Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by mantra » Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:22 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
AnaTom wrote:.

The federal government is selling Australia to the CCP.
Yeah but it's OK, 'coz China is preparing for war. Thus the hangars and runways on stolen islets.
So after we spray them like bugs with chemical weapons we can take it all back again.
Not unlike we took Germany's portion of New Guinea after WW1.
We are definitely selling out to China, but there is no way we could fight them in a war. There will be too many of them and they will have control of two of our major ports. Even the US won't be able to help as their main pathway to Australia seems to be Darwin Port.

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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by AnaTom » Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:34 pm


The military don't use the Darwin harbour that much. Or at least not while I was there. The main access is the railway. I think TOLL built a railway for the Chinese right down through SE Asia. So, that's how it all works.

Question is, what the hell is our government and institutions up to. Selling out for a quick buck, to prevent the worlds largest xenophobe and racist stomping on us, seems ridiculous to me. But as we know, theyre all infected with the hive-mind spell, aka Cognitive Dissonance. Especially the Australian Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull.


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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by Neferti » Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:30 pm

You, too, will end up OLD, AnaTom .... IF you are very lucky .... not everybody ends up OLD, some die much earlier. ;)

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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by AnaTom » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:44 pm

Strewth Neffy.

Am I on a government redlist?

Maybe I better cease and desist.


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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by Neferti » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:54 pm

AnaTom wrote:.
Strewth Neffy.

Am I on a government redlist?

Maybe I better cease and desist.

That's about the size of it, mate. :yahoo

How's things anyway?

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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by AnaTom » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:57 pm

Neferti~ wrote:How's things anyway?
Well after a long turmoil, I can say I am settling, so thanks.

Bye :Hi

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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by Neferti » Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:05 pm

AnaTom wrote:.
Neferti~ wrote:How's things anyway?
Well after a long turmoil, I can say I am settling, so thanks.

Bye :Hi
Glad to hear that. Take care.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Is there a generation gap in Australian politics?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:49 pm

mantra wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
AnaTom wrote:.

The federal government is selling Australia to the CCP.
Yeah but it's OK, 'coz China is preparing for war. Thus the hangars and runways on stolen islets.
So after we spray them like bugs with chemical weapons we can take it all back again.
Not unlike we took Germany's portion of New Guinea after WW1.
We are definitely selling out to China, but there is no way we could fight them in a war. There will be too many of them and they will have control of two of our major ports. Even the US won't be able to help as their main pathway to Australia seems to be Darwin Port.
East Asians aka Mongoloid must have evolved in a very cold climate. Resulting in little body or facial hair (which can freeze), an extra skin fold over the eye to protect from blizzards, and a deeper concave of the eye.
This last feature partially diminishes eye sight and is the reason so many East Asians require spectacles.

In WW2 the stereotyped Japanese soldier with glasses was said to be scared of Aussie country boys because they were such good shots.
Admittedly firearms skirmishes and artillery will in a large part be superseded by drones and electronic controlled devices, but with the exception of black powder (original gun powder) the Chinese aren't known for inventiveness, they're known for being good copiers. Although currently their quality control is abysmal.
China's greatest advantage is a near monopoly on rare earth minerals, like neodymium required for super strong magnets which feature in modern jet engines ect ect.

We can beat China if we're smart. Both Japan (in WW2) and USA (in Korea) effectively used biological weapons against Chinese troops. And we'll probably have to resort to bio-agents too.

China's greatest weakness is a lack of combat experienced troops. Even Vietnam beat China over border skirmishes.
China is preparing for war, but they don't really want to have to fight. They're counting on adversaries cowering at the size of their troop numbers and accumulated equipment.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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