Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

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Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by Aussie » Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:36 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
aussie wrote:Is that you back-peddling (pedalling)?

aussie wrote:Ya he will tell you......I have not done what you obviously aggressively and deliberately inferred. Must be hard for you to comprehend that Black Orchid.
Who knows what you have or have not done? You couldn't lie straight in bed.
aussie wrote:Now....back to my question. Anything you'd like to tell PA on this matter, Black Orchid?
You appear to be the one with comprehension problems here. If you cannot understand what I have already typed you should attend some ESL classes.

You are just a troll.
So...any developments you'd like to share.....given the Opening Post?

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Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:30 pm

Aussie is fascinated with developments because he suffers from being under it.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

the Indian Bride

Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by the Indian Bride » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:10 am

Would one of you be so kindly to host an intervention for my husband known to you as Aussie? I need to get him to cut back on his internet usage. It would be very helpful, Thank you.


Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by c'mon » Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:38 am

Black Orchid wrote:Everyone has read what you have typed aussie. Here is just one. "They" being the new OzPol registrations ...
aussie wrote:(For the zillionth time) they will not post here under the current management....... If you want a chance of new blood, they want new Management. You blokes choose.

Pretty simple really.
So Red Baron, Light etc have told you how much they dislike AIA and his current Admin and that that they will not post here while AIA is in charge? Really?

I believe that rash statements like this need clarification. So I made enquiries.

as per usual maggot aussie deflects and the point is lost. soooooo aussie any comment on the above "PROOF" you demanded from black orchid, and then ignored, as it isn't conducive to your little games?

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Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:26 pm

I named my dog after the Red Barron .. 'coz as a pup he was red, black & white.

if you've been imped Barron, chances are it's Aussie.
Could be anyone, but Aussie has a penchant for impersonating others in political forums.
So just blame Aussie, OK?
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:37 pm

Aussie wrote:Everyone of those new Members from OzPol Is 100% genuine, every one. You people are transfixed within with your entirely predictable paranoias and prejudices.

Well, now we know that simply isn't true: not all new members from OzPol are genuine and paranoia and prejudice has nothing to do with it.


Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by Aussie » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:44 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:
Aussie wrote:Everyone of those new Members from OzPol Is 100% genuine, every one. You people are transfixed within with your entirely predictable paranoias and prejudices.

Well, now we know that simply isn't true: not all new members from OzPol are genuine and paranoia and prejudice has nothing to do with it.
I'll vouch for those I have spoken to. I'll list them elsewhere.......where you asked me to do your work for you.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:57 pm

Aussie wrote:
AiA in Atlanta wrote:
Aussie wrote:Everyone of those new Members from OzPol Is 100% genuine, every one. You people are transfixed within with your entirely predictable paranoias and prejudices.

Well, now we know that simply isn't true: not all new members from OzPol are genuine and paranoia and prejudice has nothing to do with it.
I'll vouch for those I have spoken to. I'll list them elsewhere.......where you asked me to do your work for you.
But but but ...

You have already vouched for ALL of them.

Oh me, oh my :giggle

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Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:59 pm

But but but ...

You have already vouched for ALL of them.

Oh me, oh my :giggle
:rofl :rofl :rofl
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Red Baron Someone posting under my logo?

Post by Aussie » Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:03 pm

You have already vouched for ALL of them.
Nope. Those I have listed....I'll vouch for as people I have spoken to. I have not spoken to others, but they all are likely genuine. Get over it.

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