing missing was the wealth of emoticons your retarded brother is using. Thanks for the play, take anything from the bottom shelf.
The LNP has been dragged left by the NSW cuckservatives and the ALP have been chasing Greens to the left, which is why you think the left and right are the same. The reality is that conservatives (ie the majority of Australia) are missing a party that represents them and when they finally get one and they are voted in a landslide, you leftist whiners will be crying into each other's ballsacks. All the majors have been blind to the coming conservative backlash and boy are you lefty sooks going to be thrashed.
That you haven't been able to identify a shifting of politics to the very left in Oz shows how little you recognise trends and displays your complete ignorance.
Don't bother taking anything from the bottom shelf, you haven't managed to even get there.
- Posts: 19345
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm
- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Julia Gillard AC
Must be hard keeping your inner leftist racism in check, commie.
It comes so naturally to totalitarian leftists.
Have another emoticon leftard
It comes so naturally to totalitarian leftists.
Have another emoticon leftard

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
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