Comet Lovejoy
- Super Nova
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
Thanks Nef.
I am going to look out for it. If it can be seen in Australia and Japan I should be able to see it here.
I am going to look out for it. If it can be seen in Australia and Japan I should be able to see it here.
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- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
Spotted by an Australian, Terry Lovejoy! Well done LOVEJOY!
Oh ... did you read about the AFOs reported in the USA being the CIA involved about testing planes, thus the secrecy?
I do NOT believe in aliens ........ but stuff happens out there, such as I drew your attention to. Nothing alien beings about it. Normal stuff that happens ... Terry must drive his missus crazy (if he has one) ... out on the porch, endlessly looking through his Telescope .......
He should be proud (and so should she) he has a Comet named after him.
Oh ... did you read about the AFOs reported in the USA being the CIA involved about testing planes, thus the secrecy?
I do NOT believe in aliens ........ but stuff happens out there, such as I drew your attention to. Nothing alien beings about it. Normal stuff that happens ... Terry must drive his missus crazy (if he has one) ... out on the porch, endlessly looking through his Telescope .......

- Super Nova
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
Yeah, well done Lovejoy.
I do believe in Extra-terrestrial aliens. however I do not believe any have ever visited Earth and definitely not recently (since humans have evolved).
The numbers make such a visit so improbable that it tends to zero probability.

I do believe in Extra-terrestrial aliens. however I do not believe any have ever visited Earth and definitely not recently (since humans have evolved).
The numbers make such a visit so improbable that it tends to zero probability.

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- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
I have watched many History programs, whereby "they" wonder why people such as the Egyptians (and others else where in the World) could build such magnificent structures that have lasted for many, many centuries without out "knowledge" of (university) engineering and so forth.
There have been very clever people (male and female) throughout history. Nobody invents much these days ... they just "improve" what has already been invented, eons ago.
Anyway .........
Are we (collective we) so arrogant that we think people who lived many, many years ago were less intelligent than we are? They IMPLY that there must be an alien intelligence out there ... somewhere. Rubbish! Some people read too much Sci Fi fiction.

I have watched many History programs, whereby "they" wonder why people such as the Egyptians (and others else where in the World) could build such magnificent structures that have lasted for many, many centuries without out "knowledge" of (university) engineering and so forth.
There have been very clever people (male and female) throughout history. Nobody invents much these days ... they just "improve" what has already been invented, eons ago.
Anyway .........
Are we (collective we) so arrogant that we think people who lived many, many years ago were less intelligent than we are? They IMPLY that there must be an alien intelligence out there ... somewhere. Rubbish! Some people read too much Sci Fi fiction.

- Rorschach
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Re: Comet Lovejoy ... nal-chile/ ... vejoy.html ... vejoy.html
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DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
So what is happening to Comet Lovejoy?
Disappearing off the face of the Earth? I am shocked ........
It is a comet, not a space ship, lurking around trying to pick up the Political Animal Forum with their exceptional degree of scientific and intelligent posters. It is probably hovering over at at Monks to try and detect some sort of intelligent LIFE or at OzPol for ditto reasons.
Disappearing off the face of the Earth? I am shocked ........

