Immigration and Multiculturalism

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by mantra » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:10 pm

Black Orchid wrote:The thing I find most abhorrent about the Chinese is that fact that they will toss anything and everything onto the footpath rather than have it inside the bounds of their domain. They don't care about what is outside their fence so long as it isn't inside.

Food, general refuse, furniture all ends up on the footpath. They furnish their abodes sparsely because they go back to China regularly and then just dump everything on the footpath. Rarely a week goes by when there aren't lounges, mattresses, computer desks and chairs etc littering the footpaths. Mostly it's all good furniture but no-one around here wants it and it just litters the streets until the Council sends someone to clear it. Council doesn't bother too much anymore because they have barely driven one load out of the street and another one appears.

The problem has grown exponentially over the past 10 years.
The same occurs on the trains. They don't stop eating and just leave paper and food scraps on the seats and floor. I don't know why more businesses haven't started up to recycle the expensive items left on the streets. At least they could go to charities. While most of us are doing our best to recycle goods and dispose of them responsibly, newcomers to Australia just treat the country like a garbage tip.

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:17 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote: noticed how mantra mentioned yet again that Multiculti is a fact of life and is here to stay.

Why mantra... ?
It's just a bloody settlement policy.
One the Nethrlands Government are getting rid of apparently.
I've changed my views a bit on multiculturalism over the last few years, but it's obvious that no party in government is going to do anything about it now. It's become firmly entrenched over the past 40 years. We've just signed an FTA with China - my area is swarming with Chinese now and they make up the largest number of over stayers here. Now the government has opened the door to them and invited them in. We're going to have a lot more to worry about than a few Muslims.
Doesn't mean we can't change it back or just change it mantra, how many times must I tell you it is just a policy....?
Any Government can change it.
Howard changed it several times by fiddling at the edges.
We need a party that will abolish it and return us to INTEGRATION or some other policy that doesn't inflict cultural apartheid upon us.
We could save heaps of money, billions in fact, if we got rid of it.
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by mantra » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:27 pm

Rorschach wrote:Doesn't mean we can't change it back or just change it mantra, how many times must I tell you it is just a policy....?
Any Government can change it.
Howard changed it several times by fiddling at the edges.
We need a party that will abolish it and return us to INTEGRATION or some other policy that doesn't inflict cultural apartheid upon us.
We could save heaps of money, billions in fact, if we got rid of it.
We've signed too many FTA's to stop multiculturalism now. It might just be a government policy, but can you imagine if they suddenly stopped allowing people from the ME here. We would then have to stop the Israelis and then the Asians to be fair. The government has just given a whole bunch of countries unfettered carte blanche to our real estate, businesses, minerals and anything else they want to pilfer. The FTA with China allows them to bring hordes of their workers here. How many Chinese do you think will want to pack up eventually and leave. We don't know if the same conditions will apply to the Koreans, Japanese or any other country we might have signed a deal with.

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:29 pm

They aren't Australians...
Other Muslim leaders also offered to help police during the siege in Martin Place on December 15. They included the Grand Mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, and Rebecca Kay, who has previously told Fairfax Media: "We felt the only people that could get through to him on a religious level or a cultural level was a member of the community."
Say NO to Multiculturalism...
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:53 pm

What needs to be done:-

1. A referendum on multiculturalism

2. Immigration policy should be debated in Parliament like the other issues with no prior

3. Australia should not be subjected to outside pressures on this policy from the UN

4. Deportation or turn around procedures for unsuitable immigrants or refugees should
not be subject to endless appeals

5. The problem with multiculturalism is that gives its rights to immigrants and refugees
that they don’t earn if they know nothing about the values or cultures they are
imposing their views on where they go. In effect this often creates ignorance and
dissent not inclusiveness which should be the ultimate goal. Multiculturalism has been
protected too long by our Parliamentary system by ignoring its obvious glaring
deficits. In effect it discriminates against Australian citizens in the way their fears
about it have been ignored by all levels of government.

Australian Parliament
Joint Standing Committee on Migration
Submission no. 378 ... sub378.pdf

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:56 pm

Australian Parliament
Joint Standing Committee on Migration
Submission no. 378

The original premise of multiculturalism as promised was that all of us would be “happy little vegemites” doing our own things and enhancing Australian values and culture.

Instead, like Europe and England who have virtually open slather immigration our system is going to end up in disaster like theirs. Their cultures, values and social systems are under pressure from
ideologies and fundamentalism demanding their own ways. Many of these practices are
happening in Australia under the auspices of our Parliamentary system who refuse to debate
or question multiculturalism which appears to be under the UN mandate.

In Australia we adapt to immigrants and refugees. It used to be the other way round. The UN treaties have a lot to do with the problems - how to save lives they never think of the effect on other cultures. Just dropping unsuitable refugees or migrants into places, expect them to be welcomed without knowledge of English and our values and culture is crazy for them and us.

All you end up with is islands of loneliness despair and insecurity. Neighbourhoods break down schooling systems are adapted against the home societies and resentment builds about what used to be; governments doing the right thing with rose coloured glasses for UN treaties doing nothing about the fears of their own societies and the electorates generally. In essence the previous immigration system demanded English adaptation and integration. Today is an unregulated farce where they do what they want to do because globalisation doesn’t fit in with any one culture and multiculturalism crosses all borders. It suits some ethnic tribal cultures from Africa and Islam very well because their religion or tribe is their life where the country is and their outlook doesn’t matter except the end result for them, By their growth they will soon be a threat.

A Parliamentary enquiry on a subject that is a disaster wherever it has been tried all over the
world has plenty of evidence that has been obvious to everyone else for years. It simply doesn’t work and the fact it hasn’t been debated in Parliament for decades is a disgrace and probably unconstitutional. So for an inquiry like this, look at the internet, look at France, Germany, Holland and Britain. Ask Mr Cameron the British Prime Minister and most of all take notice of the facts and admit it was a mistake starting this insidious system in the first place. It threatens Australian culture, our history, our way of life. The UN treaties hamstrung and limit own Government in policy on multiculturalism. The UN should have no say on this as our government is elected by Australian voters. ... sub378.pdf

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:25 pm

Yeah I sent a submission in as well... it still seems to me like those in power just aren't listening.
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:05 pm

With more and more Australians becoming disheartened about open slather immigration there must be a way to MAKE them listen.

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:43 pm

Don't vote for parties that support it.....
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by mantra » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:53 pm

Rorschach wrote:Don't vote for parties that support it.....
Which party doesn't support it? Maybe a neo-nazi party?

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