Exellent move Abbott.

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DaS Energy

Exellent move Abbott.

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:49 pm

"The Abbott government has given itself a potential double-dissolution trigger after parliament's lower house passed a carbon tax repeal bill previously rejected by the Senate.
Leader of the House Christopher Pyne said the government was anxious to have the bill dealt with because it had already been debated by both houses.
'The house just wants to get on with it,' he told parliament". Sky-News 27/03/2014

The Bill will be before the Senate before July! Not the Senate Abbott wants, then stand again at fresh elections.

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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by skippy » Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:33 pm

Yea bring it on I say, this weeks polls have him at 45.5/54.5 TPP, that's six months now of solid bad polls. I think he's a one termer, funny thing is Labor are doing nothing to prove they are any better, he's just sooooo bad. :rofl

DaS Energy

Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:31 pm

Next move, he needs a date breaker for next election to get past Ford, Toyota, Holden, Alcoa, unemployment turnout. He gets that and a cause by double dissolution. Him and Rudd both hollow men!

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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by skippy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:34 am

LucasTheInnkeeper wrote:
skippy wrote:Yea bring it on I say, this weeks polls have him at 45.5/54.5 TPP, that's six months now of solid bad polls. I think he's a one termer, funny thing is Labor are doing nothing to prove they are any better, he's just sooooo bad. :rofl
Oh yes please there is nothing like seeing intelligent Australians giving Labor another kick in the guts again. No manner of leftard polling has ever proven accurate yet. Oh yes the landslide win against Howard :rofl :rofl :rofl

Nielson Polls for the looney leftard win I say.

Hey I know lets sample a 1,000 leftards and produce a poll. Then we will publish it and say it represents all Australians and yes they will all believe us yes they will.
If you think Labor have any sort of reputation left you are living in La La Land... They would be lucky to get one leg over come the next election. In case you haven't noticed the majority of Australians think Labor and their loony supporters are nothing but a bunch of clowns now thanks to that hilarious little gerbil kevin rudd and Bob Browns puppet Juliar Gillard. What a laugh to see the supporters still blathering on after getting their asses kicked and continually made a fool of by the Abbott government. Better keep listening to the ABC fairies down the back of the garden :rofl :rofl :rofl

The funny thing and also great thing is, is Labor think they have to do nothing to fix their reputation as the class clowns of the country.

Priceless :thumb
Oh please keep believing that, this is gold even confirmed retards know the women basher is in major shit.Every polling company has Labor ahead pull your head out of your ass. On second thoughts don't bother. I want to see you squirm when the women basher gets fucked over like he's used to from his seminary days, priceless. :rofl :rofl :rofl Labor are useless, and yet according to every poll bar two over the past six months they would beat the basher, enjoy your fantasy..

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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by skippy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:15 pm

LucasTheInnkeeper wrote:
skippy wrote: Oh please keep believing that, this is gold even confirmed retards know the women basher is in major shit.Every polling company has Labor ahead pull your head out of your ass. On second thoughts don't bother. I want to see you squirm when the women basher gets fucked over like he's used to from his seminary days, priceless. :rofl :rofl :rofl Labor are useless, and yet according to every poll bar two over the past six months they would beat the basher, enjoy your fantasy..
Says a person who just posted his fantasy :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl that is PURE GOLD.

I take it you are a very intelligent man running around calling the PM a woman basher :thumb . How old are you 10 ? Not surprising you slurp up the baby food that you are spoon fed and cannot think for yourself. Labor are useless everyone knows it, that's why they laugh at people quoting the polls. Only one poll counts, and that is voting day, and that usually makes an ass of all these pretend polls you guys keep quoting. Quoting a poll means nothing and is NOT the Australian public's view. But you already knew this yes ? Just deal with the fact your little buddies are not running the joint in an intelligent and mature manner instead of throwing tantrums all the time. Nah scrub that.

As you were. :thumb
Thanks for the troll. Now some facts, every poll bar two in the last six months including every pollster has the women basher losing, the fact you refuse to accept that just shows what an ignorant fuckwit you are. :rofl

DaS Energy

Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:53 pm

Re: Abbott lying to his back teeth!

Postby DaS Energy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:47 pm

Abbott knows the media is moving closer to asking for any International law that allows Abbott under arms to take people from a boat in International waters, put them in an Australian boat and harass them with arms till they beach on Malaysian shores.

Illegal immigrants arriving in Australian boats on Malaysian shores, in Abbotts mind has nothing to do with his people smuggling to Malaysian, and those boats clearly market property of the Australian Government were never purchase by Abbott, and no Australian money was used in their purchase. Just ask Abbotts Australian general in charge of naval operations.

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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:07 pm

We still have another 2 and a half years to go my scaly little short dicked friend.

Polls always take a hit during hard decision times. Youll just have to put up with it for another 2.5 years and see what the polols say.

How was your last prediction? ;lol: ;lol: Something about Gillard and Abbott? Wasnt it something also about how Abbott is unelectable? Your track record speaks for itself skip. You and Monk would be on par for fuckwit predicitons with the same strike rate. You couldnt pick a winner in a one horse race :lol:
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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by skippy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:25 pm

LucasTheInnkeeper wrote:
skippy wrote: Thanks for the troll. Now some facts, every poll bar two in the last six months including every pollster has the women basher losing, the fact you refuse to accept that just shows what an ignorant fuckwit you are. :rofl
Using the term woman basher is childish and removes any credibility you think you have in the eye of people that use their intellect..

So that rules you out . :roll:

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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by skippy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:28 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:We still have another 2 and a half years to go my scaly little short dicked friend.

Polls always take a hit during hard decision times.:
Um, the women basher has never had a honeymoon, the worst polls ever for a new government. Even you are not as intellectually challenged as your retarded mate Lucas are you spermy? Actually don't bother answering that. :hlo

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Re: Exellent move Abbott.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:36 pm

When the coalition manages to get 3 years of negative polling, then you can come back and claim that we have beaten your piss poor record.

Until then you've got nada.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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