Honestly Yogi.... just admit it and stop being in denial in the face of proof...
Just makes you look more stupid

Rorschach wrote:The MAI
21st January 1998
Ladies and gentlemen of the press,
Today’s press conference is more than just a matter of news, ...
You are such a dikhead....Outlaw Yogi wrote:Rorschach wrote:The MAI
21st January 1998
Ladies and gentlemen of the press,
Today’s press conference is more than just a matter of news, ...
Gotcha dumb phuk.
#1 MAI [Multilateral Agreement on Investment] is not an FTA [Free Trade Agreement]
#2 A press conference is not a public forum.
#3 AUSFTA [Australia United States Free Trade Agreement] was in 2004, not 1998.
Which explains why Hanson never spoke at any public forum concerning AUSFTA.
Besides if One Nation had campaigned or publicly opposed AUSFTA (not just motherhood statements on a website) supposedly in Australia's interest, she would have had to stop getting fish for her fish and chip shop from South Africa and buy/sell Australian caught fish.
Rorschach wrote:Hanson warns of MAI pillage.
Hanson slams secret deal.
The Democrats and Greens came late to the party. Joe Bryant and his ragtag political wannabe ferals were always pissing and howling in the outback wind.Representatives from ACE-J said that a survey late last year had shown that most of our Federal MPs and Senators either knew nothing about or cared to know nothing about the MAI. Somebody noted that the recent ALP Conference in Tasmania had declared they were against MAI with "certain reservations." (Richard had spoken personally with Opposition Leader Kim Beazley last year and noted his support for the MAI. Ironically a similar conversation with Federal Industrial Relations Minister Peter Reith had revealed a negative response!) The media attention that Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party had lately received with respect to this issue was dealt with by the re-affirmation that in fighting MAI we are caring not only for our own country but for the whole world - especially the poor majority. It was noted that Australian Democrats and Australian Greens Senators were now very aware of the issue and were preparing themselves for a public and parliamentary campaign.
Early free trade talks were aimed at the removal of trade barriers such as tariffs and export bans. However, during the General Agreement on Trade in Tariffs talks (1986-94), the notion of free trade was expanded to suit the widening agendas of transnational corporations.
Pfizer used the GATT negotiations to promote rules about intellectual property, even though intellectual property had little to do with trade, because GATT was a forum where the US could exercise its muscle to overcome opposition from developing countries.
Nevertheless American Express and its corporate allies ensured a General Agreement on Trade in Services was part of the World Trade Organisation purview. It included financial services and facilitated, as well as locked in, privatisation of public services, such as water and electricity, ensuring that foreign companies could own them.
The next item on the free trade agenda was to free up foreign investment and protect it from national regulations. Negotiation for a multilateral agreement on investment (MAI) was defeated at the OECD level, mainly as a result of concerted campaigning by NGO groups. But the concept then moved to the World Trade Organisation negotiations.
http://www.theage.com.au/comment/beware ... 36lkl.htmlFree trade negotiations have been kept secret since citizen protests defeated the MAI. The countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, for example, have agreed not to disclose the text of the agreement until after it has been signed and to keep the negotiating documents secret for a further four years. Elected representatives in each country, including the US, are unable to see the text, yet hundreds of US "trade advisers" from industry groups and corporations such as Walmart and Cargill have full access to the text and are kept up to date with negotiations.
And you're qualified to make such a judgement?Rorschach wrote:You are such a dikhead....
You said no such thing drop kick.Rorschach wrote:Like I said this came before the FTAs wanker...
Already proved you wrong again... must have hurt since now you are lying about me publicly. Oh dear...Outlaw Yogi wrote:And you're qualified to make such a judgement?Rorschach wrote:You are such a dikhead....
Ironically it seems everyone here thinks and says that about you.
You said no such thing drop kick.Rorschach wrote:Like I said this came before the FTAs wanker...
You should read everything i write and post then shouldn't you wanker.
Anyway if or when you learn to read and comprehend what you're addressing, feel free to come back with a concise argument in consecutive order with some real details.
Til then, have a nice day, and don't blow all your DSP in one go.
Yes, GATT is General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade, and the Hawke govt signed upto it before One Nation existed. Yet you now claim they campaigned against it, during a time frame when Pauline Hanson was still a Liberal Party member.Rorschach wrote:More food for the dummy....
Does GATT mean anything to you dikwad?
GATT has been around since the 1940s. Hawke's govt signed on before One Nation existed.Rorschach wrote:GATT and GATS were other items Hanson and ON were against.
Glogalisation... GATT/MAI/GATS/FTAs all parts of the same thing dodo.![]()
Outlaw Yogi wrote:Yes, GATT is General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade, and the Hawke govt signed upto it before One Nation existed. Yet you now claim they campaigned against it, during a time frame when Pauline Hanson was still a Liberal Party member.Rorschach wrote:More food for the dummy....
Does GATT mean anything to you dikwad?
Oh dear.... yes and multiculturalism was also in place before Hanson got into Parliament yet Hanson and One Nation campaigned against the policy and for its abandonment. They still do.![]()
GATT has been around since the 1940s. Hawke's govt signed on before One Nation existed.Rorschach wrote:GATT and GATS were other items Hanson and ON were against.
Glogalisation... GATT/MAI/GATS/FTAs all parts of the same thing dodo.![]()
GATS General Agreement on Tarrifs and Services was negotiated by the European Commision and Howard govt in the early 2000s, and was eventually rejected.
You wrote in this thread Hanson/One Nation were the only party to oppose FTAs while in parliament. Pauline Hanson was in parliament from 24 May 2007 to 1 March 2010.
Oh dear and GATS and the MAI etc are all part of FTAs and globalisation....![]()
Please read my early quoted articles.![]()
Hanson was in Parliament from 1996-1999
One Nation started in 1997-???
Howard and Vaile signed us upto our very first FTA (AUSFTA) in 2004. 3 years before Hanson was elected to parliament.
See above.... booby![]()
So google away for details to confirm your fairy tales as much as you like, but until you learn to read and comprehend what you're addressing, you're just demonstrating to PA members that you're not just a liar, but an idiot liar.
Seems to me you have google problems and as i said are ignorant of the facts.
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