mantra wrote:Morrison's Xmas gift to the impoverished underbelly of Australia will disturb a few people.
He's been in the job a couple of days and he's already started vacuuming up the Coalition's version of human debris. Funding is being cut or withheld to all the advocacy groups who help the homeless.
No doubt the homeless will be treated as harshly as the asylum seekers, although Morrison can't send them home because they have no home. Will he provide detention centres so they can at least get a bed and a decent meal every day? Highly unlikely.
As Scott Morrison prepared to step in as Social Services Minister, his new department was contacting housing advocacy groups and other community services providers on Monday to inform them their funding had been cut and contracts with the Commonwealth would be discontinued.
Social Services posted letters responding to requests for grants from the community sector for ongoing and new funding streams after a process first announced in March.'s now called the Rein foundation I believe.
The government has previously warned it could satisfy just $800 million of the $3.9 billion in grants requested by the sector.
Fairfax Media has learned that all funding to Financial Counselling Australia has been cut, while a number of other community services groups providing emergency accommodation relief lose their funding.
Highlands Community Centres in the NSW southern highlands, which has 450 families on its books and has been serving people in distress for 20 years will no longer receive any federal funding and does not know how it can continue to provide the same service.
National Shelter, a peak advocacy group whose mission is to create a "more just housing system, particularly for low-income Australian households" was informed by the Department of Social Services on Monday that it would lose its funding and its three-year contract torn up a year early.
The Commonwealth will only continue to fund agreements that it has a legislated duty to fund, such as the National Affordable Housing Agreement with the states under the Council of Australian Governments process.
National Shelter executive officer Adrian Pisarski said it was a cruel blow coming three days before Christmas. ... 2cf67.html
Mantra, no wonder Morrison is determined to clean up these society-sappers..given our tax dollars are being syphoned into these "said" advocacy groups advocating for who again?....Tell me, exactly what has "Housing Australia" achieved for their clientele in the last 12 months?
And why wont they, like charitable organisations CEO's disclose their salaries?
Rudd promised to make these orgs salaries more transparent, that was until he realised his own wife was chairman...or chairwoman of her own non for profit charitable organisation....the "Rene foundation".
Tell me, what exactly has Adrian Pisarski achieved and on what annual salary?
Oh shit, it looks like pis-ass-ski might have to get a real job.
adrian pisarski
Social commentator, occassional painter, writer, art lover, EO of National Shelter. Tweets are my personal views.
Joined September 2012
Clearly, he is a lefty socialist fuckstick bludger.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~