A while back in an unrelated thread a PA (SN from memory) asked “What’s the world coming to?” regarding perverse scenarios, and I answered “Extremism” .. that is our world and the nut jobs inhabiting it will become increasingly more radical in their beliefs and behaviour.
More recently certain entities eg ‘Islamic State’ and the like have fulfilled my prediction. I’ve never made any secret of my distain for Islam and its devotees. But since the advent of Islamic State certain govt agencies have taken my commentary so serious that DSD blocks and monitors my online activity, and even more recently monitors my mobile phone communications.
I suspect my dossier must contain some pretty outrageous material, so in light of this situation I may as well go the whole hog and give them something worth reading.
So Dear Spook, put this in my dossier …
If I were in the Twitersphere or communicating directly with Islamists, I would write the following, but I’m not, so I’ll stick it here, and if it filters through to those it concerns, so be it!
Dear Jihadis
Thankyou for starting WW3, for this is the war that will end your perverse religion. Currently our political leaders care only for their superannuation schemes, but when our governments fall or realise appeasement of your pathogenic creed is not worth the pain, a new regime will rise.
Then we will purge your bretherin from our lands and hunt you with dogs till the ends of the Earth. We will breed pigs in you mosques and clean our anuses with pages of your Koran. We will not cut off your heads, but peirce your hearts with star pickets and feed your carcasses to our dogs. We will not rape you women, for they are too ugly for desire. We will not enslave your women as there is no market for hooked nose hairy nipple hags. We will simply kill them so that you cannot breed, and feed their bodies to pigs. We will not enslave or kill your children. We will feed them pork and expunge Allah from their minds.
When we have killed the last Muslim we will relegate Islam to the pages of history and tell the children of the satanic Mohammed who tormented swathes of people with the tyranny of Islam for 1400 years.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?