The publication these grubs were feeding n formation to should also be charged, especially that piece of shitcunt Wendy Bacon, who has long been a lefty fuckstain and the editor is some white prick who thinks he's a blackcunt. Both these two pieces of a hit deserve a stinking steamer laid in their dirty fucking mouths and to lose their jobs at whatever hobo brothel they are working at.
These are two of the most unprofessional people who claim to be 'working' in journalism and thankfully, the other two dirty fucking cuntstains who were doing their hacking have their names out there and will be unemployable (unless its by another leftwing toilet but even then, people would be looking over their shoulder at them. Not trustworthy in any case) in any school or media operation.
If 4 people deserved to be homeless and eating out of bins, or dead in a gutter and covered in shit, it would be these 4 pathetic excuses for humans.
Wendy Bacon
Chris Graham
Melletios Kyriakidis
Freya Newman
Hope the rest of your lives ends up completely fucked, your children die horrible deaths and you get bowel cancer so bad you end up drowning internally on your own shit.