Same-Sex Marriage

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:21 pm

Leyonhjelm has introduced his own same-sex bill in the senate.
Someone should really talk to these people.
He says... "I support marriage equality because I believe people should have the freedom to choose their own life path."
Well Senator, let me tell you, since marriage is the union of a man and a woman, then having chosen their same-sex path already, it doesn't lead to marriage. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by mantra » Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:19 am

Neferti~ wrote:
mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Do you understand that the LW Progressives of which you are counted as part of want same sex marriage?
In which case sex becomes irrelevant in the scheme of things in regards to marriage?
Even if same sex marriage is never made legal here, a transgender should still have the sex he or she was born with left on their birth certificate.
Do you realise how IDIOTIC that sounds?
No. It's a practical comment.

What if you met this lovely man? You fell in love, but he wanted to do things the right way and consummate the relationship after marriage. His birth certificate says Andrew Smith, but after you've married him - you find out that he was once a she. These sort of issues are already happening in the US where so many heterosexual people end up finding out that their partner has had a sex reassignment.

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:33 am

Oh dear, I tend to agree with Nef.
I hardly think gender reassignment is a everyday occurrence nor undertaken on a regular basis by more than a very very very very very tiny percentage of the population. Even in Thailand. :roll:
I also make the point which seems to have escaped you that if same sex marriage is ok, then what are you worried about? If it's considered the norm, what are you worried about? It doesn't matter if you marry a man or a woman, "marriage equality" as they now call it, is all about luurve, according to the Green fairy friends... sex doesn't matter mantra, it's all the same.
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Neferti » Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:20 pm

mantra wrote: No. It's a practical comment.

What if you met this lovely man? You fell in love, but he wanted to do things the right way and consummate the relationship after marriage. His birth certificate says Andrew Smith, but after you've married him - you find out that he was once a she. These sort of issues are already happening in the US where so many heterosexual people end up finding out that their partner has had a sex reassignment.
It would never occur to me to ask to see a bloke's Birth Certificate to check whether he was born a male, or a female.

I note that the American Swimmer (Phelps) is dating a "reassigned" male. I wonder whether he asked to see her Birth Certificate? She looks female enough. :rofl ... 7136334070



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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Super Nova » Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:31 pm

I am a little tied of this crap now.

I have no issue if same sex people want to shag each other... go for it. have fun.
I have no issue that legally they should enjoy the benefits and protections of marriage. The civil union provides that.

I do have an issue with them pushing it still further to make it called a marriage. That is it is the same as a civil union but they use the word marriage.
Marriage has an historical meaning and legal definition that in many lands is bound to the law as a union between man and women primarily for the purposes of procreation.

They are being political now pushing limits. They want to challenge the church, they want the church to be forced to marry them...... they want to adopt children....

They are not man and wife.... they should be pleased with their progress to date.... they should not push us to the point of a backlash.

I have supported their right to have rights and be recognised. I remember how the movement started in Sydney with the cops and punters bashing gays because they wuz poofters.
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:12 pm

:thumb :thumb
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:02 pm

Apparently the homo-radicals are going for the big push on this, this year.
They believe, even though they refuse a referendum on it that most people support gay-marriage.
Same sex marriage advocates are planning a 2015 blitz on western Sydney as part of a push across 50 key federal electorates for the enactment of marriage equality legislation before the next election.
With public support for same-sex marriage at 72 per cent, according to polling by Crosby/Textor, and a minority of 21 per cent opposed to the reform, marriage equality advocates say the issue has the ability to turn votes at the election and the major parties ignore it at their peril.
"The community debate is essentially over," said Rodney Croome, the national director of lobby group Australian Marriage Equality.

"If the Coalition is to win back the middle ground at the election, it must make an appeal to that 48 per cent who strongly support [gay marriage]."
Coalition MPs on both sides of the debate privately acknowledge the free vote issue will have to be addressed by the party room in 2015.

An increasing number of Western countries and American states are legalising gay marriage. ... 2gzhu.html
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by boxy » Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:52 pm

I hear the is going to make it mandatory that 1 in 10 marriages be gay marriages :thumb
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Neferti » Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:26 pm

boxy wrote:I hear the is going to make it mandatory that 1 in 10 marriages be gay marriages :thumb
Is this the Greens policy for the next Federal Election? I read somewhere that "they" (the gays and lesbians) don't want a Referendum. :rofl I wonder why?

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Re: Same-Sex Marriage

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:48 pm

Because when they are honest with themselves they know it won't pass and all they are doing is lying to themselves about it.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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