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For inclusion in Time Capsule planted by Mr Whitlam near Westmead Millennium
Institute, Westmead Hospital on Friday 10 November 2000
Hon. Gough Whitlam AC QC
MHR for Werriwa 1952-78
Prime Minister of Australia 1972-75
■ Australia will be a republic.
■ The Head of State will be called the Governor-General.
■ The Head of Government may be a man or woman who is not on the front
bench in either House or is not yet in the Parliament.
■ Other States may have a Governor or Premier or Chief Justice who is a
■ There will be Aboriginal Australians in every House of Parliament in
■ All Houses of Parliament in Australia will be elected for four-year terms.
■ The Senate and remaining Legislative Councils will no longer be able to
block money bills.
■ The Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of Western Australia will
be elected by one vote one value.
■ South Australia will observe Eastern Standard Time.
• The Australian Parliament will have enacted the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights.
• Australia will have ratified the eight International Labour Organisation
conventions on occupational safety and health.
■ There will be joint Federal-State hospital systems in New South Wales and
■ The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge will have been inscribed on
the World Heritage List.
■ There will be a university and teaching hospital in Albury-Wodonga.
■ Australia and New Zealand will use the Anzac dollar.
■ Tentative steps will have been made towards parliamentary democracy,
honest courts and a free press in Malaysia and Singapore.
■ Israelis and Palestinians will have custody of their respective sacred sites
in Jerusalem.
Hon. Gough Whitlam AC QC
MHR for Werriwa 1952-78
Prime Minister of Australia 1972-75
■ Elections for all Houses of Parliament in Australia will be held on the same
date every four years.
■ One-third of High Court, Federal Court and NSW Supreme Court judges
will be women.
■ There will be joint Federal-State hospital systems in every State.
■ There will be two international airports in the Sydney metropolitan area.
■ There will be two universities in Western Sydney.
■ High speed, high voltage freight trains will run between Sydney and
■ Victoria and Tasmania will be a single State.
■ Malaysia and Singapore will have democratic parliaments, honest courts
and a free press.
■ Taiwan will be a Special Administrative Region of the People