mantra wrote: This experiment shows that hatred of Muslims isn't as widespread as expected.
Rubbish! ... no matter how many selective surveys are done to portray an unrealistic view it won't alter the fact Muslims are hated in Australia just like they are in every other non muslim country for the same reasons. Because they are lying, thieving, bludging arseholes. Lebanese Muslims in particular, generally are the stereotypical sleazy wog we'd prefer not to have to deal with.
mantra wrote: It also indicates that hatred for Muslims is not generally welcomed in Australia.
Wow! ... you must be really out of touch with mainstream Australia. See than anti-muslim sentiment I have expressed in this forum? .. Well there's a tidal wave of that in Western Sydney.
I had a Koori forster brother, have a Korean adopted sister, my 1st girlfriend was Indian X Fijian, my last defacto is Murri, and my next door neighbor is Vietnamese.
I managed to get along with anybody of any colour from anywhere, except Muslims.
I grew up with all that left-wing stuff about everyone being equal or the same, and the fair go for all ect ect, and believed it.
Then I had a business in Western Sydney and learnt Muslims, especially Arab Muslims are just one problem after another.
And there's an army of people growing in Western Sydney who hate muslims because of the way muslims behave.
Muslims are scum!
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?