Left -v- Right

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Neferti » Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:48 pm

mantra wrote:
Britain faces a “great, black, ominous cloud on the horizon” under Labour’s economic plans, David Cameron will warn today, as he tries to divert focus away from accusations that public spending will fall to 1930s levels.
Our PM said similar in opposition, but not so eloquently. What he really meant was that if he was voted in, that great, black ominous cloud would float over the country immediately.

These forecasts of doom and gloom have caused consumer confidence to hit new lows and unemployment is the highest we've seen here in 12 years.

The UK has probably had enough of Cameron's negativity and false economy by now.
You can't help it, can you? Did your ex vote Liberal? Something has made you so full of hate it is unbelievable for somebody who is supposedly a NORMAL female. Politics isn't your LIFE, it is a mere tiny part of it. Carrying around so much hate and loathing is not healthy.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Rorschach » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:30 pm

Yes nef reposting ALP rubbish and propaganda is what the haters do.
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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Super Nova » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:35 am

mantra wrote:
Britain faces a “great, black, ominous cloud on the horizon” under Labour’s economic plans, David Cameron will warn today, as he tries to divert focus away from accusations that public spending will fall to 1930s levels.
Our PM said similar in opposition, but not so eloquently. What he really meant was that if he was voted in, that great, black ominous cloud would float over the country immediately.

These forecasts of doom and gloom have caused consumer confidence to hit new lows and unemployment is the highest we've seen here in 12 years.

The UK has probably had enough of Cameron's negativity and false economy by now.
No-one likes austerity...... but the UK punters know the mess the UK Labour party left behind. They spent during the good years and saved SFA and when things went bad they borrowed more and more.

It is tough to fix. Those that rely on the state are up in arms because their hand-outs are being reduced. Labour is looking to increase funding for the welfare state to make everyone equal and take everything from working tax payers and in particular those that saved. It's a bloody disgrace. If Labour gets in... it's the end of the UK as we know it.

I have always tried to be balanced and vote for who will help the country. Hell I will admit I voted for Hawk...... but the UK issue currently demonstrate why left leaning parties are not right when the books are not balanced. They are good at distributing wealth when there is wealth to distribute. When the books are not balanced... there is none. We have to get back to basic macro-economics. They keep trying to get the capitalist system to fund a socialist society.... it will not work. All will be poorer for the attempt and it could be disastrous if they get in.

Cameron is not running false economy. he has been responsible for the confidence that has bee built and the UK is a better performing economy compared to the rest of the EU because of it.
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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by mantra » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:03 am

Super Nova wrote:Hell I will admit I voted for Hawk...... but the UK issue currently demonstrate why left leaning parties are not right when the books are not balanced.
Hawke was tough on welfare and ran a healthy economy. There were no family allowances, baby bonuses, immunisation rewards, pensions for self funded retirees etc. The Coalition under Howard were the ones who believed welfare should be for everyone and introduced a hoast of bonuses without any means testing. Labor when last in power, was gradually reintroducing means testing and reducing bonuses - but it was too little too late unfortunately.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:40 am

You really do have no clue about anything, you stupid twat.
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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Rorschach » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:23 pm

Howard Howard Howard.... Abbott, Abbott, Abbott.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :du
Haters gotta hate.
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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by boxy » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:45 pm

Rorschach wrote:Howard Howard Howard.... Abbott, Abbott, Abbott.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :du
Haters gotta hate.
It's funny how a self proclaimed lefty only gets worked up when the hate is directed at the righties :thumb

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:36 am

Only because the lefty whinge is devoid of all logic.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by mantra » Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:22 am

Neferti~ wrote: You can't help it, can you? Did your ex vote Liberal? Something has made you so full of hate it is unbelievable for somebody who is supposedly a NORMAL female. Politics isn't your LIFE, it is a mere tiny part of it. Carrying around so much hate and loathing is not healthy.
You're turning into quite the troll Neferti and this is why Aussie complains so much about you. Got nothing to say about politics - then don't say anything.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:53 am

Perhaps aussie should take his own advice.

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