Green Muslim

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Green Muslim

Post by Rorschach » Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:08 pm

Well you have to hand it to the Greens. They've now decided to pick a woman, and Islamic woman, as their latest representative.
Muslim Green set for tough test

A PAKISTANI-born migrant who made the top echelons of environmental engineering is set to become the first Muslim woman elected to an Australian parliament, after the NSW Greens chose Mehreen Faruqi to fill a state upper house vacancy.

The Greens said yesterday that Dr Faruqi was preselected by a postal ballot of all NSW members of the party, from a field of seven in a contest in which only women could run. Oh oh... DISCRIMINATION...

Islamic Friendship Association spokesman Keysar Trad Trad is no recommendation yesterday hailed the move as a major advance in demonstrating opportunity for Muslim women in Australia, but cautioned Dr Faruqi could have difficulty reconciling the teachings of Islam with Greens policies, particularly the party's acceptance of homosexuality and support for gay marriage. So, will they boot her out or will they expect her to become an apostate or just simply ignore her faith?

In 1992, Dr Faruqi migrated from Pakistan with her husband Omar, who is also a civil engineer, and her one-year-old son to escape the harsh regime of the time. "We had a dictatorship then, and we were quite unhappy," she told The Australian.

Dr Faruqi did a master's and PhD at the University of NSW, and worked in leadership positions in local government, multinational consulting firms and academia.

She is academic director of the master of business and technology program and associate professor at the Australian Graduate School of Management at UNSW.

Dr Faruqi will take the state upper house seat held by Cate Faehrmann when she resigns to contest the Senate later this year. She will take on the state party's portfolio responsibilities for the environment, the status of women and transport. Really? the status of women? Does she wear; a Burkha, a Hijab...

Dr Faruqi indicated she will fully take on board Ms Faehrmann's leftist agenda, Really, then she will be going against her religion... saying she would be "fighting for gender equality and equal marriage" and taking up "the campaign against coal-seam gas mining".

Dr Faruqi described herself as a practising Muslim, but said she came from a modern stream of Islam in Pakistan and did not, for example, wear a head scarf. Oh goody....

She steered around whether she, like former Greens NSW leader and now senator Lee Rhiannon, supported the international Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign against Israel, saying she supported the party's policy promoting human rights for Palestinians and Israelis. Uh huh....

Mr Trad said the elevation of Dr Faruqi would encourage women faithful to Islam to enter politics. But he said Islamic leaders remained absolutely opposed to homosexuality and gay marriage because they went against the fundamental teachings of the faith, creating a dilemma for Dr Faruqi.

"It will be something that is likely to test her . . . we will be watching to see whether she will allow her beliefs as a Muslim to succumb to the party policy." yep, they'll be watching... what else will they be doing???

The Greens, often criticised as representing a trendy inner-city elite, claimed Dr Faruqi as another triumph -- she will become the first Greens MP in NSW from a migrant background, yes the Greens are backwards and slow... a characteristic she plans to use to help the party build links with migrant communities in Sydney's west. Yep like Labor do, set up migrant branches and participation.
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Re: Green Muslim

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:27 pm

Rorschach wrote:Well you have to hand it to the Greens. They've now decided to pick a woman,
They almost always do ... despite unlike the ALP, not using the affirmative action gerrymander, where a pre-selection vote for a female is worth 1.4 votes for a male.
This is probably due to the fact a large majority of Greens members are old women.
Rorschach wrote:The Greens said yesterday that Dr Faruqi was preselected by a postal ballot of all NSW members of the party, from a field of seven in a contest in which only women could run.
Hardly surprising, considering the 'women good, men bad' victim mentality of NSW Greens in particular ... although I am expecting NSW Greens to eventually achieve their 'vegetarians only' desire for their membership.
Rorschach wrote:Islamic Friendship Association spokesman Keysar Trad Trad is no recommendation yesterday hailed the move as a major advance in demonstrating opportunity for Muslim women in Australia, but cautioned Dr Faruqi could have difficulty reconciling the teachings of Islam with Greens policies, particularly the party's acceptance of homosexuality and support for gay marriage. So, will they boot her out or will they expect her to become an apostate or just simply ignore her faith?
Interesting ... back in the mid 2000s the Greens world conference was held, and the Greens world federation excused African Greens parties from promoting homosexual equality agendas .. because Africans are so anti-gay, African Greens members, delegates and politicians were likely to be killed.

Currently the Greens are asking their membership if the party should change its name, and if so, what to?
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Re: Green Muslim

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:02 pm

Yet another 'bright' idea from the Greens. Better there than in either of the major parties. What a farce.

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Re: Green Muslim

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:39 pm

Currently the Greens are asking their membership if the party should change its name, and if so, what to?
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5.56 NATO
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Re: Green Muslim

Post by 5.56 NATO » Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:43 pm

Farce but the OZPOL leftist shit beetles will be pulling themselves in half over it, they would cut all their throats in Gandalfland..and that :mrgreen:
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Re: Green Muslim

Post by AnaTom » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:39 pm

Sarah handsdown dumb of the Greens

loves petting boat people, migrants, refugees and especially the hard done by ones. Has her petulant attitude contributed to a form of national contrition for these wayward people. And does she at all recognise her approach is good for an aspiring jihadist or other criminal?

And why does ABC radio always get her on to rant with same attitude she has always displayed? And using the same harsh words for every conversation piece.

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