boxy wrote:He's not ignoring his credentials... he's saying that even with credentials, your numbers still need to be confirmed.
That's a valid point on almost any topic of debate, but with the dumbing down of tertiary education so that Mugsly and Dingbat can get credentials too, a degree these days is worth not much more than toilet paper.
I once had a debate with an American uni lecturer who got offended because I said
"An education is no guarantee of intelligence".
My point being that while intelligence can be enhanced or one's potential increased via childhood stimulation.
intelligence for the most part is something you are born with or without.
While still in the Greens I got into a debate with the then Qld Greens webmaster Dr Sam Stainsbury,
who claims to have a PHd in particle physics.
The debate was about electrical current, for which I proposed be used for electrolysis of saline
to extract hydrogen to run internal combustion engines (much like we run them on LNG/methane).
Sam reckoned that it would require too much energy to generate the electrical current needed.
I pointed out it only takes 1.7 volts to split water into hydrogen and oxygen atoms/gas, and so can be done with
photovoltaic cells/solar panels.
He said that "Volts are not a measurement of electricity" and that only Watts count.
A particle physicist should have known better than to make such an absurd statement regarding atomic particles - electrons .
Not only are volts a measurement of electrical current, but are the most importent measure of current as volts determines Amperage.
And volt multiplied by amps = watts.
Anyway I trashed the status of his credentials on the grounds he had no experience with electricity, and I'd been tinkering with, disassembling and building electrical devices since I was 12. He admitted he had no electrical experience and threatened to ban me from the site for being rude. I said I was sorry for my rudeness even though he was sorry for his rudeness in which he denigrated running internal combustion engines on hydrogen extracted by solar powered electrolysis as "Perpetual Motion" bunkum.
So AFAIC his credentials as a particle physicist are worth shit.
Meanwhile there had been major leaks from the site to Andrew Landeryou in Vic,
which he made big song and dances about. I suspected he was the leak, but knew the party would think I was paranoid if I said so, so said nothing.
When he quit the party on the fantastic grounds that he reckoned the melding of humans and robotics was so near/close/soon
that he saw no reason to be a member anymore, the leaks from the site to Andrew Landeryou immediately stopped.
So in hindsight, I'd say he was a complete fraud in more ways than one, but then he is a vegetarian, so hardly surprising.
People who worship fancy titles are fools.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?