Rolf Harris convicted - Cosby is next.. and more

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:59 am

Now there are more in the UK.

"Scout leaders and care workers were also among the huge number of people held " I have stated before that I worry about adult men who choose to spend their time with kids when there is no real reason, for example, I would be a scout leader if I had a son in the scouts but would drop it when his left. Why would I want to continue. Why would you want to be around young boys if your didn't have a son in the troop. Now I know there are some good people out there but I was a scout and I was suspicious then. We all knew who the perverts were and stayed away from them.

I hope Australia is currently running a similar operation. The US, Canada, Australia, UK and NZ have been collaborating for years on this issue and I hope they have shared the technology and techniques.


660 held in child images crackdown

Several hundred suspected paedophiles including doctors, teachers and former police officers have been arrested in the biggest ever UK crackdown on obscene images of children.

The unprecedented six-month operation headed by the National Crime Agency (NCA) saw 660 people held for downloading and sharing the sickening pictures, and has already led to charges for serious sexual assault.

Those arrested included a doctor who had access to more than one million depraved pictures, was found to have met up with boys and kept sex aids and rope in the boot of his car.

Scout leaders and care workers were also among the huge number of people held across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and the vast majority had never before aroused suspicion.

The massive investigation, involving all 45 British police forces, led to 431 children who were were in the "care, custody or control" of the suspects being "safeguarded", including 127 who were identified as being at serious risk of harm.

Those arrested had used the internet or the so-called "dark web" - internet content that is not listed for access by normal search engines.

NCA deputy director general Phil Gormley said: "This operation has been about protecting children who are victims of, or might become victims of, sexual exploitation.

"Children are victimised not only when they are abused and the images first taken, but at every subsequent time that image is viewed by further offenders or distributed."

Mr Gormley said he was "profoundly disappointed" that so many suspects had been arrested over this type of crime.

He said: "The alternative is not to look under the stone, and we cannot afford not to look under this stone.

"There are very significant volumes of people viewing this material in this country and abroad. We are going to need to understand as a society how we are going to confront this issue.

"We are not going to be able to arrest our way our of it. The numbers are significant, the volumes are huge."

The NCA would not reveal the precise tactics it had used, but in previous child abuse cases officers have gone undercover and posed as potential victims to lull sex offenders into showing their true colours.

Chief Constable Simon Bailey, who is the national lead for child abuse investigations, said that police can track paedophiles online, even when using the dark web.

"Law enforcement now has the capability to see what people are doing," he said. "Six hundred and sixty people have currently been arrested, there will be more arrests. There is a clear message to anybody using the internet to facilitate and to commit this type of crime that you are vulnerable."

There were only 39 registered sex offenders among those arrested, with the majority able to avoid detection until now.

One of the suspects said he had been viewing images of child abuse for 30 years and had repeatedly travelled to south east Asia as a sex tourist.

When asked how hundreds of sex offenders had escaped detection until now, Mr Gormley said: "It's a bit like a drugs problem. You need to look for it if you're going to find it. People are unlikely to report this type of crime, you're not going to have witnesses to it in the way that traditional crime types will."

Two years ago the NCA estimated that 50,000 people in the UK were involved in sharing child abuse images online, and in the past 20 years the number of images available has soared from an estimated 10,000 to tens of millions.

Mr Gormley went on: "I am pretty appalled about what it says about human nature. Which is why we need to think very carefully about what this means and how we approach this type of offending behaviour, and the propensity of quite large numbers of people to view this material."

So far officers have searched 833 properties and examined 9,172 computers, phones and hard drives.

The NCA said it built up "intelligence packages" on suspects and sent them to police forces across Britain before arrests were made.

Claire Lilley, head of online safety at the NSPCC, said: "Direct action like this sends a strong message to those who subject children to harrowing sexual assaults that they can and will be traced and prosecuted.

"But law enforcement agencies alone cannot deal with the vast problem of illegal images which continue to flood the market. Industry has to find inventive ways of blocking the flow of such horrendous pictures which are only produced through the suffering of defenceless children - many of who are not even old enough to go to school.

"So while this operation must be rightly applauded we should view it as yet another warning sign that far more needs to be done if we are to stem the sordid trade in these images, which are often used by those who go on to abuse children." ... s-arrested
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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:25 pm

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:43 pm

Our own Skippy seemed to love having his Rolf tan his hide.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by skippy » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:50 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Our own Skippy seemed to love having his Rolf tan his hide.
I'm a little old for Rolfs tastes.

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by Super Nova » Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:11 pm

And the list of rapists and dirty old bastards just keep growing.

It must have been a time when celebs and the powerful thought they were untouchable.


Latest Cosby rape claims stun America

The district attorney leading the investigation felt in his gut that “something untoward” had occurred, but the case was tricky from the start.

America was stunned: Bill Cosby, its sitcom superstar, a man beloved by millions as an avuncular father figure, had been accused of drugging and molesting a young woman at his mansion in Philadelphia.

The detective who questioned him believed that Cosby was “evasive . . . only telling us things he knew we already knew”. The district attorney believed that the woman, Andrea Constand, then 31, was telling the truth.

However, there had been a year between the alleged assault in 2004 and Ms Constand coming forward, which badly damaged her credibility under Philadelphia law. There was no chance of getting a warrant to search Cosby’s home.

