SN: 6/11 Edited this post due to a complaintThe Defence Force Welfare Association's Facebook page has been carpet bombed with negative comments about the 1.5 per cent pay rise across three years plus the loss of leave days for 57,000 members of the ADF with comparisons being drawn with the massive leap in politicians entitlements and Tony Abbott referred to as the "Slime Minister".
"I saw my husband for 55 days in total last year and this is what we get," wrote one woman who called the deal pathetic.
One said "I have always voted conservative but this amongst other things have forced me to reconsider" and another wrote "you can bet there will be more partners of ADF members pressuring them to leave even more so now!".
Serving ADF members must be careful about what they say in the public domain about their employer so quite often it is the spouses delivering the fury over the ADF's latest workplace remuneration arrangement.
A common theme was the constant improvement in politicians entitlements.
Politicians' pay rises have outstripped those of Australian soldiers by more than 140 per cent over the past two decades, according to new research by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
"Amazing how the politicians sit on their bums at home in safety yet get huge wages amazing benefits, huge pensions from retirement regardless of age they retire," wrote one angry observer.
"Yet the people who they send to a war zone to do their dirty work can't even get pay to match inflation."
A woman who worked out how the $36-a-fortnight pay rise for her husband would be whittled down to a $12 increase after tax and superannuation said she feared the looming price increase in fuel - the Coalition plans to introduce a twice yearly, half a cent increase in the fuel excise.
"DHA will increase rent and water... I'm sure other things such as electricity will increase," the same woman said.
There was doubt among some defence force families about the 1.5 per cent annual pay rise costing the government $634 million across three years with questions raised about whether this number took into account lost leave days under the new arrangement.
Read more: ... z3I7ZeX3vz
SN: 7/11 Word reinstated as it is a term used in the media.