The Greens - the no credibility party?

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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by mantra » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:50 am

Rorschach wrote:What would be even more meaningful for politicians and the media to use would be tha MODAL wage, which is the wage that most Australians are paid... but no one ever uses it.
I'm not sure which category it would fall in - but even $35,000 gross is high for those people who work outside of the cities. There are so many people on part-time or casual wages who are lucky to get 15 hours a week and they earn nowhere near $35,000. I would think an average wage today would be closer to $30,000.

For those lucky enough to be in full time permanent work - the average wage would be $35,000 to $40,000 and it will get lower when this FTA with China is signed off on and we are flooded with Chinese workers. When the average (median) wage drops to $20,000 - then we can go and work for the Chinese for a bowl of rice a day.

The Northern Territory has already introduced 10% lower wages for foreign workers. The Chinese aren't going to employ Australian workers for a higher wage when they can save 10% by bringing their own workers over here - thanks to Abbott and Robb.
EMPLOYERS will be able to hire foreign workers on salaries up to 10 per cent below standard rates for skilled migrants under a new federal government plan to ease dangerous ­labour shortages.

Staring down union fears over imported labour, the federal government will allow employers to seek lower pay rates and easier language tests for foreign workers who can meet an urgent demand for skills in regions that are losing staff. ... 7040705100

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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Rorschach » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:35 pm

Meanwhile back to the real topic.... Green Party credibility...
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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Neferti » Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:46 pm

Perhaps you could begin a topic about INCOME or something then? I have some words about it. :mrgreen:

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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:43 am

The Greens latest stupidity... jumping on the No Gender December bandwagon and saying toys perpetuate myths and create abusive relationships later in life.

Honestly doe this party attract all the lunatics? :du ... es-in-toys

Can we get a Cuckoo emoticon?
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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:32 pm

An unbelievably ridiculous idea. You have to wonder where some of these people were hatched.

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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:02 pm

In a Cuckoo nest....
And mantra wonders why I think they are lunatics :roll:
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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by mantra » Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:09 pm

Someone has to cater to the transgender kids - and what's wrong with introducing legislation for unisex toys? Of course Abbott would want males and females divided into two neat groups. He sets a good example in his cabinet alone.

Nearly every time Abbott opens his mouth he puts his foot in it.
Mr Abbott made the ironing remark during a visit to a dry-cleaning store yesterday, which he used to warn of higher electricity prices under an emissions trading scheme (ETS).

"What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it's going to go up in price, and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up," he said.
Stereotyping kids at an early age with gender specific toys is old fashioned and regressive.


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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Super Nova » Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:22 pm

mantra wrote: Stereotyping kids at an early age with gender specific toys is old fashioned and regressive.

I used to think this but since having my daughter I realise that some kids are their gender. She loves dolls, Barbie, princess dresses ....etc.

We brought her boys toys and she just isn't into it. She doesn't want to do boys stuff. She has always been a girl.

A friend has a girl the same age and she is definitely a tom boy and her mother wishes she was a princess.

Transgender is a minority.

We all need to stop trying to treat our kids like they have adult rights. There should be choice. There are gender neutral toys already. Why legislate. Government should have other priorities like making sure the toys are safe.
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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Neferti » Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:06 pm

mantra wrote:Someone has to cater to the transgender kids -
Tony Abbott has THREE DAUGHTERS. Do you think one of them is going to suddenly come out and ask for "transgender re-adjustment"? :roll

Little Kids love to "play act". Some little girls want to be like Daddy and go off to work (whatever job that may be) some little boys want to be like Mummy and cook, clean and do stuff around the house. It is PLAY ACTING! Assuming these children are pre-schoolers, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a little boy wanting to be like Mummy or a little girl wanting to be like Daddy. In fact, I would say it is NORMAL. It is the parents who want their girl/boy re-assigned as the opposite to what they were born and those parents need Psychiatric help, ASAP.

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Re: The Greens - the no credibility party?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:27 pm

Obviously it's Abbott's fault there are men and women, boys and girls nef... :roll: :roll: :roll:
seems mantra has found her home with the greens after all. :roll:
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