Who's legislating?Super Nova wrote:There are gender neutral toys already. Why legislate. Government should have other priorities like making sure the toys are safe.

Who's legislating?Super Nova wrote:There are gender neutral toys already. Why legislate. Government should have other priorities like making sure the toys are safe.
The article was just another beat up about the Greens. The Greens' Senator is only advocating that toys shouldn't be marketed as gender specific so that boys or girls could choose their toys without being discriminated against. It's no big deal.Neferti~ wrote:Little Kids love to "play act". Some little girls want to be like Daddy and go off to work (whatever job that may be) some little boys want to be like Mummy and cook, clean and do stuff around the house. It is PLAY ACTING! Assuming these children are pre-schoolers, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a little boy wanting to be like Mummy or a little girl wanting to be like Daddy. In fact, I would say it is NORMAL. It is the parents who want their girl/boy re-assigned as the opposite to what they were born and those parents need Psychiatric help, ASAP.
The latest Newspoll shows prime minister’s approval rating has dropped to a five-month low. A Fairfax Ipsos poll from last month showed women voters were abandoning the prime minister, with just 37% choosing him as preferred leader.
Waters said the No Gender December initiative highlighted how toys were being marketed to children.
“Children shouldn’t have to conform to gender stereotypes. Boys might be interested in toys that are marketed as for girls and vice versa. This isn’t about some toys being off limits. It’s about children being free to play with whatever toys interest them without fear of being judged or bullied,” Waters said.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/d ... es-in-toys
Its only when if this nonsense is not nipped in the budboxy wrote:Who's legislating?Super Nova wrote:There are gender neutral toys already. Why legislate. Government should have other priorities like making sure the toys are safe.
I agree especially as there is so much more important legislation they should be pushing for, but they got a response from Abbott and that's why they were given media coverage.TheCult wrote:I just shook my head and wondered why they even gave them media coverage on that utterly silly nonsense.
Does she (the Senator) have kids? Toys are marketed as "gender specific"? Where? Wander around Toys 'R Us and note that toys are grouped, obviously, but there is no sign saying "Boy's Toys" or "Girl's Toys" or even " Toys for transgender/gay/lesbian Parents' kids".mantra wrote:
The article was just another beat up about the Greens. The Greens' Senator is only advocating that toys shouldn't be marketed as gender specific so that boys or girls could choose their toys without being discriminated against. It's no big deal.
Back in old days, boys who wanted to be girls became transvestites ... or part-time females. Some males still think it is fun to dress up as females, or wear female under garments under their business suit! Why, I have no idea. I doubt there are masses of females out there wandering around in y-fronts and singlets under their dresses.As far as transgender children go, obviously when we were kids - we never saw or heard anything to indicate they existed.
Where did you hear that, Mantra? Children born with indiscriminate sex? Doctors playing God? Oh come on! The so-called transgender kids probably have parents who vote Green! Geeze!I know that up until the 80's if a child was born with an indiscriminate sex - doctors would operate on that child as they saw fit and choose their gender. They made a lot of mistakes. The transgender kids these days are born with their genitals in tact, but just feel emotionally like the opposite gender.
Who has gone too far? We the public haven't, most people abhor that sort of thing, i.e. little boy/girl kids wanting to be a girl/boy. Kids pre-pubescent haven't a clue what they "want to be". Mostly they just want other kids at school to "like them". Parents put these crazy ideas into little kids' minds. Presumably, many of these parents have "progressive" agendas.I also think we've gone too far by letting young kids make their own decision to change their sex. Who knows how they will feel in a couple of decades. They'll probably end up suing the government if they change their minds.
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