The reality of leftist utopia

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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:07 pm

Yes COMRADE.... can't be Leftist then according to Pansi it can't be progressive :du :du :du :du :du
Of course no UNION would ever support a RW party.... hence ALP is still LW :roll:
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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by mellie » Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:10 pm

left wing
noun: leftwing
the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system.
the left side of a team on the field in soccer, rugby, and field hockey.
"his usual position on the left wing"
adjective: leftwing
radical, reforming, or socialist.
"left-wing activists"
Aka Labor & The Greens.

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Dame Pansi
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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by Dame Pansi » Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:08 pm

Rorschach wrote:Yes COMRADE.... can't be Leftist then according to Pansi it can't be progressive :du :du :du :du :du
Of course no UNION would ever support a RW party.... hence ALP is still LW :roll:

ALP look left wing because the LNP under Abbott is radical far right wing, more so than ever before. If we had a moderate right wing govt, for example under Turnbull, Costello or Frazer, then there would be little to no difference between the two parties.

Rudd said the ALP is right wing, I have no reason to doubt him.

And for your information the union that I belonged to was right wing in its ideals SDA, google it.

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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by mellie » Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:36 pm

Dame Pansi wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Yes COMRADE.... can't be Leftist then according to Pansi it can't be progressive :du :du :du :du :du
Of course no UNION would ever support a RW party.... hence ALP is still LW :roll:

ALP look left wing because the LNP under Abbott is radical far right wing, more so than ever before. If we had a moderate right wing govt, for example under Turnbull, Costello or Frazer, then there would be little to no difference between the two parties.

Rudd said the ALP is right wing, I have no reason to doubt him.

And for your information the union that I belonged to was right wing in its ideals SDA, google it.

Abbott is far from a radical far-right winger Pansy, is rather moderate some would argue, though in contrast, as we saw with Rudd, look how quickly the radical left socialist factions lurking within the ALP destroyed then resurrected him at their will.

The socialist left faction dictates the terms of Labors leaderships these days, it has been this way for many years.
They will destroy egotistical woman disrespecting Shorten should by the off chance he ever gets elected PM, because he is everything they despise.

He has an appendage, is a Catholic, and has offspring.

The epitome of what his far-left ALP teeth gnashing feminist socialist faction hates.
He wont have a say in it. He knows this, though will take a PM pension for his trouble.
They're simply using Shorten as an ALP shop-front for the time being to allude to their being more moderate than radical far left following an obviously radical socialist left Gillard.

The sneaky little red leftard marxist devils.

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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:01 pm

Dame Pansi wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Yes COMRADE.... can't be Leftist then according to Pansi it can't be progressive :du :du :du :du :du
Of course no UNION would ever support a RW party.... hence ALP is still LW :roll:

ALP look left wing because the LNP under Abbott is radical far right wing, more so than ever before. If we had a moderate right wing govt, for example under Turnbull, Costello or Frazer, then there would be little to no difference between the two parties.

Rudd said the ALP is right wing, I have no reason to doubt him.

And for your information the union that I belonged to was right wing in its ideals SDA, google it.
:du :du :du :du :du :du :du :du :du :du
you are clueless...
and a fool... repeat after me... Abbott, Abbott, Abbott :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by Neferti » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:09 pm

Dame Pansi wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Yes COMRADE.... can't be Leftist then according to Pansi it can't be progressive :du :du :du :du :du
Of course no UNION would ever support a RW party.... hence ALP is still LW :roll:

ALP look left wing because the LNP under Abbott is radical far right wing, more so than ever before. If we had a moderate right wing govt, for example under Turnbull, Costello or Frazer, then there would be little to no difference between the two parties.

Rudd said the ALP is right wing, I have no reason to doubt him.

And for your information the union that I belonged to was right wing in its ideals SDA, google it.
Here's a "test" for you Pansi.

Which Federal Party has connections to the UNIONS? They are the Left Wing.

Which Federal Party has connections with Business (small and large)?
That is Right Wing.

Which Federal Party wants SS Marriage, decriminalization of ALL drugs, a free-for-all on anything PROGRESSIVE ... that is the Green Party. Too bad about killing crocodiles, etc. :mrgreen:


Any questions about the "far right" rubbish?

You are labelling the Coalition as far right wing ......... that's the American Republicans. Church goers, racists, etc.

Right wingers in Australia are people who want get rid of the Unions. Unions who ostensibly keep dumb workers under a "spell" but do little else but stuff their pockets with Union fee money.

We RWs support those who want to "Give it a Go" for starting a business, those who get on and buy a house, start a family. NOT those who expect The Government to supply a living for them.

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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by mellie » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:30 pm

Who backs the typical Labor politician, and what societies and organisations are they affiliated with? ... 3T4059.pdf

Hint for Pansy: The Left, ie, Emilys List, Fabian Society unions etc.


Jackie Trad...
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU); Australian
Labor Party (Queensland); South East Brisbane Chamber of
Commerce; Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art;
West End Community House; Qantas Club; Maternity Coalition;
Brisbane Labor History Association; Zig Zag- Young· Women's
Resource Centre; Fabian Society; South East Brisbane Chamber
of Commerce; Emily's List; Brisbane Labor History Association;
Speaking Up For You; West End Traders Association
The trust declared at section 6, 7 and 17 has an interest in a law
firm that acts on behalf of a number of organisations including
various employers, insurers and self-insurers
No prizes for guessing which Law firm.


Labors left union factions, societies, and organisations are a double edged sword, they can make them, then just as easily, they will break them if they dont comply with their pre-electoral promises/deals.

It's a bit like selling your soul to the devil in order to get the job.

Afterwhich they own you, you become their property.

Rudd and Gillard were no exception, they too had their militant leftard union, society, and organisational links.
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Re: The reality of leftist utopia

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:30 pm

ALP look left wing because the LNP under Abbott is radical far right wing, more so than ever before
You are one dumb stupid fucking leftard :roll:

You only perceive that Abbott is radical far right wing because you are laen so far to the left you are almost horizontal to the ground. You only have to look at your batshit crazy support of illegal immigrants and "lighting a candle for Reza" :roll:

You are a complete fuckwit who shouldnt be allowed to vote.
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