ABC Clueless or biased?

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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:36 am

I thought the inquiry was over and the ABC had apologised. Abbott has a grudge and a personal agenda. This comment hasn't helped his popularity. Half the electorate is made up of "lefties". Now the boycott? Abbott needs his reins tightened again.
:roll: No he doesn't. Abbott needs to go even harder on the little nest of Marxist vipers at theirABC. It's about time the parasites were brought to heel and every one of the little dickheads had the ABC charter rammed down their fucking throats, but I think the leftism is too far ingrained at the shitful sheltered workshop and the only thing that can be done is to split it up and sell the useless fucking thing off for whatever price we can get for it. At the very least it will save $1.4bn a year and we can be rid of the leftist stain.

And if you are one of the one eyed, thick as a brick blind leftists who are either too stupid to see the bias in the ABC or worse, you're an evil fluffy bunny who can see the bias but will deny it until you are blue in the face because you just love having your very own taxpayer funded lefty shit machine then I suggest you google "Allan Ashbolt" and see where the lefty rot that you deny originated from.
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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by mantra » Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:26 am

Abbott's spiteful rhetoric will do more to harm the government than the ABC could ever do. Yes it needs an overhaul, but abusing those on the left isn't the way to go about it. It will only encourage more people to take a protective stance in favour of the ABC - not the government.

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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:57 am

Too bad.

TheirABC has been warned more than enough times to pull their collectivist head in and they thumb their noses at the government and the taxpayers.

Privatise it and the left can pay for it.
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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by Neferti » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:56 pm

mantra wrote:Abbott's spiteful rhetoric will do more to harm the government than the ABC could ever do. Yes it needs an overhaul, but abusing those on the left isn't the way to go about it. It will only encourage more people to take a protective stance in favour of the ABC - not the government.
Rubbish. The only people who watch ABC are leftards, people who hate commercials and "reality" TV shows. Normal people have Foxtel for Sport and entertainment. :rofl

We don't need ABC News 24/7 either and the days when "our" ABC was worth watching is long gone. I hope that Abbott decides to privatise "our ABC. It's about time.

You may or may not recall that back in the Whitlam era the Labor Government tried to bring in a TV Licence thing to help fund the ABC (like the Poms still do with the BBC). It was something like a $20 a year (in the 1970s, maybe $100 now?) and NOBODY agreed so it was scrapped.

So Tony could decide to charge every household a TV fee to fund the ABC. :rofl However, think it would be better to stop funding it altogether and just let the ABC keep the Internet News stuff. Talking Heads are no longer required. IF you are interested in what certain persons in the Media are saying ... join Twitter or Facebook and read what they are yapping on about and you will learn what side of politics they lean to. :mrgreen:

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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:11 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote: Oh dear... I heard it was only until the ABC's own in house enquiry was over. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I thought the inquiry was over and the ABC had apologised. Abbott has a grudge and a personal agenda. This comment hasn't helped his popularity. Half the electorate is made up of "lefties". Now the boycott? Abbott needs his reins tightened again.
No mantra it's not over the governments enquiry is. :du :du :du
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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by mantra » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:35 am

Neferti~ wrote: Rubbish. The only people who watch ABC are leftards, people who hate commercials and "reality" TV shows. Normal people have Foxtel for Sport and entertainment. :rofl

We don't need ABC News 24/7 either and the days when "our" ABC was worth watching is long gone. I hope that Abbott decides to privatise "our ABC. It's about time.

You may or may not recall that back in the Whitlam era the Labor Government tried to bring in a TV Licence thing to help fund the ABC (like the Poms still do with the BBC). It was something like a $20 a year (in the 1970s, maybe $100 now?) and NOBODY agreed so it was scrapped.

So Tony could decide to charge every household a TV fee to fund the ABC. :rofl However, think it would be better to stop funding it altogether and just let the ABC keep the Internet News stuff. Talking Heads are no longer required. IF you are interested in what certain persons in the Media are saying ... join Twitter or Facebook and read what they are yapping on about and you will learn what side of politics they lean to. :mrgreen:
The ABC is only a shadow of what it used to be a decade ago. It's become worse since the funding cuts obviously because staff live in fear of getting the sack and can't function confidently. I rarely find anything worth watching, but it needs a revamp - not a culling. We need an unbiased national broadcaster and not one that has to do the bidding of Abbott or whoever is holding the purse strings at the time.

This is getting to the point of ridiculous. Government supporters are demanding Ray Martin withdraw from the investigation because he's not saying what the government want to hear.
Martin was asked about the boycott while co-hosting Channel Seven's Sunrise program on Tuesday.

"I can't believe it," Martin said.

"It's so silly to do it. I would have thought Barnaby Joyce should have said, 'I'm not a member of the Liberal Party, I'm a member of the National Party, I can do what I like' and go and do it."

The program has up to one million viewers a week and provides a good forum for politicians to sell their message, Martin said.

"I can't imagine Australia without the ABC so I've got a lot of time [for it] but that doesn't mean that it can't be better," he said.

The TV veteran is conducting an audit of the past 22 Q&A programs with former SBS managing director Shaun Brown.

Following Martin's comments, an ABC spokesman said he was chosen to conduct the audit because "he is independent and the public perceive him to be".

"That doesn't mean he can't express an opinion," the spokesman said. "He made it clear that his final view will be shaped by an orderly audit of previous programs. His comments related more to the boycott than to the program itself and everyone has an opinion on that."

Mr Abbott declined to comment on Tuesday when asked if he would allow Mr Turnbull to appear on next week's episode. ... i6lal.html

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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by Malcolm-Red Menstrual Minister » Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:05 am

I shall be endorsing Mark Scott for a further contract of tenure in a bid to gaining his support to endorse my declaration of public holidays for 1st May & also 18December & 21 January, which is in honor of my mentors (Joseph Stalin & Vladimir Lenin). Will also declare memorial days for 15 April & 30 April for my inspirations (Pol Pot & Adolph Hitler).
This will undoubtedly gain favorable media commentary from the ABC, as who would say no to an additional week of public holidays. And for those who are not participating in the workforce I shall implement a premium to all participants social security benefits of 10%. This way all of Australia will look forward to all public holidays, and not just have the burden borne by businesses.
We shall have all children of school age be taught by Quran & Mein Kampf,what better upbringing could a child have and abandon religious teachings.
After this successful campaign I shall modestly accept the erection of statures in my likeness to be in abundance throughout all of Australia and even in some overseas countries.
Thank you Thank you Thank you

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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:56 am

Rubbish mantra the ABC is incestuous.... it's employees are drawn from the same families with the same political beliefs.

Martin is a big ALP Lefty supporter... that is why his appointment is frowned upon... he's BIASED. :du :du :du
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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by mantra » Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:21 pm

Rorschach wrote:Rubbish mantra the ABC is incestuous.... it's employees are drawn from the same families with the same political beliefs.

Martin is a big ALP Lefty supporter... that is why his appointment is frowned upon... he's BIASED.
Anyone who doesn't agree with Abbott and his minions is biased. I can see shades of the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in Abbott.

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Re: ABC Clueless or biased?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:19 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Rubbish mantra the ABC is incestuous.... it's employees are drawn from the same families with the same political beliefs.

Martin is a big ALP Lefty supporter... that is why his appointment is frowned upon... he's BIASED.
Anyone who doesn't agree with Abbott and his minions is biased. I can see shades of the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in Abbott.
Oh grow up FFS... hater's just gotta hate dontcha :du :du :du
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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