Hill billy capers

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by mantra » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:50 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:They were roughly the same dimensions but my dog being better fed was a touch heavier and got the better of the feral. I called him off and the feral attacked Gemma. Big mistake, Gemma slammed him onto his back and pinned him to the ground by the throat. There was a fair bit of blood and the feral couldn't growl or whimper properly because she was choking it.
Did you put the feral out of its misery?

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:27 pm

mantra wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:They were roughly the same dimensions but my dog being better fed was a touch heavier and got the better of the feral. I called him off and the feral attacked Gemma. Big mistake, Gemma slammed him onto his back and pinned him to the ground by the throat. There was a fair bit of blood and the feral couldn't growl or whimper properly because she was choking it.
Did you put the feral out of its misery?
No, I let him be. I could have stuck him with my bayonet (had the opportunity) but there's no bounty on feral dogs from Bundaberg Regional Council. To collect I'd have to go to North Burnett and pretend I got it in their territory.

I'm off 2 minds on feral dogs. #1 I have a soft spot for them, because it's not their fault they're feral, they're just trying to survive, it's arsewipes dumping dogs in the bush who are responsible. ... and #2 I know they're a problem, I sometimes worry they'll come in and rip Fred to bits while on a chain when I'm not at home.
On Tuesday morning I was woken by a gunshot (from imediate neighbor) and a dog yelping at 4am. Then a 2nd shot and all was quiet. He was one of a pack going after my neighbor's sheep (has about 20 Dorfas [sp?]).
Did consider hunting them recently, as they've been around howling quite close virtually every night for months, which stirs my dogs up, who keep me awake, but got too much to do.
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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:40 pm

Mentioned to a neighbor I killed a Night Tiger Snake a few nights ago.
He said that Night Tigers look like a Brown Tree snake, which AFAIK doesn't have stripes.
So figured it must have been a Rough Scaled Snake aka Swamp Tiger Snake or Bandy Bandy,
which is even mre agressive, more territorial (been chased by one and fought another with machete) and lethal.

Just did a quick google and found my initial observation was correct ... and that a Night Tiger is the same as a Brown Tree Snake.

https://www.google.com.au/search?q=nigh ... d=0CAUQ_AU
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:26 am

Been absent 'coz I fried both my laptops, so can use public wifi. Can't upload pics from library puter, 'coz they won't allow me to put a stick in their ports.

Still intend extracting the gold dust (flour gold) via electrolysis with hydrochloric and nitric acids, but been busy on an alternative project.
I've been recruited by 'Boar hunter' (registered trade mark - don't use it or we'll sue you into insolvency).
We make pig hunting videos, plus sell pig dogging paraphernalia like breast plates ect ect.
Bloom brothers made the first 6 vids (currently available), vids 7 & 8 are in production/editing, Gemma and I should be in vid number 9.
We're going to make my bitch a movie star 8-)
Our vids are primarily about pig dogging, but they're also pseudo wild life docos.
One of our next vids will include a snake charmer from Radical Reptiles, who will give a run down on the proper procedures for snake bites.
Got a heap of pics of his collection, eg Mulga snakes, Death adders, Black headed pythons (very agro) and one of me holding a baby salt water croc, but can't upload til I get a new puter, which I'm told the business will provide.

Our competition is 'Grunter Hunter' who are wrecking the industry because they're a bunch of speed freaks on the ice/shard/crystal.
Vee vill krush zem.

Righto, gotta go, hunting partner's bitching about dog bones on the tray in the sun. Later crew.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:55 am

Scratch all that. I think Ben Longhurst is full of shit, and is just a codine addict scammer.
If he doesn't get off my block soon he's likely to wind up pig food.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by mantra » Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:05 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Mentioned to a neighbor I killed a Night Tiger Snake a few nights ago.
He said that Night Tigers look like a Brown Tree snake, which AFAIK doesn't have stripes.
So figured it must have been a Rough Scaled Snake aka Swamp Tiger Snake or Bandy Bandy,
which is even mre agressive, more territorial (been chased by one and fought another with machete) and lethal.

Just did a quick google and found my initial observation was correct ... and that a Night Tiger is the same as a Brown Tree Snake.

https://www.google.com.au/search?q=nigh ... d=0CAUQ_AU
Reminds me of the elusive spotted night parrot except it's not quite as dangerous as your night tiger snake. I spotted a pair in my garden two years in a row, but I haven't seen them this year. They are so shy and quick it's been impossible to photograph them. You've probably seen them in your neck of the woods.

It's so rare that they had to kill and stuff the only one they found.


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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:31 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Scratch all that. I think Ben Longhurst is full of shit, and is just a codine addict scammer.
If he doesn't get off my block soon he's likely to wind up pig food.
Well that's one problem solved. He's gone.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:36 pm

mantra wrote:You've probably seen them in your neck of the woods.
No, never seen one. I get White cheeked Rosellas (hard to get decent photo of), King parrots, Blue faced Honey Eaters, Tawny Frog Mouths, Hawks, Eagles, Butcher Birds, ect.
Went on a 6 hour hunt day before yesterday. saw 2 Black tailed Cockatoos, 1 Bush Turkey, 2 Red belly Black snakes, no pigs, and found another old gold mine.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:22 pm

This character (in foreground) is a piece of shit going by the name of Ben Longhurst.


I don't know if he's an under cover cop or not, but I do know he's a thief who's been trying to insert himself into my life since 2012.
He was introduced to me someone who is in with the cops, but also has plenty to hide from the cops himself.

When Ben is around things go missing. When he stayed at a neighbor's up the road my caravan was broken into at least twice (that I know of),
a property accross the road was also broken into twice and 3 Kawasaki trail bikes vanished.

The most recent thing of mine to go missing is a dark blue 'Drum' tobacco pouch containing 3 USB sticks holding 5 years worth of photos,
an SD card reader and a USB multi port.

So far Ben has tried to get me to sell him weed on numerous occasions and tried to sell me weed, but claims not to smoke it.
He has twice asked me to get him speed (amphetamines) and once asked me to sell speed for him, but claims not to use it.
He's asked me numerous times to sell guns (he thinks I have) to him and tried to sell me guns 3 times - #1 Lithgow single shot .22 rifle with faulty bolt, #2 very old .45 revolver with faulty hammer, #3 sawn off Sterling M20 semi auto .22 rifle.

One of his favourite cover stories is that he has invested (usually $30K) into a particular business.
Greg Bloom from 'Get amoungst it' Productions - maker of the 'Boar Hunter' series of hunting DVDs disputes this, as does a Tattoo shop in Brisbane.
And the priprietor of 'Bagara Trailers' disputes Ben invested $45K in his business.

Whatever he is, his cover is blown and risks his personal safety trying to associate with me or coming into my valley.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Hill billy capers

Post by Super Nova » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:34 pm


I had snitches.

Can't you just call him that and tell him to go away because his cover is blown or is it better to have your enemy close to you.
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