Bruce L Castor Jr, the district attorney, thought that something was amiss, but now says that he muted his public comments because he didn’t want to prejudice the jury that would hear the civil lawsuit that Ms Constand was planning against Cosby.

“I couldn’t say that I thought he was guilty but that I couldn’t prove it,” he told The Times. “I didn’t want to pollute the jury pool for the civil trial.”

So a potential criminal case against Cosby melted away. In 2006 Ms Constand’s civil lawsuit against him was settled on undisclosed terms.

To this day, the comedian has not been charged with any crime and he has consistently maintained that he is entirely innocent of any wrongdoing.

By last night, however, eight other women had joined Ms Constand in making public allegations of sexual assault against him, scuppering Cosby’s plans to make a television comeback. Their stories date from 1967 to 2005 and most follow a pattern: Cosby offered them friendship and career advice. Then, when they were alone, he allegedly gave them an unknown drug and abused them when they were unable to resist.

For Americans, it must seem like a trusted national institution is crumbling. Early in his career, Cosby was likened to Mark Twain for his comedic storytelling, and he was the first black television star to be embraced by mainstream audiences. He wrote bestselling books about fatherhood, and during the 1980s he played the sage patriarch Cliff Huxtable on The Cosby Show, which was the most-watched programme in America for five of its eight series. Over the summer a poll ranked him the second-greatest Pennsylvanian in history, trailing only Benjamin Franklin.

This week, however, he has been slowly erased from the TV landscape that he helped to create. On Wednesday NBC cancelled a sitcom in which Cosby was to have played another avuncular father figure; the online video service Netflix postponed Bill Cosby 77, made to celebrate his 77th birthday last July; and the cable channel TV Land pulled its re-runs of The Cosby Show.

In part, the biggest television star of the 1980s appears to have been undone by the digital age.

Long-standing allegations against Cosby gained new traction last month when Hannibal Buress, a comedian, called him a rapist during a stand-up performance.

“He has the smuggest old black man public persona,” Buress said of Cosby. “ ‘Pull your pants up, black people. I can talk down to you, because I had a successful sitcom.’ Yeah, you rape women, Bill Cosby. That brings you down a couple of notches.”

Buress had been performing the routine for months, but the clip suddenly went viral on the internet. In its wake, other alleged victims began to speak out. In The Washington Post Barbara Bowman, a former actress, described an alleged attack. “Cosby won my trust as a 17-year-old aspiring actress in 1985, brainwashed me into viewing him as a father figure, and then assaulted me multiple times,” she alleged.

On Wednesday the former model Janice Dickinson came forward with a similar story. She alleged that Cosby gave her a glass of red wine and a pill, which she asked for because she had period pains. “The next morning I woke up, and I wasn’t wearing my pyjamas, and I remember before I passed out that I had been sexually assaulted by this man,” she told the Entertainment Tonighttelevision show.

The next day Therese Serignese, a nurse, claimed that Cosby raped her in 1976 after a show in Las Vegas.

Last night the ninth woman came forward. Carla Ferrigno is now married to the bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno, who played the title role in The Incredible Hulk on television. She alleges that Cosby kissed her against her will and manhandled her in 1967 when she was working as a Playboy bunny.

Cosby has said that allegations are false, saying through his lawyer that Ms Dickinson’s story was an outright lie. He has declined to say anything further.

When a reporter from the news agency AP brought up the allegations on camera, Cosby made clear that he wanted the footage to be forgotten.

“If you want to consider yourself to be serious, then it will not appear anywhere,” he said. “I would appreciate it if it was scuttled.”

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by Super Nova » Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:43 pm

Now there is a lot of smoke

Sixteenth woman claims she was assaulted by Bill Cosby

Pressure was building on Bill Cosby to break his silence last night, after a 16th woman came forward accusing the comedian of drugging and raping her. ... 276180.ece
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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by Neferti » Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:32 pm

Super Nova wrote:Now there is a lot of smoke

Sixteenth woman claims she was assaulted by Bill Cosby

Pressure was building on Bill Cosby to break his silence last night, after a 16th woman came forward accusing the comedian of drugging and raping her. ... 276180.ece
They are all coming out of the woodwork. It isn't just the "celebs" ...... it is the Jolly Uncle at Christmas , the "loving" boyfriend" who would babysit your daughter while you went to Gym. There are many creepy males out there (and females as well).

What catches my attention is that, since the INTERNET, we have caught many pedophiles. Sex (abuse?) with a child is worthy of more than whatever they get. I was never abused as a child, but others I know, have been.

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted

Post by Super Nova » Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:54 pm

Neferti~ wrote:What catches my attention is that, since the INTERNET, we have caught many pedophiles. Sex (abuse?) with a child is worthy of more than whatever they get. I was never abused as a child, but others I know, have been.
I know a few as well and all of them have lasting behavioural issues because of it. Very sad. They stole something from their heart, soul and very being that can never be restored.

I agree they deserve the longest of sentences. They cannot be rehabilitated. It's the only real practical use of bullets, gas, electronic chairs, bubba....etc.
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Re: Rolf Harris convicted - Cosby is next

Post by skippy » Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:56 pm

It's always the ones you'd least expect.

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Re: Rolf Harris convicted - Cosby is next

Post by Super Nova » Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:59 pm

skippy wrote:It's always the ones you'd least expect.
I am now sceptical of any adult male that is choosing to spend too much time with children..... even when I thought it was for the money .... I am starting to wonder.
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