Leaky Gut Syndrome

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AiA in Atlanta
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Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:35 am

Anyone here ever had it? After 20+ years I have come to realize that my symptoms point to a leaky gut. Who would have thought?

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mantra » Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:57 am

I had to look it up to see what it was. Probably most of the population has at least a couple of symptoms at one time or another. There don't seem any definite solutions to this problem, but it seems that it's either a problem with your immune system or a weak stomach lining where particles of food escape into the bloodstream. Then your body's immune system kicks in and this is what causes the inflammation.

It probably all goes back to diet. Too much salt, sugar, lactose, preservatives, alcohol and a variety of other products just stuff up our digestive system and then of course this leads to more serious problems.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by Neferti » Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:30 am

I've never heard of leaky gut syndrome. I did find this site though and it has lots of diagrams and other stuff.

http://draxe.com/4-steps-to-heal-leaky- ... e-disease/

I notice under the heading "The Leaky Gut Diet and 5 Healing Foods" that Fermented Vegetables are one of the recommended foods, so you best jog over to OzPol and ask George a few questions. :thumb :rofl
#3 Fermented Vegetables - contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the gut. Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and Kvass are excellent sources.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mantra » Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:00 am

Neferti~ wrote:I notice under the heading "The Leaky Gut Diet and 5 Healing Foods" that Fermented Vegetables are one of the recommended foods, so you best jog over to OzPol and ask George a few questions.
#3 Fermented Vegetables - contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the gut. Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and Kvass are excellent sources.
I've heard that fermented food is good for your gut too. AiA definitely should visit Monk's site to get some advice. I'd probably try it if I liked the taste of sour food. You have to be very careful bottling it because if you make a mistake there's a big risk of poisoning.

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by Neferti » Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:15 am

I quite like Sauerkraut but haven't had it for years. You can buy it in jars at the local supermarket. If you want to make your own, Google for a recipe.

I don't know about Kimchi (Korean), it might be at the supermarket or local Deli, here is a recipe for it.

http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-ca ... chn-189390

Kvass (Russian) is a beverage.


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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by boxy » Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:06 pm

mantra wrote:Probably most of the population has at least a couple of symptoms at one time or another.
Not surprising, because the snake oil salesmen claim it causes just about everything :roll:
mantra wrote:There don't seem any definite solutions to this problem...
Probably because they don't even know if this is actually a real problem yet.

Eating better is probably going to help most of the diseases they claim is caused by this, and will definitely make you feel better anyway... so go for it, just don't buy none of their crap remedies.
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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:58 pm

It sounds like a label they have put on a wide range of symptoms that they have no idea about, like "Irritable Bowel Syndrome".

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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by lisa jones » Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:36 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Anyone here ever had it? After 20+ years I have come to realize that my symptoms point to a leaky gut. Who would have thought?
Never heard of such a syndrome. Hmmmm.

I wonder if I have it?

Unfortunately I have irritable bowel syndrome, hence why I stick to organic, home grown fruit & veg... etc.
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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by mellie » Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:09 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Anyone here ever had it? After 20+ years I have come to realize that my symptoms point to a leaky gut. Who would have thought?

Stop right there Dr Google, go to your GP and request a referral to see a gastroenterologist.

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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:27 am

GPs were of no help. My symptom was a crack on one or both corners of my mouth off and on for 20+ years. I never got any relief until I began experimenting with resistant starch, fermentable fibres, prebiotics and probiotics about 2 years ago. My gut isn't absorbing zinc and daily zinc supplements heal the cracks quickly.

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