Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

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Outlaw Yogi
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Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:25 pm

Grounds for dismissing a Commissioner is 'Gross Misconduct'.
I'd say this qualifies as gross misconduct.
Although personally I think the AHRC should be abolished.

Triggs misled Senate with blast over journalist’s use of quotes

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Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has ­admitted she misled parliament after her attempts to blame journalists for manufacturing quotes and citing her out of context were yesterday disproved by an audio recording.

The error has plunged the human rights ­advocate into a fresh controversy, leaving her ­facing accusations her testimony was an ­“apparent ­deception”.

Professor Triggs, appearing ­before the Senate’s legal and constitutional affairs committee on Tuesday, was queried about comments to The Saturday Paper’s ­Ramona Koval in which she fumed at “seriously ill-informed and uneducated” politicians questioning her work.

The lawyer told the Senate some quotes from the transcript were “inaccurate” and others had been “taken out of context”. She denied suggesting she could have “destroyed” the committee by challenging its authority, insisting the quote was “put in by a sub-­editor”.

After learning the newspaper had an audio recording of the ­interview, Professor Triggs yesterday offered to “clarify” her evidence to the committee. “Upon further reflection I ­accept that the article was an ­accurate excerpt from a longer ­interview,” Professor Triggs told The Australian.

“I had no intention of questioning The Saturday Paper’s journalistic integrity. I have today written to the committee to clarify my statement.

Koval a three-decade veteranOMore: Koval a three-decade veteran
Shorten ‘must pursue Triggs’OMore: Shorten ‘must pursue Triggs’

“I ­answered questions regarding the article in good faith and based on my best recollection.”

The Saturday Paper’s editor, Erik Jensen, said Professor Triggs had “misrepresented and badly impugned” the integrity of Koval’s journalism. “I’ve listened to a tape of the ­interview this morning. Nowhere does the edited transcript lose context or meaning,” he said. “Ramona Koval is one of this country’s finest interviewers. The piece she did on Professor Triggs brought new insights to Professor Triggs’ relationship with the ­government, and a level of candour Professor Triggs now ­appears to regret.”

Queensland Coalition senator Ian Macdonald, who chairs the committee, said Professor Triggs’ conflicted evidence exposed an “apparent deception” of the ­parliament.

“I would take very, very seriously any suggestion that a senior statutory official would deliberately mislead the Senate in her comments on anything, but on that particular transcript,” Senator Macdonald said.

“All other issues aside, it is disturbing that senior officers would resort to that sort of misinformation to a Senate committee.”

The Abbott government suspended contact with Professor Triggs following her inconsistent evidence to the committee about the genesis of her inquiry into the immigration detention system, The Forgotten Children.

Professor Triggs initially claimed not to have discussed the idea with the Rudd-Gillard ­government in 2013, then recalled discussions with two Labor ministers, then denied any such talks took place.

Professor Triggs gave various reasons for delaying the inquiry until after the 2013 election, which swept Labor out of office, and then provided an entirely different explanation in the report itself.

In June last year, one month after the executions of Bali Nine convicts Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, Professor Triggs suggested Indonesia had rejected Australia’s pleas regarding the death penalty because it was upset by boat turnbacks. She subsequently denied linking turnbacks to the Bali Nine case, insisting she was talking about executions in general. In her interview with Koval, Professor Triggs said: “All they (senators) know is the world of Canberra and politics and they’ve lost any sense of a rule of law, and curiously enough for Canberra they don’t even understand what democracy is.

“I knew I could have responded and destroyed them — I could have said, ‘You’ve asked me a question that demonstrated you have not read our statute. How dare you question what I do?’ ”
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

Post by Neferti » Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:33 pm

I've never understood what the fuck Triggs was on about .... she just struck me as some female that I should IGNORE.

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Re: Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:18 pm

Yep Triggs should have gone long ago and the ABC owes us all an apology for that trash on 4 Corners the other night. Bet media watch won't be attacking it for all the untruths.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:43 pm

As in Yogi's post this article again shows how Triggs behaves and how everyone knows but still we cant get rid of her.
Gillian Triggs must be removed by the Coalition Government
The Australian
October 20, 2016
Chris Kenny

That Gillian Triggs can remain in her job is one of the great mysteries of Australian politics. The revelations about her misleading evidence to a parliamentary inquiry this week are extraordinary, not so much because she has been caught out and forced to correct herself, but because this has become a regular occurrence.