It is a comet, not a space ship, lurking around trying to pick up the Political Animal Forum with their exceptional degree of scientific and intelligent posters. It is probably hovering over at at Monks to try and detect some sort of intelligent LIFE or at OzPol for ditto reasons.
- Super Nova
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
Agree. Human intelligence has not evolved in the last 20,000 years. We are pretty much the same now as we were then. The evolution of society and the creation of language in the written form and mathematics has allowed combined with farming has allowed us to understand the world in great detail. Pass on knowledge that has accumulated from one generation to another and the human mind of individuals being allowed to focus on one are thus enabling individuals to specialise is our uniqueness.Neferti~ wrote: Anyway .........
Are we (collective we) so arrogant that we think people who lived many, many years ago were less intelligent than we are? They IMPLY that there must be an alien intelligence out there ... somewhere. Rubbish! Some people read too much Sci Fi fiction.
Humanity used brains, organisation, tools and muscle to build the pyramids. No aliens required.
It's amazing what people will do for a king that they think is a god and earn a place in the afterlife when the basics for living are plentiful. The Nile river combined with advances in farming and social engineering was the real feat. the pyramid was just a by product.
However, we need to be careful what we wish for. Until we have advanced our technology for a few more thousand years I would not like to meet the Borg anytime soon.
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- Super Nova
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Re: Comet Lovejoy
How many alien civilizations in our galaxy?
The Drake Equation (named for Frank Drake, the originator of the equation) is a way to estimate how many intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations might inhabit our galaxy. Below is the Drake Equation:
N = R* x fs x fp x nE x fl x fi x fc x L
R* = average star formation ratefs = fraction of "suitable" stars capable of supporting a habitable planet.fp = fraction of suitable stars with planets.nE = average number of "Earth-like" planets.fl = average fraction of Earth-like planets with = average fraction of life-bearing planets evolving at least one intelligent species.fc = average fraction of planets with intelligent civilizations capable of interstellar communication.L = average lifetime that a civilization remains technologically active and will use radio communication.
These are the values based upon the most recent astronomical data:
No idea how to display a table on this site---- sorry.
Alone in the Universe: Why Our Planet Is Unique
A most optimistic estimate for the number of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy is 150. This would mean that each intelligent civilization would be separated by an average of 2,000 light years. Such vast distances make contact unlikely and finding other advanced civilizations improbable. If these civilizations exist, they will not detect our radio signals for another 1900 years. How will they even know we are here? For information on how these results were calculated, see the appendix. John Gribbin's new book, Alone in the Universe: Why Our Planet Is Unique, concludes with this statement, "The reasons why we are here form a chain so improbable that the chance of any other technological civilization existing in the Milky Way Galaxy at the present time is vanishingly small. We are alone, and we better get used to the idea."
Ignore the god reference.
The Drake Equation (named for Frank Drake, the originator of the equation) is a way to estimate how many intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations might inhabit our galaxy. Below is the Drake Equation:
N = R* x fs x fp x nE x fl x fi x fc x L
R* = average star formation ratefs = fraction of "suitable" stars capable of supporting a habitable planet.fp = fraction of suitable stars with planets.nE = average number of "Earth-like" planets.fl = average fraction of Earth-like planets with = average fraction of life-bearing planets evolving at least one intelligent species.fc = average fraction of planets with intelligent civilizations capable of interstellar communication.L = average lifetime that a civilization remains technologically active and will use radio communication.
These are the values based upon the most recent astronomical data:
Code: Select all
Parameter Optimistic Pessimistic
R* 10 3
fs 0.02 0.01
fp 0.75 0.1
nE 0.01 0.00001
fl 1.0 0.00001
fi 0.0001 0.000001
fc 1.0 0.1
L 1,000,000,000 10,000,000
Total 150 0
Alone in the Universe: Why Our Planet Is Unique
A most optimistic estimate for the number of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy is 150. This would mean that each intelligent civilization would be separated by an average of 2,000 light years. Such vast distances make contact unlikely and finding other advanced civilizations improbable. If these civilizations exist, they will not detect our radio signals for another 1900 years. How will they even know we are here? For information on how these results were calculated, see the appendix. John Gribbin's new book, Alone in the Universe: Why Our Planet Is Unique, concludes with this statement, "The reasons why we are here form a chain so improbable that the chance of any other technological civilization existing in the Milky Way Galaxy at the present time is vanishingly small. We are alone, and we better get used to the idea."
Ignore the god reference.
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- tllwd
- Posts: 408
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Re: Comet G3 Atlas
The rare G3 Atlas comet has returned to our galaxy for a once-in-a-lifetime event and is now visible from Australia and across the Southern Hemisphere.
Only discovered in April 2024, G3 Atlas' orbit is being closely monitored by NASA after it emerged and a handful of Aussies have managed to sight it from earth.
Celestial phenomena have always fascinated humans, for they attracted the passion of the unknown we all carry.
So what do you expect from the G3 Atlas.
Only discovered in April 2024, G3 Atlas' orbit is being closely monitored by NASA after it emerged and a handful of Aussies have managed to sight it from earth.
Celestial phenomena have always fascinated humans, for they attracted the passion of the unknown we all carry.
So what do you expect from the G3 Atlas.
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