Same-Sex Marriage

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Neferti » Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:50 pm

Everyone knows that being gay or lesbian is a choice. That is why in a partnership, one takes the male role and the other takes the female role. Simple! :mrgreen:

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by boxy » Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:53 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
boxy wrote:I hear the is going to make it mandatory that 1 in 10 marriages be gay marriages :thumb
Is this the Greens policy for the next Federal Election?
Yeah, sure, whatevah :roll:
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:58 pm

boxy wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
boxy wrote:I hear the is going to make it mandatory that 1 in 10 marriages be gay marriages :thumb
Is this the Greens policy for the next Federal Election?
Yeah, sure, whatevah :roll:
A gay quota system... now that is the near future next steps of the PC brigade. Next we will have gay quotas in government then in the workplace......

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by mantra » Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:53 am

Neferti~ wrote:Everyone knows that being gay or lesbian is a choice. That is why in a partnership, one takes the male role and the other takes the female role. Simple! :mrgreen:
This is still something that hasn't been proven. If we see gay people as having no choice then we can accept it, but of course if we don't - then we try to change it.

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Neferti » Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:32 am

mantra wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:Everyone knows that being gay or lesbian is a choice. That is why in a partnership, one takes the male role and the other takes the female role. Simple! :mrgreen:
This is still something that hasn't been proven. If we see gay people as having no choice then we can accept it, but of course if we don't - then we try to change it.
How many gays and lesbians do you know?

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by mantra » Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:55 am

Neferti~ wrote:How many gays and lesbians do you know?
Today - only a few. I used to know plenty of them when I lived in Sydney, but my area now is fairly conservative. I assume many of them would be fairly private about their activities. It's easier to accept that they don't have a choice.

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Neferti » Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:38 am

mantra wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:How many gays and lesbians do you know?
Today - only a few. I used to know plenty of them when I lived in Sydney, but my area now is fairly conservative. I assume many of them would be fairly private about their activities. It's easier to accept that they don't have a choice.
I don't think anyone cares one way or the other these days. It is the gays and lesbians who are kicking up a fuss. It has become awfully boring to be honest.

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:10 pm

Big push by the LDP Senator this Thursday... PMBill.
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:43 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Human consciousness is evolving (as it always has)
I digress. I hold the position that we are devolving, and it has happened before.
Take for example ancient Greece. They developed technologically, became militaristic, stomped around their known world and created an empire. Then they got cultured and went queer to the extend effeminate males were encouraged to publicly parade around as female impersonators, and the Amazon female warrior was idolised. Then the Romans came along stomped all over them and took everything the Greeks had acquired.

The Romans too developed technologically, got militaristic, appropriated others cultural practices and religion, and then went queer to such an extent Roman emporers had pretty boys castrated and married them. The republic faultered financially, the Barbarians terrorised them, and the poofs in charge appropriated Christianity.

In both societies the practice of incest spawned epileptics, schizophrenics and homosexuals due brain chemistry defects. In the case of homosexuality it is because of an enlarged pineal gland.
mantra wrote: The number of transgender children and adults globally seems to be increasing in leaps and bounds
That's because the food chain has been contaminated with a soy bean toxin known as phyto-estrogen.
Admittedly this might not be the sole cause. Sea water contamination with pharmacuticals from our sewer systems is causing numerous creatures (eg Polar bears) to become homaphodites.

I've never wanted to marry or procreate, but understand it is an instict of almost everything that lives to partner and reproduce. In our modern times marriage makes little difference.
If a man lets a woman sleep in his bed and eat his food he owes her a living.
Modern homosexual relationships now invovle role playing - the Dom and the Sub - so the question to ask is "Is the Sub entitled to the Dom's assets when they part company?"

Personally I couldn't give a rat's arse what consenting adults do in the own homes, but I don't like their queerness being rubbed in my face.

Must admit I am amuzed that feminist demi-god Germane Greer hates transexual males impersonating females. Quite understandable from a Femi-nazi perspective though because Gay rights is really about Women's rights for queers, and so sees Gay rights as a threat to the validity of Women's rights.
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:38 am

Looks like the Libs are going to squib it on this issue.
Strange that 720 people can change the society and social values of a whole country... as for those morons in Canberra, this should not be their decision this should be taken to the people.
Otherwise it has NO Legitimancy.
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