You said…“Not sure why mel is carrying on in boxy's post... it is policy for both major party to enter into free trade agreements.
One Nation was the only party actively working against them when Hanson was in Parliament.
Emerson was all for free trade and only ON stood up and debated him in public forums. Mind you he just did what he always did... moth propaganda and platitudes.
Of course we should hold others to high standards like ours and if they fall short we should not be forced to enter into agreements that allows those standards to be lowered.”
Joe Bryant wasn’t in parliament nor was he a party or part of one in federal parliament. The Greens & Dems, as I stated, only came to the party after Hanson and ON made the issue public news and fought against the GATS and the MAI.“Incorrect. Joe Bryant (right winger) and the Greens (left wingers) were the only entities opposing FTAs. Hanson never said "Boo" about the issue.”
You said Hanson never said “Boo” I have more than proved you a liar and ignorant and wrong.