Leaky Gut Syndrome

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mellie » Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:31 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:GPs were of no help. My symptom was a crack on one or both corners of my mouth off and on for 20+ years. I never got any relief until I began experimenting with resistant starch, fermentable fibres, prebiotics and probiotics about 2 years ago. My gut isn't absorbing zinc and daily zinc supplements heal the cracks quickly.
If you genuinely suspect GIT troubles, you need to see a specialist.

Note - Dr Google won't suffice.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:00 am

Dr Google doesn't suffice, you are right, but there is more info available "out there" on this condition than what exists in any physician's pointed head. Modern medicine is largely about throwing expensive drugs to suppress symptoms.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mellie » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:26 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Dr Google doesn't suffice, you are right, but there is more info available "out there" on this condition than what exists in any physician's pointed head. Modern medicine is largely about throwing expensive drugs to suppress symptoms.

It's a controversial condition, many doctors don't even believe it exists.

Again, you should see a real doctor and get a referral to a gastroenterologist.

Have you been tested for Helicobacter pylori (Heli-Pylori) ?

If you have heartburn, indigestion, stomach upset, a simple breath test for this bacteria in the gut is an absolute must because this infection can lead to esophageal and stomach cancer.

It takes 5 minutes at your doctors surgery, unless it's a small surgery and in which case they will send you to a collection pathology to have the test.

Seriously Aia...see doctor about it.
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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mellie » Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:47 am

Aia, the Helicobacter pylori bacteria causes the symptoms associated with leaky gut, all of which can be simply cleared up with a combination course of antibiotics.

Many GP's don't offer the Helicobacter pylori bacteria test, (it's expensive) but it's covered by medicare so you wont have to pay for it.

It's a simple breath test...they capture your breath in a balloon container or jar with a tiny straw.

If your clinic tries to charge you for it, find a large medical centre with a treatment room that won't.

My GP said that the Helicobacter pylori bacteria was an Australian discovery, and it took American and Australian medical journals 10 years to publish the findings because big pharma would have prefered we all kept purchasing anti-acid medications to treat the symptoms, rather than cure it.
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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by Neferti » Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:26 pm

Cracks on the corners of the mouth. I googled and this came up.
Cracking of the corners of the mouth is a common condition that is frequently seen in both the offices of dermatologists and dentists. It is known as perleche or angular cheilitis (“angular” – angles; “cheil” – lip; “itis” – inflammation). Perleche is derived from the French word, “lecher,” meaning to lick, and is characterized by excessive licking of the affected areas — either as a result of irritation or because of it. This condition is further characterized by redness and cracking of the skin at the corners of the lips.
Read more at the link below.

http://www.deardoctor.com/inside-the-ma ... the-mouth/

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:41 pm

AiA has the herp.
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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by Neferti » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:12 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:AiA has the herp.
Lacking in Vitamin B? My sister got "cold sores". I have never had them.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:31 pm

Cold Sores are a virus, not a vitamin deficiency.

AiA, next time the corners of your mouth flair up, go to your GP and have them take a swab.

It could be herpes, (unlikely if it's simply cracks in the corners of your mouth) or a fungal infection, or an allergy or sensitivity to something you are eating.

I sometimes get stinging corners of my mouth (only lasts for a few hours) if I eat a particularly acidic orange.

I am not allergic to oranges, but some people have more sensitive skin than others....the wind effects my lips also.

The best balm I find is the little tub of Blistex. Has to be the tub, and it has to be this one.

Use it daily, I think you will be suitably impressed.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:26 am

trust me, i am by and large healed of this malady and didn't go to the doctor to do so. it took work, not medicine.

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