Beware of Anthrax poisoning

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lisa jones
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Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by lisa jones » Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:59 pm

Anyone know who chooses Global Mods on Oz Pol and how?

Just trying to figure out how Annie the Muslim terrorist loving nutter's there.

All I know about her is this :

She and I have had a few doozies over wife/child sex and physical abuse under Islam along with her loverboy mate Abu Ratshit who seems to be MIA. Both spent days trying to excuse and condone these forms of abuse by attempting to (mis) translate parts of the Koran ( which clearly supports such notions to varying degrees ).

So.. after the argument on all this was exposed and both she and Ratshit .. went packing, she went underground and started coming in with new alter egos. Not a worry .. as Abu Ratshit was gone so her feeble attempts to fight the good cause of all things extremist Islam .. fell on deaf ears. Now and again, she would creep into a topic under her Annie Anthrax sexy avatar nic just so as to chuck a mental about how she didn't want any PM attention from other "loverboys" lol :))) When told to get out of the topic and report the so called offence to whoever was Global Modding coz we weren't interested in her derailing the topic with her BS, all hell would break loose. A plethora of alter ids (who incidentally post once a year lol) would jump in and support her as she screamed blue murder accusing the rest of us in the topic of being online predators ( amongst other things ). Eventually I and others just posted over her and totally ignored her.

Then after a long period offline ( family commitments ) I log back onto Oz Pol to find her stalking me all over the place ( the poor old biddy must have missed me lol ) and then all these PM's land in my PM box threatening to ban me lmao :)

Totally hilarious stuff! And even more hilarious is the fact that she has been carrying out the same threats to Sprint. All off the boards of course .. so that no one finds out. Pity she doesn't realise we all chat on other forums. And it's a constant incessant obsessive thing with her .. the second you log in, she suddenly appears .. just so she can PM you and let you know she has the power to ban you ( even though you've been chatting away on member run forums which she clearly has no jurisdiction over ).

Tis a shame when radical Muslim apologists like Anthrax make the most of every opportunity to abuse her position and silence those of us who simply don't share her radical religious nonsense and feel confident in letting her know. The fact that she then holds onto online disagreements .. after so much time tells the sad story.

The name Anthrax befits her .. she is totally poisonous.
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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by Neferti » Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:02 pm

You might find the answer in one of the 32 pages of this thread over at OzPol. Freediver started it and the title of the thread is: New Global Moderator.

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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:36 pm

Tell someone who gives a fuck, jizz mop.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:10 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Tell someone who gives a fuck, jizz mop.
You can be sure that Aussie asked her to post here so she can claim that she is eligible to vote. Well, we will let FD sort the votes out.

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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by Super Nova » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:38 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:Tell someone who gives a fuck, jizz mop.
You can be sure that Aussie asked her to post here so she can claim that she is eligible to vote. Well, we will let FD sort the votes out.

I thought she was too polite.
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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by lisa jones » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:35 am

Neferti~ wrote:You might find the answer in one of the 32 pages of this thread over at OzPol. Freediver started it and the title of the thread is: New Global Moderator.
Thanks Nef. I might be bothered reading that. Then again .. perhaps not (as I hardly come online these days due to heavy family commitments). Right now, I'm busy finishing off some accounting stuff which our accountant is chasing us up for (hence why I'm online).

It's enough that I now know that FD's a confirmed idiot for ever allowing such a disturbed and obsessed Muslim apologist anywhere near those Global Mod buttons. In any event, I doubt she'll last long in that role.

Thanks again Nef. Have a good one!
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk


Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by Annie » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:20 am

Im a [G][M ]because Im [G]ood at [M]oaning in Freebies ear when we cyber


Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by Aussie » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:26 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:Tell someone who gives a fuck, jizz mop.
You can be sure that Aussie asked her to post here so she can claim that she is eligible to vote. Well, we will let FD sort the votes out.

Leave your OzPol crap at OzPol Aussie

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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by Rorschach » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:39 am

lisa jones wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:You might find the answer in one of the 32 pages of this thread over at OzPol. Freediver started it and the title of the thread is: New Global Moderator.
Thanks Nef. I might be bothered reading that. Then again .. perhaps not (as I hardly come online these days due to heavy family commitments). Right now, I'm busy finishing off some accounting stuff which our accountant is chasing us up for (hence why I'm online).

It's enough that I now know that FD's a confirmed idiot for ever allowing such a disturbed and obsessed Muslim apologist anywhere near those Global Mod buttons. In any event, I doubt she'll last long in that role.

Thanks again Nef. Have a good one!
I hardly come here.... read as I don't come here at all, except at election times sometimes or at Aussie's bidding.
To me that means you don't participate at all... hence you have no right to vote.
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Black Orchid
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Re: Beware of Anthrax poisoning

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:51 am

This is exactly the type of deranged topic that belongs in the Vortex. Actually, it doesn't belong at PA at all but the Vortex is the next best thing.

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