Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Super Nova » Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:50 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Wonder if the cafe had CCTV?

Have they, actually, released information about the deaths of those deceased at the scene?

The above is possibly pure conjecture, Super Nova. Police Investigation will eventually tell us what went on, and that could take months if not years!
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Neferti » Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:30 pm

So the gun "went off" and hit the other person who died too?

I think we are speculating and The News is trying to be kind to all and sundry ... without mentioning MUSLIM OR ISLAM.

We must have some Aussie nutters, too, who would love to go and KILL some Muslims ........

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by 5.56 NATO » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:34 pm

mellie wrote:Keep antagonizing the crazies, sooner or later one of them will snap again.

you spineless bastard, call this for what it is, a muslim hate crime against non muslims
Muslims..fucking the world up one country at a time for 1500 years

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by TheCult » Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:00 pm

mellie wrote:It seems even my Bart agrees with a few of you who believe all Muslims endorse terrorism.

Hmmm the book they follow teaches terrorism, if you don't follow the book you aren't a muslim. I'd say all muslims endorse terrorism on that premise alone unless you can show us how they get around what their book teaches.

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Rorschach » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:05 pm

Solonoid wrote:So while this is clogging up the news, you have to wonder what REAL news is being buried quiet unnoticed ? Like I said that is probably Tony numb nuts' Uncle in there with a tea towel wrapped around his head ! I think it's a distraction, he is deep down in the polls needs a huge injection..blah blah- hey it could be a thing? ;)
Conspiranut.... biased stupidity to the end... :rofl :rofl :rofl
Your argument has no credibility and bears no relationship to rationality.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Rorschach » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:07 pm

mellie wrote:Remember that nutcase who wrote poison letters to the families of deceased Australian soldiers back in 2007-2009?

Seige hostage taker identified as Man Monis
Man Haron Monis was convicted in 2013 over offensive letters he wrote to families of dead Australian soldiers and was charged with sexual offences in October relating to his time as a self-proclaimed "spiritual leader".
-The Age

He's just another disaffected lunatic wanna-be Muslim convert.... lol, he was practicing black-magic out of his shed less than a decade ago and offering spiritual advice to crack-whores.

Theres more, but you'll read all about it tomorrow.

Big tough Isis terrorist?

Lone wolf?



Just some pissed off lune who was defeated in the supreme court recently and received 300 hours of community service and a 2 year bond for his trouble


Should have been institutionalised years ago. ... dacted.pdf <---(Asio probably should have paid more attention to this one)
He's not a convert to Islam mel... he's born in Iran and always been Muslim.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Rorschach » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:13 pm

mellie wrote:This isnt a Muslim issue, it's a nut-case issue.

Nutcases come from all walks of life.
Actually it's a nutcase Muslim problem mel and we have many in this country...
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Rorschach » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:15 pm

Super Nova wrote:For me this is all about promoting a war of hate.

The extremists are now successful in their mission which is simple.

Use the name of Islam to promote a holy war with the west....... it is not about religion.... it is about control and power.

This is a problem of the wests making.

Consider the history here.

1. We first picked a fight with Islam during the crusades. We picked the first holy war. It is enshrined in history. They still tell the stories about the atrocities where we... the west killed whole cities in the name of Christ.
2. We supported fighters in Afghanistan in a fight with the Russians . When Russia pulled out we dumped them and turned on them. The rise of Bin Laden. We armed him and funded him. When it didn't suit us we hunted them down.
3. 9/11... bush went and picked a fight with Saddam who at the time was holding a region in some control. There was no justification for this. It was perceived as a war on Islam rather than a just war.
4. We created a region of instability. Young people who have only known poverty and war and hate. They are easily radicalised.
5. After WW2 we create a homeland for the jews. Nice idea but completed dispossessed the people who had owned the region since the Romans. The yare still fighting for their right to exist and have a country to call home.
6. The UK draw borders that were designed to maintain conflict. Divide and conquer... keep them fighting. These borders were drawn by the west and did not align to actual cultural or history boundaries.
7. We try to force western ideals into the region that is tribal and need strong leaders to keep everyone in check. The culture of the region is not ready for this. Remember we had 4 hundred years to evolve this in the west and had ,many wars and a great big one in WW2 to preserve this.
8. We try to force the separation of church and state in the region. They have never had this. It was only recent that we did this. The US first. Henry the 8th but kicking out Rome and the constitutions formed after WW2. It is a modern thing. It cannot be changed over night.

As far as religion goes. Islam and Christianity believe in many of the same things... the good things we have come to expect. There are those that choose a part of any of the scriptures to take it out of context and the time it was written to claim a different meaning to radicalise the young. Christians have been doing this too. Have you ever listened to a Christian nutter preach.... it sounds the same.

This is all about POLITICS, POWER and MONEY by those who have found the opportunity to pursue it. Nothiung has changed.

The biggest mistake we can make is to fall into the trap set.

That is, believe there is a war with islam and pursue it.

We must rise above this and accept Islam is a good a religion as any other. At this time in history terrible things have been done in it's name by those that are not practicing the faith at all.

If you grew up in poverty, war and no education with no hope for your future... you too would be of the mental state be gab any opportunity to improve your lot for yourself and family. When confront with really hard choices.... you too would be susceptible to radicalization.

We need to under the root cause.... and work to address it.
You need 1/ a history lesson and 2/ a fact injection.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Super Nova » Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:05 am

Do I really. It think not.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:52 am

Super Nova wrote:Do I really. It think not.
As per the climate thread, you have a habit of ignoring facts because they don't suit your preconceived notions.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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