cods wrote:nefs got a good solution....
does she want to volunteer to press the bomb button???
killing zillions of women and children isnt my go... for any reason.....
but I have the strangest feeling..
thats exactly what ISIS is trying to do..
Hey cods, consider the history of the human species, or for argument's sake every species on the planet. As much as we like to tell ourselves we've succeeded because of cooperation (admittedly teaming up with dogs hastened our take over of the planet), fact is life on this planet is a constant war.
Not just for humans either, because virtually everything on this planet is in competition with something else and sometimes everything else.
Homo sapien success has been due to our command of resources via smarts and technology.
An unfortunate fact of human biology is we are usually sexually attracted to those who look like/similar to ourselves. In a large gene pool mental defects resulting from inbreeding can be over come by marginalisation. But in Muslim and Hindu culture marrying your cousin to keep property in the family in the event of divorce is common practice, despite the knowledge it causes idiot children who grow to be problematic adults. Religious leaders don't mind because simpletons are easily manipulated - eg 'suicide bombers' - as devout adherents.
I'm a crossbred or mixed breed - English, Scot, Irish X Irish, Afgan, German - who while having more Irish in me than anything else actually looks German (built like Saxon [tall & skinny] with a Bavarian [wolf-man] mono-brow). The Afgan is from a Pashtoon camel driver the Brits brought out here who's daughter married an Irishman. The Pashtoons the Brits brought here were called "Afgans" but were actually from Northern India, Now Pakistan.
Having a Pashtoon ancestor means I'm distantly related to the Taliban. But that doesn't prevent me advocating wiping them out. I've been saying for years, these Jihadis are putting their sons through militant religious schools called a "Madrass" where they learn 1 dead American + 2 dead Americans = 3 dead Americans (or substitute with any Westerner of Kafir/Infidel), so this "Holy War" is going to go on for generations unless we are prepared to go into Warizistan and exterminate the Pashtoons, including their women. Because if you let them breed, they'll just come back for revenge.
This exterminate your enemy advocacy extends to all Jihadist types, and as long as Islam exists, new Jihadists will be born. Call it a "Clash of Cultures" or whatever you like, but sooner or later the Western world will have no choice but to obliterate Muslim culture or become slaves.
Personally I'd hate to have been brought up Muslim, they're quite an unhappy lot, so I think we'd be doing them a favour with emancipation from Allah.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?