The cabinet reshuffle

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Jovial Monk

The cabinet reshuffle

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:26 pm

One very deserved promotion into cabinet was Chris Bowen, formerly Assistant Treasurer (and a non-cabinet Minister.)

Unlike Pouty Pete's Asst Treas, who was busy introducing Bills Pouty Pete was TOO LAZY to introduce himself Chris has been busy introducing and getting passed Bills relating to increasing competition--we now have a Treasurer in Wayne Swan who introduces his own fucking Bills to the HoR.

Mark Abib was a factional ally promoted and I don't agree with it. However, Mark will now have to perform or sink.

This crap about "jobs for the boys" the detritus of Pig Iron Bob's Party have been coming up with is laughable! Horatio gave Bronnie Bishop a front bench spot because Labor has all these great women in the Ministry and Cabinet. Turdbull was sensible enough to send her back to the back bench.

Talking about the Fibs, boy are they an OLD party. Tuckey, Bronnie Bishop, The Cadaver Ruddock etc etc. Very appealing in this 21st century, NOT!

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Re: The cabinet reshuffle

Post by Hebe » Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:49 am

Nothing wrong with mature people Monk. 8-)

I cant believe the Opposition got stuck in about the lack of women - with Gillard, Wong, Macklin, Roxon, Plibersek and Ellis having ministries, compared to the very lacklustre lineup of Bishop, Coonan, Sharman Stone, Mirabella, Markus, Ley and May. God, I've never even heard of some of these people. What the hell do they do?
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.

Jovial Monk

Re: The cabinet reshuffle

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:18 am

Several of those in Cabinet and one Deputy PM and having acted as PM for like nearly 3 months?

Nothing wrong with maturity. I am mature in years, like a fine wine or aged Parmesan cheese but hopefully not to mature--set like concrete--like some quite young people's brains are. KRSs may remember young Walker, for example. The old bod is mature: arthritis, bursitis now fucking floaters in right eye.

Nibbling at a blueberry muffin still slightly warm as I type this. Hmmmm!


Re: The cabinet reshuffle

Post by Ethnic » Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:59 pm

I am so fucking angry with Rudd and do not agree with his Cabinet decisions. How dare he not make Kate Ellis Overlord Minister for Everything and Everyone. This is an injustice, an outrage!!! I demand to be ruled by Kate Ellis.

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