Should Abbott step down?

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:24 pm

skippy wrote:Who wrote that article, Rorschach?
I did.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:25 pm

Rorschach wrote:
skippy wrote:Who wrote that article, Rorschach?
I did.
Oh OK, nice to see you join the majority. I told you it would end in tears before he was elected. Also it's not Labor the Greens or anyone else fault, the fault is all his and the coalition for being too big headed. As for Morrison as a replacement, ROTFLMAO, that would also end in tears. Like it or not the majority want a moderate if you just keep giving them extremists like Abbott and Morrison you will get the same result.
Its the equivalent of putting in Doug Cameron as Labor leader.
So why have you finally come to the realisation Abbott can't win? What tipped you over the line?
As for any negative media campaign, you're not honestly saying the same thing didn't happen to Gillard are you? Abbott was behind much of the negative campaign the fact he is getting it back in return is karma. Let this be a lesson to any opposition leader that thinks he is getting elected, governments lose elections oppositions have to hit the ground running or they go the same way as the government they replace.
I don't expect to see any long term governments from either persuasion for a lot of years to come.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:40 pm

Until political parties start listening to the voters that put them there we will have a revolving door of governments. The voters have not had a PM they wanted since Rudds first term. Now you can sit there are spin the old line that we don't elect PMs and while I know that's true in reality the voters in this country think otherwise. Until a party elects a leader the voters embrace like they did Hawke and Howard we will have one term governments.
Shorten will not go more than one term either he's as big a mistake as Abbott is.
If I were the coaltion I'd be luring Mike Baird into federal politics. I honestly don't know anyone from the Labor side capable of rallying the voters.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:51 pm

Abbotts only problem that he is Labor lite.

He is far too a big govt socialist and has disappointed the franchised...that being said, I'd still take Abbott over anything any other party offering.

I'll be voting LDP next time until the Libs realise they are chasing the left and not the middle ground.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:14 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Abbotts only problem that he is Labor lite.

He is far too a big govt socialist and has disappointed the franchised...that being said, I'd still take Abbott over anything any other party offering.

I'll be voting LDP next time until the Libs realise they are chasing the left and not the middle ground.
That's a big call from you, the first time I've seen you admit Abbott is a disappointment.
That's his problem really, he's disappointed everyone from all sides probably for different reasons.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:34 pm

Neither of the major parties are up to the task and until such time as we embrace an emerging party that actually listens to its constituents and has the best interests of the country and its people at heart, nothing is going to change.

I have never liked Malcolm Turnbull but perhaps he could be the balance between the Libs and the ALP. The Rudd/Gillard government was a shambles. Clive has only ever been there for his own self interests and I won't even touch on the Greens.

Abbott got in on his 'stop the boats' and national security stance. That should tell us something right there. There is a lot of unrest regarding immigration and what has been forced upon us and neither party is listening. For 70 years the Libs have been known for their economic strength but, regardless of the mess left behind by Rudd/Gillard, Abbott's team just aren't up to the task. Nor is anyone in the ALP. So where does that leave us?

My next vote will be going to a minor party who impresses me and I am going to write STOP IMMIGRATION across the top, at least until we can look after our own. This country needs some real change. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to live the 'good Aussie life' that I was lucky enough to live and that our forebears have fought and died for.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:47 pm

skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:
skippy wrote:Who wrote that article, Rorschach?
I did.
Oh OK, nice to see you join the majority. Well unlike you and others I'm not politically biased and I give people a chance... I told you it would end in tears before he was elected.I see no tears anywhere... Also it's not Labor the Greens or anyone else fault, the fault is all his and the coalition for being too big headed. Well that's just biased nonsense. As for Morrison as a replacement, ROTFLMAO, that would also end in tears. Not from me... unless he too did a bad job. Then again they wouldn't be my tears and I doubt they'd be his. Like it or not the majority want a moderate if you just keep giving them extremists like Abbott and Morrison you will get the same result. More biased nonsense.
Its the equivalent of putting in Doug Cameron as Labor leader. :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
So why have you finally come to the realisation Abbott can't win? No, but on their present course it is highly unlikely. What tipped you over the line? Continuing stuff-ups like Labor's.
As for any negative media campaign, you're not honestly saying the same thing didn't happen to Gillard are you? Yes... I am Gillard got bad press, because she and Rudd ran a useless government and made bad decisions. Abbott has been on the end of a very negative and personal campaign since he became opposition Leader. Gillard was even praised by people on the other side of politics like Alan Jones until she failed as PM. Abbott was behind much of the negative campaign the fact he is getting it back in return is karma. No that's bullshit, and Prog propaganda. Let this be a lesson to any opposition leader that thinks he is getting elected, governments lose elections oppositions have to hit the ground running or they go the same way as the government they replace.
I don't expect to see any long term governments from either persuasion for a lot of years to come. Well that can't be good for the country.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:49 pm

Rudd had the smirk of a smiling assassin. Gillard set the womens' movement back 50 years. Shorten has a tanty over a meat pie and Abbott just wants to be liked :roll:

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:53 pm

skippy wrote:Until political parties start listening to the voters that put them there we will have a revolving door of governments. The voters have not had a PM they wanted since Rudds first term. Now you can sit there are spin the old line that we don't elect PMs and while I know that's true in reality the voters in this country think otherwise. Until a party elects a leader the voters embrace like they did Hawke and Howard we will have one term governments.
Shorten will not go more than one term either he's as big a mistake as Abbott is.
If I were the coaltion I'd be luring Mike Baird into federal politics. I honestly don't know anyone from the Labor side capable of rallying the voters.
1st... I didn't want Rudd and every reason why was brought out in his Prime Ministership.
2nd... I don't believe the majority of Australians think they have a direct vote for the PM.
3rd... I didn't like Hawke or Howard very much.
4th... If Shorten is so bad why vote him in at all?
5th... I don't like Baird.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:55 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Neither of the major parties are up to the task and until such time as we embrace an emerging party that actually listens to its constituents and has the best interests of the country and its people at heart, nothing is going to change.

I have never liked Malcolm Turnbull but perhaps he could be the balance between the Libs and the ALP. The Rudd/Gillard government was a shambles. Clive has only ever been there for his own self interests and I won't even touch on the Greens.

Abbott got in on his 'stop the boats' and national security stance. That should tell us something right there. There is a lot of unrest regarding immigration and what has been forced upon us and neither party is listening. For 70 years the Libs have been known for their economic strength but, regardless of the mess left behind by Rudd/Gillard, Abbott's team just aren't up to the task. Nor is anyone in the ALP. So where does that leave us?

My next vote will be going to a minor party who impresses me and I am going to write STOP IMMIGRATION across the top, at least until we can look after our own. This country needs some real change. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to live the 'good Aussie life' that I was lucky enough to live and that our forebears have fought and died for.
I doubt there will be a minor party willing to be called racist etc since the demise of ON.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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