Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

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Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by mantra » Sat May 30, 2015 12:50 pm

It's about time dual citizenship was looked at more closely. The worst thing Howard did was to introduce it in 2002. Hopefully this legislation will be eventually broadened, not only to "jihardists", but to anyone holding multiple passports who doesn't act in the best interests of this country.
The Prime Minister's plans to harden Australian's citizenship laws have triggered dissent and leaks from within Cabinet, but Tony Abbott has won strong backing from the majority of his backbench for the changes.

The Federal Government will introduce legislation within weeks to enable the Immigration Minister to revoke the Australian citizenship of dual nationals found to join or support terrorist groups. ... ip/6508944

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Rorschach » Sat May 30, 2015 5:09 pm

Howards fault again eh mantra...
Here I was thinking Labor was running with it and supported the government on it.
In fact the only party I remember being against it was ON.
But hey they're a bunch or racists right? :roll:
Prior to 4 April 2002, it was still possible for Australians in some circumstances to hold dual citizenship, including:
*those born in Australia who automatically acquired another citizenship at birth;
*migrants naturalising in Australia, provided their former country did not revoke their citizenship;
*children born overseas to Australian parents who automatically acquired the citizenship of their country of birth (e.g. the U.S. or Canada) as well as Australian citizenship by descent.
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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Black Orchid » Sat May 30, 2015 6:24 pm

Doesn't really matter who is/was at fault. Both parties have contributed to the mess we are in with regard to immigration.

Tony is finally taking one step forward and I am pleased that he is. Something has to give.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sat May 30, 2015 10:01 pm

What are the laws regarding those Australians with a single passport who leave the country to join ISIS then return? On one hand I support their right to join whatever political group they want but if the group is an enemy of the state they shouldn't be able to return without some serious prison time.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by mantra » Sun May 31, 2015 5:46 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:What are the laws regarding those Australians with a single passport who leave the country to join ISIS then return? On one hand I support their right to join whatever political group they want but if the group is an enemy of the state they shouldn't be able to return without some serious prison time.
Until now they've been allowed back in, but undergo an interview first with the Federal police. No-one seems to know exactly what's happening to them after that. There have been talks about imprisoning them, but there is no confirmation that this has actually happened and it's possible that these dissenters are being released quietly back into the community.

Abbott wants to cancel all Australian passports regardless of whether they are sole citizens or not, but a vocal section of the government and the opposition don't agree saying that to make someone stateless goes against all human rights.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sun May 31, 2015 7:34 am

mantra wrote:
AiA in Atlanta wrote:What are the laws regarding those Australians with a single passport who leave the country to join ISIS then return? On one hand I support their right to join whatever political group they want but if the group is an enemy of the state they shouldn't be able to return without some serious prison time.

Abbott wants to cancel all Australian passports regardless of whether they are sole citizens or not, but a vocal section of the government and the opposition don't agree saying that to make someone stateless goes against all human rights.
Somebody needs to man the fuck up: treason is a serious crime. If they want to join political groups domestically or abroad then fine but if they cross the line into treason they get a one-way ticket to prison.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Rorschach » Sun May 31, 2015 11:09 am

Oh and mantra... DISSENTERS
Is that all you think they are?
That would put you in the USEFUL IDIOT CAMP then.
:du :du :du
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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by mantra » Sun May 31, 2015 11:56 am

Rorschach wrote:Oh and mantra... DISSENTERS
Is that all you think they are?
That would put you in the USEFUL IDIOT CAMP then.
:du :du :du
I would say these particular people would fall into one of these categories. They are rejecting our values.

a person who dissents.
synonyms: dissident, dissentient, objector, protester, disputant, rejectionist;

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Neferti » Sun May 31, 2015 3:41 pm

English Dissenters were Christians who separated from the Church of England in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Dissenters opposed state interference in religious matters, and founded their own churches, educational establishments, and communities; some emigrated to the New World.
A dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, “to disagree”), is one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. In the social and religious history of England and Wales, and, by extension, Ireland, however, it refers particularly to a member of a religious body who has, for one reason or another, separated from the Established Church or any other kind of Protestant who refuses to recognise the supremacy of the Established Church in areas where the established Church is or was Anglican.[1][2]
I think the word "dissenters" is NOT the word we need to describe those MUSLIMS who were accepted into Australian Society and became CITIZENS (whether by birth or otherwise). They are TRAITORS. Fighting against the Western Society. TREASON is the correct word, in my opinion. As AIA said above, treason is a very serious crime and LIFE in PRISON is what it attracts. However, do we really want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on boarding and feeding this lot in Gaol? Stop them coming back into Australia is probably the best solution. If Syria doesn't want them living there, too bad, there are other countries around there that they can "migrate" to. Surely?

We do NOT need weeping and moaning from the Mothers and Fathers of these people. They have raised children who don't want to abide by Australian rules and regulations.

HOW did they get a Passport? Under age people need parental consent, surely. So that means that the parents are implicated .... send them back to from-wherever as well. They are NOT Australians, they are MUSLIMS trying to turn the entire World into Muslim followers.

Any word about Christians will be ignored. I'm a Reformed Agnostic. :yahoo

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by freediver » Sun May 31, 2015 3:57 pm

mantra wrote:
AiA in Atlanta wrote:What are the laws regarding those Australians with a single passport who leave the country to join ISIS then return? On one hand I support their right to join whatever political group they want but if the group is an enemy of the state they shouldn't be able to return without some serious prison time.
Until now they've been allowed back in, but undergo an interview first with the Federal police. No-one seems to know exactly what's happening to them after that. There have been talks about imprisoning them, but there is no confirmation that this has actually happened and it's possible that these dissenters are being released quietly back into the community.

Abbott wants to cancel all Australian passports regardless of whether they are sole citizens or not, but a vocal section of the government and the opposition don't agree saying that to make someone stateless goes against all human rights.
I'm hoping the will stick them all in jail once the war is over or a few more get back, or the terrorism threat is too high. That way the rest will not be driven into hiding and we can get them all at once.

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