The Australian Human Rights Commission President’s appearances over the past three years before parliamentary committees and her own inquires have been a series of train wrecks and car crashes that would have ended the career of most politicians, bureaucrats or journalists.

Simply put, she has repeatedly been caught out making false statements.

That she has been granted unofficial immunity for her sins by the ABC, Fairfax, most journalists, the Labor Party, the Greens and even many moderate Liberal MPs says a great deal about the values of the political class. Because Triggs has styled herself as the leading compassionista, someone fighting for the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees, the normal rules have not been applied to her.

When she has erred, the national broadcaster has censored the stories. When this newspaper has pointed out her mistakes, the national broadcaster and other media have refused to report these relevant facts and have neglected to even ask her questions about her misstatements and corrections.

Instead she has been given endless platforms from which to attack the government and its border protection policies and avoid any scrutiny over her own claims and actions.

Triggs and her media and political supporters say she has been punished for challenging the Coalition’s offshore processing policies. She has claimed and been given the prized and impenetrable cloak of victimhood.

Yet let us be clear. The starting point for criticism of Triggs is not that she sought to conduct a report on the welfare of children in detention. Her gravest error is that having decided it was a matter requiring urgent attention when she took over at the AHRC in July 2012, she delayed holding that inquiry for 18 months while Labor was in power and close to 2000 children were in detention at any one time.

While thousands of kids were churned through detention, Triggs waited and held off her planned inquiry. And things started falling apart for her when she tried to explain all this.

In late 2014 she was quizzed about it in a disastrous parliamentary committee performance that most media never covered.

The AHRC president first denied discussing an inquiry into children in detention with government ministers when Labor was in power, then faltered and said the information was confidential, ­before eventually admitting she had discussed the idea with not one, but two Labor immigration ministers.

She also revealed that after the change of government she did not immediately discuss the proposal with the new government, but sent a letter informing them of her decision four months later.

Triggs was also caught out over her excuse for delaying the inquiry under Labor. The reason she proffered was that an election “was imminent” from about March 2013 and it was going to be called “very soon”, and no one knew the exact date. Yet the then prime minister, Julia ­Gillard, had taken the unusual step in January that year of announcing a September election date.

Time and again, Triggs’ evidence just does not stack up.

To compound her woes, when Triggs eventually established her inquiry in 2014 she claimed in a hearing there were armed guards at detention centres, which she likened to prisons, before being challenged and having to retract her claims.

There is a pattern in all of this. Triggs attacks the Coalition government (usually over border protection issues), makes erroneous statements to parliamentary inquiries, admits her errors and corrects the record, is given a leave pass by opposition politicians and the media, claims to be unfairly targeted when government MPs or journalists point out her mistakes, and then repeats the process.

In the meantime her human rights commission is busy trying to censor a cartoonist and harass students who dared to mock the race-based allocation of university computers.

The Triggs saga must be brought to an end. The government must dismiss her. Sure, she will claim it is unfair and that she is a victim but she claims all that anyway. Triggs might challenge her dismissal in court. So be it.

She could even take her complaint to the AHRC. It doesn’t matter. Taxpayers should not continue to fund her indulgences.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:02 pm

In her interview with Koval, Professor Triggs said: “All they (senators) know is the world of Canberra and politics and they’ve lost any sense of a rule of law, and curiously enough for Canberra they don’t even understand what democracy is.
Perfect example of the hypocritical pot calling the kettle black. What more evidence does one need to see that Triggs clearly sees herself as above the law? .. and has contempt for democracy?
Gillian Triggs wrote:“I knew I could have responded and destroyed them ...
This is an example of the typical position taken by someone using anti-depressant or anti-psychotic medication. And being continuously caught out for blatant dishonesty merely confirms my supposition.
Triggs is clearly fucked in the head, and I suspect the ALP appointed her to head of the AHRC because she is dishonest and incompetent. The most effective method to generate public lack of confidence in a political regime (in this case Democracy) is to infect it with malpractice and incompetence at the top.
Gillian Triggs wrote: How dare you question what I do?’ ”
Well head case goddess hypocrisy, they dare because it is their job to do so.
And currently the thinking public not only questions what you do, but vehemently condemns it.
By the way, you've got a really bad hair cut.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Triggs: How dare you question what I do?

Post by Neferti » Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:36 pm

I recall asking a male friend I have know for eons, about Triggs and he said "Oh, she is OK" ........ and I thought he was a righty ... obviously I was wrong ... but both his parents were Professors at Sydney University and his brother is also a Professor ...... so "progressives" I guess. Strangely, we have never actually discussed politics.

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