... 701605.htmTurnbull puts leadership on line with challenge to rebels
By Online parliamentary correspondent Emma Rodgers
Time will tell: Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull (AAP: Alan Porritt)
Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull says "time will tell" if he will survive the current Coalition turmoil over emissions trading.
And he has suggested he may walk away from the job if he fails to win the support of the party room.
With the issue continuing to destabilise his leadership Mr Turnbull has slapped down dissenters in his own party, telling rogue backbenchers to show some discipline and stop risking the re-election of their colleagues.
Heh, I have already posted that Malcolm will at some point walk away from the rabble and its fuckwits like Tuckey, Bernardi and Barnyard. Why should he stay, he can go and enjoy his money and life. Notice how he has aged in one year?