World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

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World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:10 am

Sounds about right. Most Australians have a net worth of well above $4,166 so all Australians must be in the top 20% of humanity if not higher.

It shows how lucky we are in the west really.

The world's richest 1 per cent will own more than the other 99 per cent by next year, Oxfam has warned.

The charity has highlighted growing inequality ahead of the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.

A research paper suggests the wealthiest 1 per cent have seen their share of global assets rise from 44 per cent in 2009 to 48 per cent last year - with an average worth of $2.92 million each. The figure is on track to exceed 50 per cent this year.

Below the richest fifth, 80 per cent of the world's population own just 5.5 per cent of wealth - an average of $4166 each.

"The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering," Oxfam executive director Winnie Byanyima said.

"And despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast."

Byanyima, who is to co-chair at the Davos World Economic Forum this week, urged leaders to take on "vested interests that stand in the way of a fairer and more prosperous world".

Oxfam has called upon states to tackle tax evasion, improve public services, tax capital rather than labour, and introduce living minimum wages, among other measures, in a bid to ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth.

The 45th World Economic Forum, which starts on Wednesday, will draw a record number of participants this year with more than 300 heads of state and government attending.

Rising inequality will be competing with other global crises including terrorist threats in Europe, the worst post-Cold War stand-off between Russia and the West and renewed fears of financial turmoil. ... 2tffw.html
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:16 am

So this is politics?
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:54 am

Rorschach wrote:So this is politics?
You don't think that distribution of wealth is not a political issue.

Where have you been. The whole of the last century was about this social contract after WW1. What do you think Labor stands for?
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by mellie » Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:04 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Rorschach wrote:So this is politics?
You don't think that distribution of wealth is not a political issue.

Where have you been. The whole of the last century was about this social contract after WW1. What do you think Labor stands for?

Labor stands for anything but distribution of wealth.
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:11 pm

mellie wrote:
Super Nova wrote:
Rorschach wrote:So this is politics?
You don't think that distribution of wealth is not a political issue.

Where have you been. The whole of the last century was about this social contract after WW1. What do you think Labor stands for?

Labor stands for anything but distribution of wealth.
Your kidding ... right... I just missed the TIC from your post.
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by mellie » Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:29 pm

No i'm not kidding, and do you still like so many old-school Labor die-hards (mostly over 65) truly believe Labor are about wealth distribution "for Australians" and the working "Australian" class also?

Do you truly believe Labor are about a "Fairer" redistribution of wealth?

Labor are about a neo-socialist one world government, have you heard of Agenda 21?

Now imagine how crap your life will be when say....a neo-socialist Labor PM decides to redistribute our nation's wealth (along with your taxes) to not only Australians, but assorted other UN nations?

When your taxes are going towards funding abortion clinics/ wind farms/ green technology and assorted neo-socialist utopian ideals in countries other than Australia, dont complain about your ingrown toenail you can't afford to have treated here in Oz.
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by mellie » Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:12 pm

Their true agenda...

= Agenda 21. ... Marxism-As

If you truly believe neo-socialist Labor are about a fair and equitable redistribution of wealth and resources for Australians, you really need to think things through again.

Modern-day Robbin Hoods?

Far from it.

Recall, it was Paul Keating Former Prime Minister of the Labor Party who signed Australia up to the evil neo-socialist UN project known as Agenda 21.

In a nutshell...

Agenda 21 = Global communism.

A worthwhile read..
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:37 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Rorschach wrote:So this is politics?
You don't think that distribution of wealth is not a political issue.

Where have you been. The whole of the last century was about this social contract after WW1. What do you think Labor stands for?
Not particularly.
IPCC has a global wealth REdistribution agenda and you are all for that. :D :du
Nothing wrong with governments providing welfare and safety nets BTW. Certainly the worlds top 1% don't do it.
But I don't think their wealth and how they earn it is particulary political no.
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:43 pm

mellie wrote:No i'm not kidding, and do you still like so many old-school Labor die-hards (mostly over 65) truly believe Labor are about wealth distribution "for Australians" and the working "Australian" class also?

Do you truly believe Labor are about a "Fairer" redistribution of wealth?

Labor are about a neo-socialist one world government, have you heard of Agenda 21?

Now imagine how crap your life will be when say....a neo-socialist Labor PM decides to redistribute our nation's wealth (along with your taxes) to not only Australians, but assorted other UN nations?

When your taxes are going towards funding abortion clinics/ wind farms/ green technology and assorted neo-socialist utopian ideals in countries other than Australia, dont complain about your ingrown toenail you can't afford to have treated here in Oz.
Now you have scare the crap out of me re Labor.

Have heard of Agenda 21 but didn't think it was for a one world government.

Anyway.... we will eventually have a one world government.... I don't know when we will ready for it but it will happen... eventually maybe 200 years... maybe more.
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Re: World's richest one per cent to own more than the rest

Post by mellie » Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:58 pm

Seriously, a worthwhile read.

My intention is not to scare the crap out of you re- Labor, but rather to alert you to their Fabian communist crawl which subscribes to Agenda 21.

Labor isn't what it once was.

I think Gough Whitlam was their first of 5 consecutive running Fabian leaders.
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