IQS.RLOW wrote:Tin foil hats and stormfront is that way ------------>
Suit yourself, but is the prospect any less believable than much you have come to stomach from our MSM?
Good luck with that IQS.
Bliss I guess.....

IQS.RLOW wrote:Tin foil hats and stormfront is that way ------------>
Ok now you've made yet another idiotic statement unrelated to anything I posted... what's next?Aussie wrote:Yeah......let's get rid of the public servants. You'd be with that, Roach?
*Left is bad ~ right is good.*
Crap? There were 2 Muslims and a Green and a Labor politician and Tony Jones... Wow now that's really balanced and the one loud mouthed Muslim woman with a demented world view had the run of the program.Aussie wrote:Crap. There were two Muslims on the panel. The rest were not. Muslims were outnumbered by far, but a fact never deterred you did it, you retarded, disgraceful reptile. (I've just seen a Thread someone trawled up where AiA reckoned you were a minion at a call centre. I am amazed. I thought you were some self employed wizz www guru! Not that is makes a pinch of goat shit difference. You have no idea about what goes on ...... *left is bad ~ right is good*)IQS.RLOW wrote:The ABC gave a platform to extremist muzzies and provided no balance.boxy wrote: And then you'll never hear what you don't like, unless it's brought to you buy current affairs hacks, who will demonise anything that rednecks like you disapprove of.
What's wrong with allowing people to make their points, and leaving it to the viewer to decide as to the merit, or no, of an opinion?
The ABC in its current form and management should be completely disbanded and the employees sacked. There is a place for a national broadcaster but the way the ABC is at this point, is unrepairable. It is infested with left apparatchiks and refuses to meet its charter.
The ABC in its current format is a disgrace to the country.
You don't know what a fact is, Phil.Aussie wrote:Like I said matter what fact is put in front of you.
How many times? this is the last on the matter...............sorry to disappoint.IQS.RLOW wrote:You don't know what a fact is, Phil.Aussie wrote:Like I said matter what fact is put in front of you.
Phil E. Buster wrote:
I am Aussie. You/AiA have lied to me. I have been banned by QION. Why the deception and utter bullshit?
Yeah Muslims and the ABC and greens just go together nicely that's why I don't watch the idiotic talk backs they host. The ABC is a pathetic joke and waste of taxpayers money.Neferti~ wrote:That is exactly why I do NOT watch ABC (except for Silk, which I currently tape to watch at my leisure). The ABC should be wound down or disbanded. Do you remember when Whitlam (around the time colour TV came in)tried to impose a $20 tax on us? They still do that in the UK, I think. We Australians told him to get knotted!
Sorry I forgot to mention the word "Muslims".
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