Queensland State Election

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:26 am

Meanwhile back to mantra and her inability to attempt to answer some simple questions.
Rorschach wrote:Seems to me that the 2 states where they tend to allow state and federal issues get confused are Victoria and Queensland.
Looks like bye bye Campbell.
Is there a lesson in that for the Libs?
Looks like bye bye government.
Is there a lesson in that for the Libs?

It is certainly at this stage looking like an ALP victory, slim as it may be. Heaven knows the ALP Leader is hardly inspiring, she didn't even know the GST was 10%.
Here ya go mantra some excerpts that might assist.
Queensland vote: Swinging voters don't like leaders who take them for a ride
Date February 1, 2015 - 4:00PM
Tony Mitchelmore

Forget health and education, forget the national economy or cost of living. What matters now in winning elections is behaviour.

Voters are sick of being misled and lied to, they are sick of politicians governing for themselves.

For a long time now, the strongest theme coming through in political discussions in our research with swinging voters is the distain they have for our politicians, the way they play the game and the way they feel they are treated by them. On Saturday in Queensland they carried those feelings all the way to the ballot box.
Swinging voters have a distrust and personal dislike of Tony Abbott and their resentment over his budget "lies" runs deep – very similar to their feelings about Campbell Newman. The stark reality of the potential of this emotion to override their strong doubts about the Labor Party, the economic mess they are perceived to have got the country in and their dysfunction in government was hammered home in the Queensland result.

Newman's personality and polarising approach defined the political environment in Queensland. He was seen as arrogant and anti-community in his decision-making. They did not feel he had them in mind. All relationships are about power and on Saturday Queensland voters were driven to win that power game and "show him".

The LNP strategy in the back half of last year was to put Newman on ice, to hide him and bring down the political temperature. They did not want him being the story.

The problem is it is hard to hide a leader in an election campaign. Newman was the story day after day. His message that the election was about "his plan for Queensland's future versus Labor's no plan" rang hollow. Communication is largely about perceptions of who is saying it, not what is said. There was a personal prejudice against him. It didn't matter what he said it only hurt more than helped, in the same way it didn't matter what Julia Gillard said, and in the end what Kevin Rudd said.
The Liberals have lost the past three state elections. However, the dynamics in Victoria and South Australia were quite different to the federal scene. The Queensland election was much more of a blueprint of federal politics. An unpopular leader wanting to make unflagged budget cuts, and a recently thrown out Labor Party with very poor economic management and self management credentials. This parallel will deeply worry federal Coalition MPs who are now no doubt even more worried about their own seats, which will heighten their consideration of a change of leader.
What the country needs now more than anything is stability and certainty.

However, instead of a solid period of stable government like the Hawke/Keating years and then the Howard years, the recent years of political leadership has only added to uncertainty. The Queensland election showed in the starkest terms that with the mood of voters being what it is, attaining a long, solid, stable period of government in this country is going to be harder than ever.
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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by skippy » Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:57 pm

Rorschach wrote:
skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:I liked Mal Brough when he was a Howard Minister.
I didn't like his performance during the Slipper debacle.
Out of the prospectives available he and Morrison seem the best alternatives for a Conservative government.
Then Bishop.
Given Broughs involvement in Slippergate I expect he'd be perfect for a Liberal party PM. :shock:
Mal Brough was a very good Minister and very prime ministerial at the time. :oops

Please mantra don't just post Green and ALP propaganda. :roll:
been listening to Shorten for the last few days being interviewed and his commentary was just total hypocrisy
Everything he was blaming Abbott and the Libs for... Labor was guilty of in their last 2 terms... he has no credibility.
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Brough is an asshole that is lucky he was not dis endorsed or worse, charged for his involvement in Slippergate. I'm not surprised you like him though.

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:36 pm

He was a good minister care to dispute the FACT!!!!!

obviously not... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
BTW I already mentioned the Slipper stuff... did you miss that :du

I like him because he was a good minister and communicator.
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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by skippy » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:55 pm

Rorschach wrote:He was a good minister care to dispute the FACT!!!!!

obviously not... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
BTW I already mentioned the Slipper stuff... did you miss that :du

I like him because he was a good minister and communicator.
Being a good minister is irrelevant would you want a PM with his morals?

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:09 pm

Well unlike you I have no idea about the reality of the Slipper affair or his part in it.
It certainly didn't involve anything criminal, now did it.

I think he'd be better than Abbott, certainly as a communicator and better than Turnbull policy wise, except for the Slipper slip up of which I have no real facts... I have no reason to doubt his judgement..
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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by Neferti » Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:12 pm

skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:He was a good minister care to dispute the FACT!!!!!

obviously not... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
BTW I already mentioned the Slipper stuff... did you miss that :du

I like him because he was a good minister and communicator.
Being a good minister is irrelevant would you want a PM with his morals?
Talking about MORALS. Billy Dick (William Richard Shorten) has none. Would you vote to get that arsehole as PM? Come on, Skippy.

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by mantra » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:32 pm

Rorschach wrote: Please mantra don't just post Green and ALP propaganda. :roll:
Rorschach wrote:Meanwhile back to mantra and her inability to attempt to answer some simple questions.
Rorschach wrote:
Seems to me that the 2 states where they tend to allow state and federal issues get confused are Victoria and Queensland.
Looks like bye bye Campbell.
Is there a lesson in that for the Libs?
Looks like bye bye government.
Is there a lesson in that for the Libs?

It is certainly at this stage looking like an ALP victory, slim as it may be. Heaven knows the ALP Leader is hardly inspiring, she didn't even know the GST was 10%.

Here ya go mantra some excerpts that might assist.

Queensland vote: Swinging voters don't like leaders who take them for a ride
Tony Mitchelmore

This article is very similar to the one I posted. However - stability is a good point. The two major parties run like scared rabbits when the polls looks bad. They need to stick it out and not make the same mistakes Labor did with Gillard and Rudd. Abbott is still learning the job and might come good. Gillard started to improve prior to her eviction and Rudd showed promise when he was returned, but the instability of the party as a whole turned the voters away.

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by mantra » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:43 pm

skippy wrote:Brough is an asshole that is lucky he was not dis endorsed or worse, charged for his involvement in Slippergate. I'm not surprised you like him though.
He is an immoral man. He not only ripped the royalties from the aboriginal people - he created false sex allegations for public sensationalism. He never bothered to apologise to the community members who were falsely maligned. He isn't suitable PM material.

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by mellie » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:56 pm

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU

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Re: Queensland State Election

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:07 pm

mantra wrote:
skippy wrote:Brough is an asshole that is lucky he was not dis endorsed or worse, charged for his involvement in Slippergate. I'm not surprised you like him though.
He is an immoral man. He not only ripped the royalties from the aboriginal people - he created false sex allegations for public sensationalism. He never bothered to apologise to the community members who were falsely maligned. He isn't suitable PM material.
Well another fact free character assassination just isn't going to cut it I'm afraid Skippy. :du :du :du
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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